You can't hit people anymore

There are loads of things you can do to this guy without anyone knowing it's you, start by adding his name and address to mailing lists, so the junk mail starts, stitch him up to the Inland Revenue, use their freephone number and tell them he rents property out and he was bragging he doesn't pay tax. Ring his wife and pretend your the husband of someone he is having an affair with. These are all tried and tested!
pee dubya said:
Provoke him back and get him to hit you first, then beat seven shades of shit out of him?

I think you meant "get somone to witness him hitting you first then beat seven shades of shit out of him"

Off course I would never promote violence unless Gary Neville is your neighbour
Do you live close enough to his house that you could spray his mound of grit with a power hose? If you do, then surely you could spray it so his mound of grit washes away. You can ruin his plan without stepping foot on his property.
blueshortshorts said:
Joking aside sounds like this guy is making your life a misery.

My advise would be to have it out man to man, in calm way. Tell him you want to get cards on the table and hopefully move forward. GIve him specific evidence of the things he's done and said and how it made you and your family feel like shit.. don't lose the rag, but don't sugar coat it either. Tell him that , at the end of the day, your never going to be best mates, because after all you're just neighbours..but you do have to live beside each other, so let's start treating each other with a bit of respect....hopefully he'll say fair do's and shake on it, and you can move on.

If he's not big enough to realise that your being reasonable, then feck him, at least you've got things off your chest, and your not bottling up all the frustration. Next time he acts like an arse you'll be able to look him in the eye, and laugh at what a pathetic individual he is.

One things for certain, if you plant one in him, that's the begining of the end, because it sounds like he's the sneaky type, who won't come back and attack you. He'll bide his time and find some underhand way of stitching you up.

That's my tuppence.

Best of luck!

"My advise would be to have it out man to man, in calm way. "

He wont be bothered

"Tell him you want to get cards on the table and hopefully move forward."

He wont be bothered

"GIve him specific evidence of the things he's done and said and how it made you and your family feel like shit"

He wont be bothered

"Don't lose the rag, but don't sugar coat it either. Tell him that , at the end of the day, your never going to be best mates"

He wont be bothered

"After all you're just neighbours..but you do have to live beside each other, so let's start treating each other with a bit of respect"

He wont be bothered

"Hopefully he'll say fair do's and shake on it, and you can move on."

He wont becasuse guess what....Hes not bothered

"If he's not big enough to realise that your being reasonable, then feck him, at least you've got things off your chest and your not bottling up all the frustration."

He wont be bothered

"Next time he acts like an arse you'll be able to look him in the eye, and laugh at what a pathetic individual he is."

He wont be bothered and he will laugh back.

"One things for certain, if you plant one in him, that's the begining of the end, because it sounds like he's the sneaky type, who won't come back and attack you. He'll bide his time and find some underhand way of stitching you up."

This is true.

in conclusion id just leave him to do his thing and stay out of his way mammutly. i firmly believe that what goes around comes around and one day he is going to get a royal ass fucking off some one, bigger, cleverer and smarter than him. that is the way of world and when it happens, be there to laugh in his face.
warpig said:
blueshortshorts said:
Joking aside sounds like this guy is making your life a misery.

My advise would be to have it out man to man, in calm way. Tell him you want to get cards on the table and hopefully move forward. GIve him specific evidence of the things he's done and said and how it made you and your family feel like shit.. don't lose the rag, but don't sugar coat it either. Tell him that , at the end of the day, your never going to be best mates, because after all you're just neighbours..but you do have to live beside each other, so let's start treating each other with a bit of respect....hopefully he'll say fair do's and shake on it, and you can move on.

If he's not big enough to realise that your being reasonable, then feck him, at least you've got things off your chest, and your not bottling up all the frustration. Next time he acts like an arse you'll be able to look him in the eye, and laugh at what a pathetic individual he is.

One things for certain, if you plant one in him, that's the begining of the end, because it sounds like he's the sneaky type, who won't come back and attack you. He'll bide his time and find some underhand way of stitching you up.

That's my tuppence.

Best of luck!

"My advise would be to have it out man to man, in calm way. "

He wont be bothered

"Tell him you want to get cards on the table and hopefully move forward."

He wont be bothered

"GIve him specific evidence of the things he's done and said and how it made you and your family feel like shit"

He wont be bothered

"Don't lose the rag, but don't sugar coat it either. Tell him that , at the end of the day, your never going to be best mates"

He wont be bothered

"After all you're just neighbours..but you do have to live beside each other, so let's start treating each other with a bit of respect"

He wont be bothered

"Hopefully he'll say fair do's and shake on it, and you can move on."

He wont becasuse guess what....Hes not bothered

"If he's not big enough to realise that your being reasonable, then feck him, at least you've got things off your chest and your not bottling up all the frustration."

He wont be bothered

"Next time he acts like an arse you'll be able to look him in the eye, and laugh at what a pathetic individual he is."

He wont be bothered and he will laugh back.

"One things for certain, if you plant one in him, that's the begining of the end, because it sounds like he's the sneaky type, who won't come back and attack you. He'll bide his time and find some underhand way of stitching you up."

This is true.

in conclusion id just leave him to do his thing and stay out of his way mammutly. i firmly believe that what goes around comes around and one day he is going to get a royal ass fucking off some one, bigger, cleverer and smarter than him. that is the way of world and when it happens, be there to laugh in his face.
very expertly put Mr Warpig.sound advice indeed.
Pride mate, Just hit the fooker. he want stop it and why should you take it. if its your first offensive there not gonna send you to jail unless you've done a number on him.
stop being a drama queen...if you want to smash someone do it when theres no witnesses then its just your word against his. Although why cant you match him verbally, ? and why the fook would you want to post a grievance of being macho on here ??
well I wouldn't take it personally....he's obviously not a happy chappy. when I see someone with no concept of society, kindness, compassion, charity, decency... not even the ability to fake these things... you have to wonder what it is like to live in a head like that.
mammutly said:
TFC said:

Today, I asked him why he'd taken all the grit out of the bin ( he'd kept filling his wheelbarrow until it was empty and piled all the excess grit in a heap at the side of his drive). He said it woud be refilled on Monday or Tuesday so I should stop "making a fuss". I said " but the grit's meant to be so we can all get out" ( there are 4 houses here) He says " well everybody has had the option". I said "come on......." He interupts and says " look! I haven't got time to argue with an idiot who is too lazy to make their own arrangements, now just Go Away!" I said "but...." and he interupts again in his posh shouting voice saying " I've explained. Now get away. Go!" I say, " you can't do this" And He says " just fuck off will you" I said "Listen...." He interupts again, shouting really loud saying If you come on to my property, I'll call the police right now so just fuck off..." That was basically the gist of it.

he seems a nasty piece of work with a mouth like that m8,im sorry but i dont know what kind of guy you are but there is all ways a time when its nice and dark and no body's about and you can polity put your point across of how you feel about this trumped up wanker!

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