Worst pain you've experienced

When I was a lot younger I got a fatty lump on my back (a lymph?). I am a coward for doctors so left it but eventually it became bigger, then septic and blood was filling the lump. Painful enough, but it became unbearable while I was working in rural Holland. Went to the local doctor and he cut it open and squeezed the fat out. Did he use an anaesthetic? Did he fuck. Just cold sprayed it and away he went. Jesus Christ, I knew then what it is like in those cowboy films having a bullet removed biting on a spoon. Stitches? Naah, taped a piece of gauze on it.

Still, I now have what looks like a bullet hole in my back. A useful conversation piece with the ladies (back in the day in case Mrs hcu sees this).
My dog died this morning.

That. It’s worse than my kidney stones and I don’t know how I’m meant to continue.
Hard to say. Some grim ones in here but here’s a few candidates from me…

A kidney stone that blocked off and caused my kidney to become nephrotic then getting a needle stuck in my back to tap off the infected fluid.

Getting the kidney removed and the other kidney stopping working leading to not passing any fluid at all for about two days and blowing up like a painful balloon.

Three bowel surgeries in 5 days, combined with two intussusceptions that blocked off my abdomen and had me throwing up bile while trying not to bust open the 12 inch scar on my stomach (this probably wins).

Having the staples yanked out of a different 9 inch scar in a slightly unpleasant part of the body.

Local anaesthetic in the base of my foot, not fun if you have sensitive feet.

Arthritis in both hips. To the point where I didn’t have a proper night’s sleep in 6 months. Constant pain and misery.

I could have listed one of the other 22 surgeries, they’re usually all painful in some way. All part of the fun of spina bifida.

But you know what… I’m super lucky, I have a great quality of life, a beautiful wife and a great job… and I’m very blessed. Life’s too short to feel sorry for yourself.
My dog died this morning.

That. It’s worse than my kidney stones and I don’t know how I’m meant to continue.
That’s genuinely awful news. I feel for you pal. I’ve lost 2 over the years and ours is 8 now. You know it’s gonna happen one day but you’re never ready for it.
My dog died this morning.

That. It’s worse than my kidney stones and I don’t know how I’m meant to continue.
When our cat died at the ripe old age of 19 me and the Mrs were devastated , even though it was the most anti social cat you would ever meet.
It hated being picked up and would only give cuddles on her terms.
All I can say at this very sad time for you is try to think of the fantastic life you gave to it.

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