Why is the crowd so quiet

It is ENTIRELY the fault of the so called 'lads' in the South Stand and the South/East corner.

1) Instead of having 'an end' which could, if they really wanted, be a mass of singing City fans, they INSISTED on being 'next to the away fans' when we moved ground. Then those that didn't feel like they were near enough to away fans then moved on the other side of them. An opportunity lost to have 'an end' from 2003 onwards. An end is crucial to atmosphere. Absolutely crucial.

2) Even with the above, it should still be better, louder, more vociferous. I don't sit/stand in either of these areas but I look across and see thousands of 'lads' with their arms folded doing nothing. There's no point blaming the acoustics or the stewards or anything else. If you want to sing for 90 minutes then nobody stops you - but you don't. Fine, I don't care but stop complaining about the atmosphere.

Finally, it is a waste of time to think that anywhere else in the ground is ever going to be atmospheric. It isn't and those that sit in those blocks don't necessarily care - and why should they?. Frankly they've as much right to sit and watch as you do to...err...stand and watch.

Ignore the rest of the ground, sort yourselves out, sing all game, and if you don't then stop blaming everyone and anything else.
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:

Put the prices down and get the young working class lads back, you'll get an atmosphere. The average age of our crowd must be about 50. In blackcrowes videos you can see how old even our away fanbase is.

Stadium design has nothing to do with it. If it did why were the Poznan,Aris, Dortmund fans so loud, we just need people to actually sing.

hahaha…you assume that only young working class lads sing!! bollocks. Its like saying only working class people swear/fight/pick their noses…also bollocks as well as insulting to all classes.
The main reason at the moment, IMHO, is that fans are learning to cope with the stress of success!! They are nervous because we now want to retain trophies rather than win the first one. The atmosphere is great when we're winning! Fans won't get behind the team because they demand wins and cant stomach a loss ….but they are quick enough to moan and boo! Some moaning idiots are getting on my nerves - especially the ones that text or phone GMR after the game - in particular the one that demanded the sacking of Pellegrini because we drew our 10th game of which we WON the other 9 - embarrassing or what! Its nothing to do with the design of the ground. The Poznan was done by all our fans - irrespective of class!!!
marco said:
like one of the other posters said it could be our aging fan base and of course the cost, id say the later of the two, but from my aging experience believe it or not i enjoyed watching city more when we were shit and i know i'm not alone in thinking this, i have missed more games since the takeover than in twenty five years of Maine road, i'd snatch your hands off to re live the Joe Royal years, i still have my season ticket and will continue to buy it but have completely lost interest, its strange if i don't go to a game i will sit glued to the TV or laptop so it cant be MCFC i have fallen out of love with i think its the set up and by that i mean the stewarding 'don't stand in my blue box stuff' and the other general petty rules

I can't believe what I have just read - you must be mad to say you preferred us when we were shit! I don't believe you and what's more you do NOT 'know' that other people think the same because, believe me, they don't. Indeed, the current fans couldn't stomach being shit and those of us that DID go through 30 years of shit would NOT want to be in that situation again. Go and give your head a wobble.
CC1 said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:

Put the prices down and get the young working class lads back, you'll get an atmosphere. The average age of our crowd must be about 50. In blackcrowes videos you can see how old even our away fanbase is.

Stadium design has nothing to do with it. If it did why were the Poznan,Aris, Dortmund fans so loud, we just need people to actually sing.

hahaha…you assume that only young working class lads sing!! bollocks. Its like saying only working class people swear/fight/pick their noses…also bollocks as well as insulting to all classes.
The main reason at the moment, IMHO, is that fans are learning to cope with the stress of success!! They are nervous because we now want to retain trophies rather than win the first one. The atmosphere is great when we're winning! Fans won't get behind the team because they demand wins and cant stomach a loss ….but they are quick enough to moan and boo! Some moaning idiots are getting on my nerves - especially the ones that text or phone GMR after the game - in particular the one that demanded the sacking of Pellegrini because we drew our 10th game of which we WON the other 9 - embarrassing or what! Its nothing to do with the design of the ground. The Poznan was done by all our fans - irrespective of class!!!

I haven't assumed anything, just my opinion. Lots of types of fans sing, but a lot of the ones that sing are from that kind of background and always have been. It's not like saying only working class people fight or swear because that's completely different, I HAVENT EVEN PUT THAT. THats like reading someone's post then making something up to try and reply back... Hahahaha

Of course class if a factor in atmosphere. If you've got a ground full of middles class families for example arsenal then a ground full of working class lads say ours. Then ours is gonna be louder. I'm not trying to make his I to some class warfare debate. Just making the point like in Germany young lads can afford to go, that type of demographic we are missing, who would contribute to atmosphere

You've took that the complete wrong way
Manchester33 said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:

Put the prices down and get the young working class lads back, you'll get an atmosphere. The average age of our crowd must be about 50. In blackcrowes videos you can see how old even our away fanbase is.

Stadium design has nothing to do with it. If it did why were the Poznan,Aris, Dortmund fans so loud, we just need people to actually sing.

Although price plays a big part in terms of attendance, it has no correlation with singing. 45,000 people were at the game yesterday, you've got to think at least 10,000 of those were between the 18-35 bracket, but still no one was singing. 35,000 City fans went to the Wednesday game in the cup which cost nothing and there still wasn't any singing. Whereas Crystal Palace average about 22,000 a game, charge similar prices (in a more affluent area I'll admit) and have the best crowd in the country. It's not to do with price, it's more to do with encouragement, and that encouragement has to be fan led. But that crowd led encouragement needs to be facilitated by the club which at this moment in time isn't happening as much as it should, but things are changing.

That's a lot to do with where fans are positioned. If we had an organised block or stand full of singers then that would change, palace ha there own blck of singers. The Wednesday game was aimed at families, so the ground was full of families, which is great but isn't gonna get an atmosphere.
I think its because the whole stadium has turned into the Main stand of years ago!

went to two games when I was over Chelsea and Roma and it was comical. Surronding me in both games (even though I sat in two different places) were a set of people I think had been transferred from the Main stand in 1983.

You cant play, yaya your the laziest bastard Ive ever seen, Dzeko you're worse than Vonk etc etc - never heard as much whinging in my life - until Frank scored in the Chelsea game all it was was people moaning about this and that!

That's way the atmosphere is crap - too many whingers! though I was in the Colin Bell stand which may be the new Main Stand and atmosphere was better elsewhere. I think overall there is no where with the density of people and the atmosphere we used to have in the kjppax which I remember rocking as a kid. I remember whinging then too but it always seemed to be done for pisstaking and humour reasons and there just wasn't the humour, the gallows spirit, the loud battles for the funniest comment etc that I remember through to the keegan days. I think success has taken away our raison d'etre and it has certainly deeply dampened our humour (except on the cellar)
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
CC1 said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:

Put the prices down and get the young working class lads back, you'll get an atmosphere. The average age of our crowd must be about 50. In blackcrowes videos you can see how old even our away fanbase is.

Stadium design has nothing to do with it. If it did why were the Poznan,Aris, Dortmund fans so loud, we just need people to actually sing.

hahaha…you assume that only young working class lads sing!! bollocks. Its like saying only working class people swear/fight/pick their noses…also bollocks as well as insulting to all classes.
The main reason at the moment, IMHO, is that fans are learning to cope with the stress of success!! They are nervous because we now want to retain trophies rather than win the first one. The atmosphere is great when we're winning! Fans won't get behind the team because they demand wins and cant stomach a loss ….but they are quick enough to moan and boo! Some moaning idiots are getting on my nerves - especially the ones that text or phone GMR after the game - in particular the one that demanded the sacking of Pellegrini because we drew our 10th game of which we WON the other 9 - embarrassing or what! Its nothing to do with the design of the ground. The Poznan was done by all our fans - irrespective of class!!!

I haven't assumed anything, just my opinion. Lots of types of fans sing, but a lot of the ones that sing are from that kind of background and always have been. It's not like saying only working class people fight or swear because that's completely different, I HAVENT EVEN PUT THAT. THats like reading someone's post then making something up to try and reply back... Hahahaha

Of course class if a factor in atmosphere. If you've got a ground full of middles class families for example arsenal then a ground full of working class lads say ours. Then ours is gonna be louder. I'm not trying to make his I to some class warfare debate. Just making the point like in Germany young lads can afford to go, that type of demographic we are missing, who would contribute to atmosphere

You've took that the complete wrong way

I am not sure that's true to be fair, I watch a lot of cricket and other sports and have been at games when for example the Barmy Army have sung loud as anything for 3 or 4 hours - (now its fair to say alcohol is part of that) but there aren't that many working class boys amongst them, there are a lot of upper middle class boys but they are there to sing and enjoy and they do. Think it is probably in part that less alcohol is drunk, partly a change in society, partly the fans have had success and in many ways success ruins atmosphere and sets high expectations , also the crowd is less dense. Trouble is now City fans feel entitled to be entertained, they feel that the team should lift the crowd and if we don't with by 4 its disappointing
I don't believe price has anything to do with it, for me its all about where the fans are situated, anyone here go to the villareal game when they moved the away fans to the top tier, I remember them scoring and you could hardly hear anything, we're giving top quality seats to the away fans which I believe if you brought the two different ends of the away fans together ( south stand city fans and South east city fans) you woulds combine all that atmosphere in one and actually get some fire back into the belies of the fans. The problem we've got is sitting here complaining about it on a forum isn't actually helping, what would help is a huge petition or something of that nature to show the club and actually get some answers. If you actually agree then let me know and let's get something done about it!!!
how the f*ck am i supposed to sing , when i am taking pictures on my i phone , eating my hotdog , balancing my coca cola , and trying to read the programme , in between all this , ive got to get on faceache and tell all my mates ive had a shit at half time (with a HD image of the offending turd) , then send a text winding up a rag mate of mine , if it werent for those big screens , i would probably never see a goal , this singing lark will never catch on

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