Yaya Toure

schfc6 said:
Are people still spouting the same shite about Ya Ya defensively? Stop watching MOTD for Christ's sake.

It's pretty easy to say Ya Ya is poor defensively. Especially if you are clueless about the game. It's basic very basic, Ya Ya and Fernandinho 9 out of 10 times are playing two on three. So if you understand the game, it's pretty logical that other teams will have someone free.

I have asked this of people before, if Ya Ya is so poor defensively, if he and Fernandinho are weak defensively, then why is it so many teams play 3 in central midfield against us?

Not one team on the planet would line up 442 against us. Why is this? Surely if Ya Ya and Fernandinho are so weak defensively teams would just over run us. Facts are, Spurs, Arsenal, Newcastle, Everton are all very good sides, they have been hammered by City, they all tried to over run our two man midfield.. Chelsea will come Monday, they'll play Matic, Ramieres and most likely Mikel, and fingers crossed, we will again win the game.

The key to our attacking brilliance is our midfield two, they allow us to have 4 forwards all with freedom to attack, not only do Fernandinho and Ya Ya provide and strong axis on which to attack, but they have 15 prem goals between them.

So our midfield anchors have scored more than, Ramieres & Mikel, Gerrard & Lucas, Cabaye & Sissokho, Barry and McCarthy, Flamini & Arteta and Carrick & Zinedine Cleverley combined.

So our midfield two give us the axis to score an average of three goals a game. Yet we have only conceded 6 more than Chelsea, who are built on defence.

To have the attacking play we have, you sacrifice defensive solidity, take a striker out, replace with a destroyer, a De Jong type, we'd concede considerably less, Ya Ya would look even better.

We don't play with the protection that Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal do, that's why we've conceded a few more goals, but score so many more.

Ya Ya is basically two players for us, he runs the midfield, he creates goals he scores goals. He passes and runs the game like Xavi, he runs at teams like Gerrard in his peak, he is as creative Scholes and scores like Lampard in his pomp. Yet people want him to tackle like De Jong. He's only one man.

Toure has 12 Premier League goals, 4 direct assists, most passes completed. I can also think of at least 10 goals where Ya Ya has been integral without being given an assist. How many times is he the pass before the assist.? How many times does he pick out Zaba, Kolarov, Nasri, Silva or Navas in the box who I turn create a tap in?

Take Cardiff, he put Aguero clean through for one goal, sent Dzeko through resulting in Navas' goal, and then scored himself. Yet people were still groaning about him.

Others players just can't do what Ya Ya can, yes every now and he may look lazy, but he and Fernandinho are doing the work of 3 men.

He also has one major quality that you can't buy. Fear factor. Teams are scared to death of him..
Yaya's had some fantastic defensive games for us. He can do it. Look at the way he ran back to outmuscle Matić (excellent defensive play) and Willian (shouldn't have been given as a foul) tonight. Look at United at home 1-0 [Kompany header game], probably his best performance for us - he was an absolute beast defensively that night.

But when he's got a midfield partner who has no pace, and he's in a midfield 2 against 5 and sometimes 6 he looks like he can't defend. He can, he's good at it, but he needs to have more opportunity to shine doing it with better tactics around him in certain games where it is needed like tonight, Southampton away, Bayern at home. If you're outnumbered in midfield, anyone will look like they can't defend.

He also doesn't bother with it sometimes which is frustrating.

But he can defend and is very good at it when he wants to be.
Part of his job as a midfielder is to track runners when we do not have the ball, lost count of the amount of times tonight he was ball watching and players ran him behind him. Excellent when we have the ball but needs to work harder off the ball, no excuse for it.
oakiecokie said:
By his standards I thought he was average at best today and I`m a big Yaya fan.

He done great job considering what task was in front of him.

That Matic guy is brilliant and one of the rare that could physically confront Yaya ,and he had to deal with him and 2-3 other players all the night, yet managed to come up front in few occasions.

As guy above said in that good and long post - he is not superman.
KippaxCitizen said:
schfc6 said:
Are people still spouting the same shite about Ya Ya defensively? Stop watching MOTD for Christ's sake.

It's pretty easy to say Ya Ya is poor defensively. Especially if you are clueless about the game. It's basic very basic, Ya Ya and Fernandinho 9 out of 10 times are playing two on three. So if you understand the game, it's pretty logical that other teams will have someone free.

I have asked this of people before, if Ya Ya is so poor defensively, if he and Fernandinho are weak defensively, then why is it so many teams play 3 in central midfield against us?

Not one team on the planet would line up 442 against us. Why is this? Surely if Ya Ya and Fernandinho are so weak defensively teams would just over run us. Facts are, Spurs, Arsenal, Newcastle, Everton are all very good sides, they have been hammered by City, they all tried to over run our two man midfield.. Chelsea will come Monday, they'll play Matic, Ramieres and most likely Mikel, and fingers crossed, we will again win the game.

The key to our attacking brilliance is our midfield two, they allow us to have 4 forwards all with freedom to attack, not only do Fernandinho and Ya Ya provide and strong axis on which to attack, but they have 15 prem goals between them.

So our midfield anchors have scored more than, Ramieres & Mikel, Gerrard & Lucas, Cabaye & Sissokho, Barry and McCarthy, Flamini & Arteta and Carrick & Zinedine Cleverley combined.

So our midfield two give us the axis to score an average of three goals a game. Yet we have only conceded 6 more than Chelsea, who are built on defence.

To have the attacking play we have, you sacrifice defensive solidity, take a striker out, replace with a destroyer, a De Jong type, we'd concede considerably less, Ya Ya would look even better.

We don't play with the protection that Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal do, that's why we've conceded a few more goals, but score so many more.

Ya Ya is basically two players for us, he runs the midfield, he creates goals he scores goals. He passes and runs the game like Xavi, he runs at teams like Gerrard in his peak, he is as creative Scholes and scores like Lampard in his pomp. Yet people want him to tackle like De Jong. He's only one man.

Toure has 12 Premier League goals, 4 direct assists, most passes completed. I can also think of at least 10 goals where Ya Ya has been integral without being given an assist. How many times is he the pass before the assist.? How many times does he pick out Zaba, Kolarov, Nasri, Silva or Navas in the box who I turn create a tap in?

Take Cardiff, he put Aguero clean through for one goal, sent Dzeko through resulting in Navas' goal, and then scored himself. Yet people were still groaning about him.

Others players just can't do what Ya Ya can, yes every now and he may look lazy, but he and Fernandinho are doing the work of 3 men.

He also has one major quality that you can't buy. Fear factor. Teams are scared to death of him..
Yaya's had some fantastic defensive games for us. He can do it. Look at the way he ran back to outmuscle Matić (excellent defensive play) and Willian (shouldn't have been given as a foul) tonight. Look at United at home 1-0 [Kompany header game], probably his best performance for us - he was an absolute beast defensively that night.

But when he's got a midfield partner who has no pace, and he's in a midfield 2 against 5 and sometimes 6 he looks like he can't defend. He can, he's good at it, but he needs to have more opportunity to shine doing it with better tactics around him in certain games where it is needed like tonight, Southampton away, Bayern at home. If you're outnumbered in midfield, anyone will look like they can't defend.

He also doesn't bother with it sometimes which is frustrating.

But he can defend and is very good at it when he wants to be.

Sorry but from my position in CB3 I thought we had our usual 4 in midfield,MDM,Yaya,Silva and Navas ?
Rammy Blue said:
Ran out of steam in the second half.

With only one sub used surely fresh legs would have been good - can't understand why Milner not used even for last 15 minutes????
Blue Hefner said:
In though he played well today but was fighting a losing battle V Chelsea's numbers in midfield.

I can't believes people slag him off , the lad behind me was doing it all fucking game, how I didn't lose my rag I don't know.

You might sit in front of me, block??

He's lazy as fuck going back, no other excuses, he cannot be arsed tracking back, he is not a defensive midfielder, somebody else needs to play in there with fernandinho and have yaya further up. If he plays a in there he needs to track the runners, numerous times our players out ran him when Chelsea were breaking. Excellent going forward and puts all his effort in on the attack, defensively another question, not interested, no excuses. Fucking lazy.
Kenney_The_Blue said:
Blue Hefner said:
In though he played well today but was fighting a losing battle V Chelsea's numbers in midfield.

I can't believes people slag him off , the lad behind me was doing it all fucking game, how I didn't lose my rag I don't know.

You might sit in front of me, block??

He's lazy as fuck going back, no other excuses, he cannot be arsed tracking back, he is not a defensive midfielder, somebody else needs to play in there with fernandinho and have yaya further up. If he plays a in there he needs to track the runners, numerous times our players out ran him when Chelsea were breaking. Excellent going forward and puts all his effort in on the attack, defensively another question, not interested, no excuses. Fucking lazy.

Are you in CB3, Kenney ?

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