Yaya Toure

Re: Yaya

jay-lofty said:
Rascal said:
He gives his all and is a proper team player.

A truly laughable comment. Watch the Hull game back and watch if Yaya makes any effort to track back with purpose. At most he sprinted back to defend once and the rest of the time jogged back without a care in the world, part of the reason why at times we looked so overrun by a team so far behind us in terms of quality.

In fact, watch just about any of our games against any 'non big team' opponent an see if Yaya makes any considerable effort to track back at any point. Devastating when he wants to be, but a big game player if ever there was one. Hope Pelle sees this better than Mancini ever did.
We ain't played any good teams yet so what's your point???if he's shit with non big team players .
Re: Yaya

billfromthehill said:
jay-lofty said:
Rascal said:
He gives his all and is a proper team player.

A truly laughable comment. Watch the Hull game back and watch if Yaya makes any effort to track back with purpose. At most he sprinted back to defend once and the rest of the time jogged back without a care in the world, part of the reason why at times we looked so overrun by a team so far behind us in terms of quality.

In fact, watch just about any of our games against any 'non big team' opponent an see if Yaya makes any considerable effort to track back at any point. Devastating when he wants to be, but a big game player if ever there was one. Hope Pelle sees this better than Mancini ever did.
We ain't played any good teams yet so what's your point???if he's shit with non big team players .

So all we need to do is to get every team we play playing in real madrid colours and hopefully we will see a more determined Yaya then!?!?

Good points made by both side of the fence, but for me Yaya just hasn't yet got to grips with the new system as of yet. He often seems lost, maybe this is because he's not getting support from other city players who themselves are struggling with the new tactics, either way I'm hopeful Yaya will find his feet and his mojo.

The gait thing though Rascal is a bag of shite, as when he's truly on form I see no gait problems.

One thing I'd like to see is a quicker attack from our boys, Yaya often slows it down by going to collect the ball then passing it back to the defence, again I think this is due to the opposition knowing yaya will receive it and close other players down as soon as he gets it. Perhaps we could do with more movement and occasionally someone else collecting the ball. Peller's is payed to sort this problem out and hopefully will sort it soon.

I also think that last season Yaya ended up doing the exactly same thing and played to deep, becoming to obvious. At the end of the day it looks like a Yaya thing but it's a team game and more players should occasionally come short and make more movement and space. In a nutshell its not all Yaya's fault.

AS for his defending, well its a bit hit and miss. Me personally, well I wouldn't have a hit or miss player near defence. I like to see him in a more attacking role and leave the defending to someone who doesn't have that hit or miss streak. I know he's a big lad, but being big isn't always a guarantee that he'll be a fantastic DM. One thing is for sure is Yaya has some World Class abilities and they all point to him being an attacking midfielder or even a support forward, hopefully Manny will see this and we can end all this Yaya debate.
Re: Yaya

On his day few better, but very selective in when he turns it on.
Lacks motivation, don't buy the 'his gate makes him lackluster' argument for a second he never looks lackluster when he's on it namely playing a big rep team/ high profile match.
The deep role he's playing is wasted on him when he's not in big match mode. If he is to play that role all season I wouldn't even bother playing him against the likes of Hull. The way our midfield is set he's gonna be a liability and no amount of freekicks is gonna mask over it.
Re: Yaya

Play Yaya in this position and he'd be a player of the year nominee

Re: Yaya

NanaToure42 said:
Play Yaya in this position and he'd be a player of the year nominee


Good line-up, though I'd like to see Jovetic to the left.

As for Yaya; did anyone here watch him while he played for Barcelona? Did he always have that same fuck-I'm-exhausted- body language? In which position did he mainly play?
And did Pep allow Yaya to not work franticly hard? That Barca side was all about frenzy and high energy ball retention, quite similar to what we're about now.
Re: Yaya

Rascal said:
I have read lots of late on here that disturbs me.

Yaya is lazy, he doesnt try, he needs dropping, he is rubbish blah blah fucking blah. I actually wonder what planet these people are on.

Yaya has a gait that is languid and suggests he looks tired and unfit, but he is one of the most proud and most respected footballers we have ever had play for us. He gives his all and is a proper team player. He dictates our play and is fucking brilliant at doing it.

He is also the only player in our squad apart from Vinny who would definitly start at any other club in the Prem.

Leave Yaya alone FFS

And he's showed none of those qualities for quite some time.
Re: Yaya

daxman said:
As great as Yaya has been for this club, and he has been fucking great! There has never been a time when he didn't have his detractors. There are just some supporters who don't think you are giving your all if you are not flying into tackles, clanking into opponents and throwing yourself about. And to be fair, there is some value to that. But for my money, I'd take the big game player, who won the FA cup Semi's and FInals. The guy who bossed Madrid in Madrid when everyone else shriveled up. The guy who every other team in the prem wants (regardless of who they have in their midfield). Just read the opposition view, and see how many times the fans choose Yaya as the City player they wouldn't mind having.

Does he have faults? Sure. Every player does. Let me go across our squad, Yaya is lazy, Kompany gives a few too many fouls away. Zaba is lost against Speedy wingers, Lescott has 2 right feet (albeit he is a lefty), Hart (even when he was at his athletic best) was shite at punts and clear outs, Silva cut back passes often don't work, Clichy can't cross for shit, Milner is often headless, So too is Navas sometimes. Nasri parambulates, Barry runs into anything not in Blue, Garcia is Garcia, Micah's positioning is painful to watch, Dzeko falls over and controls the ball like a post, Kun is not clinical, same goes for Alvaro, Roddy is tentative and always injured, Dihno's passes are inconsistent, and he fouls too much. And if we give Jovetic enough playing time, I promise I'd get you what's wrong with him too.

Point being, everybody has something they don't do well. All I know is that I have seen City in 2 straight years without Yaya, and by God, it is not a sight I want to see a lot. Or at all.

Yaya doesn't get subbed because he is that much better than anyone else we have.

Time for folks to get that!

Great post - we do seem to be impatient with players sometimes. He will prove again this year he is the best at what he does in the league - and he can do most things!
Barcon said:
OB1 said:
Yaya made more passes than any other player on the park (more than twice as many as Fern) with an 89% completion and made more tackles than any of his team mates.

Don't let common sense and facts get in the way mate.
A complete stopper of a comment. We should try to build this into the code of conduct on here - but then there would be little to read!

As for Yaya - our central midfield obviously isn't right at present and the hole in front of our central defenders is so big that any decent team will murder us through it. So the answer is any combination/formation/selection that sorts this out. Truly an holistic matter

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