Why is the crowd so quiet

mat said:
Felt like a leper in Colin bell today.

Trying to strike up singing and it felt like a lost battle. Felt like you couldn't say anything without being given looks. We scored the winner joined in the "fight to the end" chant and the people around me were too busy playing with their phones.

I`m fucking shocked to hear that they were still there at 90 minutes mate. ;)
mat said:
Felt like a leper in Colin bell today.

Trying to strike up singing and it felt like a lost battle. Felt like you couldn't say anything without being given looks. We scored the winner joined in the "fight to the end" chant and the people around me were too busy playing with their phones.

This 100% , also in the colin bell stand today , hate slagging fellow supporters off , but we have got to do better than this , 4,000 blues at our away games , make more noise than 40,000 at our home games .
I'm so frustrated that safe standing isn't being put forward to any club that wants it, fair enough about why liverpool don't want it, or at least it would be if one whole stand of their stadium wasn't stood up all game, they don't really have a leg to stand on! Bit of topic but I don't think many would deny it would improve the atmosphere massively. I'm 16 and my biggest problem was not being able to sit with my mates and were spread around 109 so why not just make this new stand into and all stander and unreserved?
I agree with a lot of what's said in this thread.

- It is partly due to the allocation of seats. - It is partly the prices and the fact that (sorry but 90% of the time correct) a 21yr old lad will be louder than a 69yr old. And seeing as the 69yr old can afford the tickets and the 21yr old struggles to, it changes the mix.
- It is partly because our support isn't properly organised
- It is partly because there are too many people looking at you like you shot someone when you sing, cause it's not acceptable
Etc. Etc. Etc.

It's all true and it all plays its part. I'm from Holland and supported my Dutch team every week, until I moved here over 10 years ago. I since own 2 season tickets at City. I was never fortunate enough to experience the Maine Road years, but there's no excuse why another great atmoshere wouldn't be achievable now.

At City, we sing the same 3 songs over and over and over. That's no good. In Holland we created songs tailored to whoever our opponent was... Always creative. The whole firm/core group knew these songs and it spread like wildfire. But people have to be willing and be allowed to sing, which are related, as a lot of people won't sing anymore after the 3rd nasty look or "shut up"... Change this, get creative and it'd already be better.

Another simple way is to simply have to two parts next to the away fans sing chants like clubs such as Bayern. Those chants that just continue throughout, that never stop. With clapping and jumping and god knows what. But then we come to our next issue which is that even those two sides can't be bothered anymore. There used to be a chemistry between those parts, but that's gone. And as the stadium relies on them and they don't get a supply anymore, it's over. I think our "core" has a big hand in it all. If even they're not bothered, well...

But I really think if everyone actually does, rather than talks, there's no reason why we couldn't blow the (non-existant) roof off the place... No excuse really.
jimmygrimblesboots said:
mat said:
Felt like a leper in Colin bell today.

Trying to strike up singing and it felt like a lost battle. Felt like you couldn't say anything without being given looks. We scored the winner joined in the "fight to the end" chant and the people around me were too busy playing with their phones.

This 100% , also in the colin bell stand today , hate slagging fellow supporters off , but we have got to do better than this , 4,000 blues at our away games , make more noise than 40,000 at our home games .

For once I will join you in that lament. I usually defend the CBL1 but yesterday it was dire. I shouted, tried to sing but no one joined in at all. I was, however, & there is no disrespect here, surrounded by strangers! Only 4 of my usual companions were there & the majority seemed to be children under 10 with their parents. I also noticed as I queued to go in that most of the people around had paper tickets!

Great to see a large crowd but the noise only came from the Sheffield fans.

By the way I decided, in the queue that it is the SC holders who are the plastics & the 'newcomers' should be re-named the papers!!
I sit in block 121 LV1 in CB,

Got awkward in there yesterday as it's usually the cut off point for standers, coming round from the SS, depending on the size of the game. The derby, Bayern, dippers First and last games of the season everybody stands. Any others we seem to sit.

Me personally, I like to stand, but I also live in a democracy and can't be arsed with fuss so If the majority sit i sit. No complaints.

We had the lads to the right of the sheff weds in 120 standing up and really "encouraging" us to stand too. A few smatterings did and a few smatterings didn't. After half crouching and deciding i'm gonna get an earful from somebody no matter what I do i decide to stand, along with he rest of my row. Cue 5 minutes later the fella behind me (the only person now sitting for a few rows) Gets up, moves to an empty seat (dont tell the rags!) in the next block, obviously pissed off and venting his frustration to his new neigbours by pointing over at us and spouting off something.

Now that's his absolute right to be pissed off. I would be too if I'd paid for a ticket expecting to sit.

Only a minority of our support are interested in "making an atmosphere" no different to any other club. everybody is scattered. And the blocks either side of the away fans do their bit, but I think they would be better as one section. The songs get muddled IMHO. Bunching the vocal element of our support all together is the only answer. I don't buy this "young working class lads make the loudest noise" theory either. Plenty of them in my block yesterday with their cheap priced tickets and a stack of away fans to give "Bantz" to. But most of them sat there like lemons. Class, creed, local, non-local plastic, non plastic. Vocal supporters can be any of these. Just need to be in one place!

If you are vocal as a supporter encourage the club to get a section set up with all the others.
hazmcfc said:
I'm so frustrated that safe standing isn't being put forward to any club that wants it, fair enough about why liverpool don't want it, or at least it would be if one whole stand of their stadium wasn't stood up all game, they don't really have a leg to stand on! Bit of topic but I don't think many would deny it would improve the atmosphere massively. I'm 16 and my biggest problem was not being able to sit with my mates and were spread around 109 so why not just make this new stand into and all stander and unreserved?

All of that. I'm 50.
bluemoon98 said:
From the 1894 group twitter.

Good news of sorts. The club have expressed an interest in our idea to reconfigure singers from august. Further details to come shortly.



<a class="postlink" href="https://twitter.com/1894group_mcfc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://twitter.com/1894group_mcfc</a>
bluemoon98 said:
From the 1894 group twitter.

Good news of sorts. The club have expressed an interest in our idea to reconfigure singers from august. Further details to come shortly.

Common sense prevails.

It can only be good for everyone. Better atmosphere, players will notice this too im sure and people who want to stand dont have to have an ongoing battle with people paying to sit!

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