Worst And Best Cities You've Visited.

Best city - New York. Arriving at night over the Brooklyn Bridge was absolutely astounding. The day after, just walking around and seeing all these enormous, iconic buildings was just incredible. I was also very close to saying Seattle as well as it's got a brilliant laid back vibe and I thought about moving their once. Hong Kong was also phenomenal.

Worst city - Vancouver. Hated the place and I've never felt so unsafe in a city in my life. Maybe we were unlucky (a lot of people love it) but I'd say around 10% of the people were homeless and we stumbled across an area where we found bodies passed out in a park. Saw fights and generally the whole place was horrendous. Begging, people emptying bins to look for food etc was pretty commonplace. Victoria, just across the way, was the opposite though.
I stayed with relatives in Vancouver and the number of homeless in the city really stood out. Someone said transients from all over Canada move Westwards so end up there as it’s warmer.
I stayed with relatives in Vancouver and the number of homeless in the city really stood out. Someone said transients from all over Canada move Westwards so end up there as it’s warmer.
Yeah I heard similar as well - because of it's location, it's the only place homeless people can survive in Canada, so they migrate there. Even still, I've never seen as many homeless/drugged/mentally ill people in one city. We weren't too far from the "shit bit", but even still it was shocking. I've stayed in some pretty dodgy places over the years, but I've never felt as either threatened or shocked by just the numbers. The park we walked past had about 50 people passed out in it, 2 guys on the other side of the road fighting and properly going at it like they were on something. Every place we sat at for food/beers we had people begging and even saw one guy pinch a burger! :D
I've been to and really liked a lot of Cities like Barcelona, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Boston, Melbourne, Quebec, Montreal, Victoria and quite a few I didn't think were all that special, like Miami, Athens, but by far the one I was most impressed with was Tokyo.
First time we went a friend told us where to visit as we had 6 days there. So we had this list. Everywhere is reachable by train/underground, all trains are dead clean and bang on time. I get the feeling passengers would clean any marks or dirt if reqd.
So you go to an area of the city like Ginza or Ueno, you walk out of the station and every area is completely different and like a city in it's own right. One will have ancient temples, one will have a thousand market stalls, one is a city of the future, one is shopping malls, Ueno is full of big beautiful parks, Shinjuku is brighter than Vegas at night.
Everything is open late, very clean and the people are very friendly with a good sense of humour and helpful and seem to love visitors.
Hardly any crime. I think everyone is very proud of whatever job they do and do it to the best of their ability. (which I admire). I'd rate Japanese as the best dressed race on earth, they love nice clothes.
Eg taxi drivers outside stations, they wear suits, sometimes white gloves and have the cleanest taxi's I've ever been in. Seats have starched white covers. Also they won't give you fake notes in your change like they do in China.

Have been a few times now and can't wait to go again to the north of the country.


It's like 6 cities in one. here is a map of Tokyo underground :) You can get bullet trains to other cities. All ticket machines are multi-lingual so you just press the English button and hey presto!
Most people hardly ever drive.


Cleanliness is very impressive...

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I've been lucky to travel to a hell of a lot of places down the years and the one city that stands out head n shoulders above the others is Sydney. Absolutely the best place on the planet for me. So geared up for family,sport and beer :) The travel system is amazing and the beaches second to none. And if you invest a bit of time with the locals,they're decent people. Unbelievable place! Worst..Mmm It's not a city, but took my little girl to Pickafort in Majorca about 5 years ago. They were the most horrible people I've ever encountered! Ignorant,rude and really hated the English. I'll never visit Majorca again. Worst City? Don't really have one tbh, although I'm not a big fan of London.
London shits on Sydney. Not a little but a lot.
Yeah I heard similar as well - because of it's location, it's the only place homeless people can survive in Canada, so they migrate there. Even still, I've never seen as many homeless/drugged/mentally ill people in one city. We weren't too far from the "shit bit", but even still it was shocking. I've stayed in some pretty dodgy places over the years, but I've never felt as either threatened or shocked by just the numbers. The park we walked past had about 50 people passed out in it, 2 guys on the other side of the road fighting and properly going at it like they were on something. Every place we sat at for food/beers we had people begging and even saw one guy pinch a burger! :D
I had a great time there, wandered all over the place drunk as hell, met a few characters but no hassle

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