Wolves (A) Post Match Thread

I do not disagree with your comments re:sterling and B Silva did stay out wide more but as we know is less effective where his strength is cutting in onto his stronger left foot. Typically where he goes on the outside he gets brushed off the ball.

For me its all about the balance of the side, rather than individual performances and so I would still much prefer Steling on his right, where he had such a good season last year and Sane stretching sides on the opposite flank.

What makes you think that about Bernardo? Not sure I have noticed a lack of discipline myself and he seems like the type of intelligent footballer and mentality that he would follow Peps instructions to a tee. Not saying your wrong by the way as Pep seems to have a reluctance to play him there.
He's such an offensive minded player that i don't think he's got the discipline to play in that role, there were a few times yesterday Walker was exposed with 2 against 1 as he neglected to track back so playing him in that central role could be seen as suicide.
He's such an offensive minded player that i don't think he's got the discipline to play in that role, there were a few times yesterday Walker was exposed with 2 against 1 as he neglected to track back so playing him in that central role could be seen as suicide.

That is a bit of a worry then as I doubt he would match the assists/goals of Sterling from the right side or produce the defensive cover Sterling offers.

One thing is for sure then, we cannot play him on the same side as Mendy.
With the greatest respect, he knows better than you, as 2 trophies, 100 points, and over well 100 goals last year will testify too.

There's some rubbish talked about Gundogan, especially yesterday, where he was statistically one of the better players.

See here
I go with my eyes and he was as poor as most yesterday.
yes but those players work to defend...sterling is excellent defensively and Bernardo tackles back well (as do Silva and KDB when playing) - Sane - well this is something I've said recently about his attitude and Pep has also said it about him not working off the ball/out of possession. Gundogna is just poor defensively -this is down to his ability or lack of it
Bernardo Silva and sterling weren't yesterday though, hence the gaps down the sides, but they ain't drawing any criticism, plus it's part not all but part of the reason Mendy is knackered by the time he's got back in position to deal with a flying winger. As for De Bruyne and Silva, tackling back? Yes there's occasions when they look decent but generally speaking it's not fantastic nor pivotal how we win games, that is much more attributal to their attacking rather than defensive skills.

All managers can be stubborn to their own detriment and while Pep is a genius Im sure he also has this trait. Lets see if he plays Mendy at Anfield as I know I wouldn't (and I wouldn't have done before a ball was even kicked this season knowing what I know of Mendy and how the way Pep sets up leaves us exposed to quick turnovers (which he acknowledges)
Thought Mendy was poor yesterday. Yes he is a different threat going forward but doesn't look great defensively.

Also Gundogan just doesn't cut it for me. He doesn't see the first time ball/pass and hasn't got the close control of Silva.

Fernandinho spent large parts of the game running back towards his own goal due to us constantly losing the ball in key areas.

On another day we cruise this game 3/4 - 1. Last season we drew our second game and went on a crazy win run.
In Mendy, Pep hasn't signed a player who is only good going forward. Part of Mendy's career reputation is based on being pretty decent in the tackle - remember how well he played against us in the CL...... In the few games he's played for us, he's made more tackles and cut out more crosses than Clichy and Kolarov tended to on a like-for-like basis. As for Liverpool, I look forward to seeing Mendy giving 'em nightmares down the left. Yesterday, we were collectively below par but should still have won - screwed over by an offside handball.
Don't think any of the City fans noticed it to be fair.

I was right in line with their goal. However the poncey linesman, who looked like he should have been in the Chippendales, was nowhere near in line with it.... so had no chance of seeing the offside or handball
Makes me wonder what Delph has to do to start a game. Hardly put a foot wrong last season at LB. He will always give his best and could play in both Gundogan's and Fernandinho's position I think, if given a chance to.
Maybe, but sometimes I think we as fans are guilty of not appreciating what talent we have, because compared to each other they can maybe look a bit average at times.

Fernandinho in particular does a very important job and whatever he lacks on the ball he more than makes up for with his defensive work. Even yesterday he bailed us out a bit, despite being sloppy at times. If we ever replace him, even for a game or two, it can't be with someone who can do a job there (unless we have to play someone for that purpose due to injuries/suspensions). It has to be someone who can do just as well as Fernandinho and bring just as much to the position (albeit not necessarily in an identical way).

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