Will the United States survive the 21st century?

Let's hope one day soon we can all look back and say. That was a laugh when Trump and his entire cabinet were sent to Guantanamo for treason wasn't it? How ironic that Trumps insistence on the renewing of torture coincided with his first day.

Water boarded the **** to fuck.

Fuck no. I plan to become a zombie! My corpse will join other culturally deprived, George Romero types and head for the English coast in Death Ships. There we will be an even worse blight on the world as we forever await for tourist getaways that never come..... eaten by German Shepard-Sized rats!
I've heard people saying the Republicans will never win another election - because America is becoming less white and less wealthy. A lot of people won't accept that.
This is quite interesting.

Was thinking about this thread the other day.

Four years on; people’s thoughts?

Edit: perhaps best moving to the politics thread?

It won't in the same way that the UK won't survive. People are becoming ungovernable, in my view, because an individual's rights, instead of being protected by society as a whole, have now become dominant over the rights of society.

You can see that in the non-acceptance of referendum or election results by the losing side. This Presidential election will be the worst ever for that.

There are a myriad reasons for that in my view just some of which are;

1) People are taught all about their "rights" without any of their commensurate responsibilities.
2) The narcissistic generations of the 60s and 70s,
3) The greed generations of the 80s and 90s
4) increased global movement of people leading to a fracturing of the mono-cultures that had previously, and sometimes only barely, held groups of like-minded people together with common interests.
5) Schools telling kids that "there is no wrong answer" and running sports days where there are no "losers" thus turning out people who believe they are never wrong and can never lose.
6) an absence of leadership. Any **** can divide people by whatever metric you want to mention. Any **** can tell a group of people that another group of people is to blame for their grievances an idea that, as we are seeing, it's very easy to sell. It takes a real leader to unite people but I'm not seeing any. Indeed as DT is showing, there is a lot of political mileage in fomenting division and, given human nature, it's a lot less effort.

This isn't going to end well in my view.

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