Would anyone be willing to boycott a game?

I gave up my season ticket 4 years a go. It was around £380 then, and went to £425. It is currently around £700 i believe. It wasn't just the season ticket price. Parking went from £5 to £10 over night. The beer and food also went up. At the time, i couldn't justify the extra expense, so decided to use that seasons ticket money to nail the biggest moveable satellite dish to the side of my house. I now watch every City game that is shown somewhere in the world.
I still get the odd ticket, but it is never in the same place.
My finances are now on the up and i could justify getting a premium seat. But i really enjoyed the standing section, as i just cannot sing sat down. I cannot imagine i would get away with standing in the posh seats!
I've also got out of the habit of going. I used to have a routine, and couldn't wait until the next match. Now i just plan what time to turn the TV on and watch.
I don't blame the club for price rises (it's a business). I just decided for my self that i wouldn't pay it. Not bitter, just smart...
If you really couldn't wait for the next match, that doesn't sound smart to me. I like watching football on TV, but not City. hate it. I go to support the team anyway. Entertainment does not come into it otherwise 30,000 blues would have stopped going 30 years ago.
you can see it when your at the match. when i went to wembly last week the vast majority of people on my coach were at least 55. the big problem is when it changes to adult tickets at 22 the price goes up a lot. if we could have a 22-24 category it would go a long way to bridging that age gap.

Cheaper tickets all round would be better, but with people now often doing 3 degrees or lower paid work under 25 it would be good to extend the category below to 16-24.

The majority of people of over 40 in the country, a mix at the game of young and old is good too see. Had scroats move near us in the South Stand a few years ago, complaining about too many women, children and old people ruining the atmosphere - they didn't last long.
If you really couldn't wait for the next match, that doesn't sound smart to me. I like watching football on TV, but not City. hate it. I go to support the team anyway. Entertainment does not come into it otherwise 30,000 blues would have stopped going 30 years ago.

Smart as in knowing when enough is enough. Football clubs know that people are loyal to their clubs and are willing to be exploited (to show their support) more than normal consumers. Football fans have an emotional connection that goes beyond reason. And yes i did/do look forward to every game. International breaks are a nightmare as is the summer break.
I think the point people are trying to make is that the match going fan is not an area that the club need to target. I know every penny counts in business, but sometimes a small loss can be recouped in other areas. Packed stadiums with a better atmosphere may lead to better performances and more success etc...
We've already said the extra revenue will probably be no more than £400,000 for the whole season and may be offset in whole or part by people dropping cup schemes and Platinum. Will either of you (or anyone else spouting the same shite) please explain to me what £200k over a year will deny us as I'm dying to know.
Its called inflation, small yearly increases are required to stop any business from stagnating financially, it's no different with City. How many on here don't bat an eyelid when their favourite pint goes up 10p and probably represents a 3% increase? As an old boy once said in my local after a 5p a pint increase caused one or two miserable buggers to start moaning, "there's some lads 6 feet under who would pay £10 a pint now". Sick of all the moaning on here, some people are never happy.
I shell out between £2.35 and £2.60 for beer where I live and would go out less if the prices went up to £3. It's the principal of the thing. Every man has his price.

£635 for 212 doesn't rub well with me. I get the impression we'll be gently shunted out when they extend the corporate areas.
Its called inflation, small yearly increases are required to stop any business from stagnating financially, it's no different with City. How many on here don't bat an eyelid when their favourite pint goes up 10p and probably represents a 3% increase? As an old boy once said in my local after a 5p a pint increase caused one or two miserable buggers to start moaning, "there's some lads 6 feet under who would pay £10 a pint now". Sick of all the moaning on here, some people are never happy.
Two things:
1) My ticket has gone up 50% in 5 or 6 years, which is far higher than inflation.
2) Ticket income is by far the smallest of our income streams, accounting for just over 10% of our total revenue stream. This financial year, with no increase in ticket prices, will see record revenue and profits. So we're hardly stagnating financially are we?
Its called inflation, small yearly increases are required to stop any business from stagnating financially, it's no different with City. How many on here don't bat an eyelid when their favourite pint goes up 10p and probably represents a 3% increase? As an old boy once said in my local after a 5p a pint increase caused one or two miserable buggers to start moaning, "there's some lads 6 feet under who would pay £10 a pint now". Sick of all the moaning on here, some people are never happy.

An utter bollocks argument. The 400k that @Prestwich_Blue has said the increase will be has already been offset by new sponsors. Absolutely no need for any prices rises in terms of "normal" tickets. But City yet again shits on its fanbase with impunity because there's always some on here (and presumably out there) who think they can do no wrong.
An utter bollocks argument. The 400k that @Prestwich_Blue has said the increase will be has already been offset by new sponsors. Absolutely no need for any prices rises in terms of "normal" tickets. But City yet again shits on its fanbase with impunity because there's always some on here (and presumably out there) who think they can do no wrong.
There are a few "business gurus" like our friend above who you wouldn't trust to run the tombola at a church fete. A single new sponsor will probably generate enough to cover the increase. At the most basic level a minor sponsor would give us £1m over 3 years which covers the ticket increase. We're getting a sleeve sponsor, Nexen, at a reported £5m a season from next season.

And if this increase is really to cover matchday running costs, why is it not being applied across the board? Stick £5 on all tickets costing up to £500, £10 on those up to £750, £15 on those up to £1,000 and £20 on the rest. Yet some are saying they've seen no increase for 4 years.
Two things:
1) My ticket has gone up 50% in 5 or 6 years, which is far higher than inflation.
2) Ticket income is by far the smallest of our income streams, accounting for just over 10% of our total revenue stream. This financial year, with no increase in ticket prices, will see record revenue and profits. So we're hardly stagnating financially are we?
Your ticket probably went up by a significant amount within four years (we were amongst the cheapest) but the last two have seen price freezes and I think some supporters actually had a reduction on their tickets when the revamp came a couple of years ago. I was in East Stand Level 2 and last paid £820 in the 14/15 season until those seats went semi corporate, I'm now in CB Level 2 with a similar view and seat and paid £800 for the last 2 seasons. As you say ticket revenue represents a much lower turnover of income than it used to do but the Club probably in accounting terms break down revenue and expense and for example if they have to pay an extra £200per year in wages and expenses (non players) they look to recoup that from somewhere to balance the books. I know you won't agree but all business's look at individual revenue streams to ensure they are making money. City is no different and I think it's about in line with inflation.

As an aside, if we made tickets cheaper there is a very definite downside, there is about 20 seats on two rows where I sit (CB 231) that incredibly for night matches are never used. Real Madrid and Rags last week amongst many other games, just never used. They are Quite often unoccupied for the "smaller" weekend games as well. If we made tickets cheaper do you think some fans may try and purchase season cards just for the big games and as they are not as dedicated a fan just not show to the run of the mill matches?
Brassed off with all this now. Why Don t the moaners form their own club and control their own prices and costs. There is an existing template for this just up the road. They have certainly shown how good fans are at running a club, nearly broke. Go ask Portsmouth fans as well.

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