Wilfried Bony 2015/2016 Performances

Is that what your logic is mate, that's all I'm wondering?

As I said, it was a tongue in cheek remark I made. The counter argument to Sterling being poor being made on here was that he will thrive under pep, so I threw into the mix that Bony would also thrive under Pep. (which he might) :)
As I said, it was a tongue in cheek remark I made. The counter argument to Sterling being poor being made on here was that he will thrive under pep, so I threw into the mix that Bony would also thrive under Pep. (which he might) :)
Good luck trying to defend Bony on here mate, the juries been out, delivered it's verdict, passed sentence, and already had him hung, drawn and quartered. ;)

I have to admit I thought it was a cracking signing when we bought him, because every time I watched him play for Swansea he impressed me. He was the one striker who continually gave Vinny problems even when he was at peak fitness, and I could see him being an excellent foil for Aguero, or to give us the option of resting Sergio. Fair enough, the performance levels haven't been there, so he's copped a lot of justified stick, but I still believe there's a player in there, and it's not beyond the bounds of possibility that we will see that player again, either here under Pep or somewhere else, and I don't believe it's that outlandish an opinion to hold.
What a tool. We won't get a damn thing for him now. Swansea are grinning from ear to ear. Well. At least his Twitter posts are interesting.
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Ah, the Wilfried Bony mystery. Will we ever get to the bottom of it?
A reflex striker is roughly 80% instinct and intuition, roughly 20% reflection on what he’s doing. If he loses confidence in his instincts, he loses most of his game. That appears to be what happened to Bony. He must have had something, prior to coming to us. I myself had high hopes for him, I don’t deny it.
I just do not believe that he has always been the clueless, ineffective player that he has so often looked for us.
The real question at this point though is, can whatever qualities he may have had be saved? Or rather, revived, under a different regime? Is it worth persevering? My gut feeling is that Pep will take one look at this guy and say to himself, “You’re for the bench, matey. At best.” But just for the hell of it, I’d kind of like to see him get a few months grace, just to see if Pep can get anything out of him.

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