Will the United States survive the 21st century?



Not too dis-similar.


Not too dis-similar.

Much harder to separate red and blue when you get down within states though:


Very disparate with pockets of Democrat support that are tiny in area but huge in population (generally the major cities).
Many in Texas would secede tomorrow if the opportunity presented itself but it won't, too much legal red tape involved.

Yeah, it'd be really interesting to see how Texas would work that, given its citizens pay no state income tax.

A liberal/progressive-driven California secessionist movement is kicking into gear, which is ironic, given there's been a small but vocal Far Northern (i.e. rural) California secessionist movement ongoing for 30 years in the state (i.e. conservative lumberjacks and farmers who are tired of paying the highest taxes in the land to support the central and southern metro areas forming their own state apart from California).

Of course the US will survive. The hysterics are a little silly. Someone call me when the American version of the IRA starts up and maybe we can talk about it then.
Will everyone from New York move to York then? i am doing this right yeah?
They would love the train station but they wouldn't have our history (I wasn't there. There you go I've said it. I feel lighter now)
I created this thread just after Trump's election victory, and it's still early days of course, but if his four, or (god forbid) eight years in office effectuates a seismic rightwards shift in American laws and the judiciary, as is presently being ventilated on the Trump thread, does anyone see certain, more liberal States ceding from the Union (or at least significant waves to make that happen) being a more likely outcome than they did in November?
Cannot see it breaking up, but I do wonder if Trump continues to try and harang the inteligence service, openly say that if necessary he would use the military and nsa in ilegal ways and mess with the freedoms by ignoring elements of the constitution, that (and it's highly unlikely) the idea of a coup could be considered by some or a sactioned assisination.

Loke I say highly unlikely.

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