You must be in a rush?

I wanted to leave - like the majority of us it really hurts and frustrates when the game is up and there is no way back. But it's not all about those thoughts and feelings - it's about the club I support and the players who put a real shift in today.
Imagine grafting your knackers off like that today and the only supporters you hear at the end are the away fans.
We want the players to have the same pride and feelings for the club as we have - the least we can do is show some appreciation. I know there will always be those who leave early for very valid and understandable reasons but today was just a mass exodus.
The song is City till I die - not - City until we are going to lose!
Stillsy said:
brianstrousers said:
I don't need to save any fuckin money,i watched it in a pub cos.....i wanted to,no excuse,i don't need one.
Awww he spends his money on tickets,a shirt and supporting the club financially..........bless
I bet you've got your name written on the wall in the tunnel too havent you?

thank fuck we dont have many fans like you, off to sadcafe you rag
Are you fuckin thick altogether?
This whole thread is about THOUSANDS leaving the ground before the end,there were 14,000 empty seats on Thursday,i'd say there's THOUSANDS of fans like me but only one like you,i'm in awe of you
brianstrousers said:
Stillsy said:
thank fuck we dont have many fans like you, off to sadcafe you rag
Are you fuckin thick altogether?
This whole thread is about THOUSANDS leaving the ground before the end,there were 14,000 empty seats on Thursday,i'd say there's THOUSANDS of fans like me but only one like you,i'm in awe of you

All dayer was it?
The biggest bollock i "nearly" dropped was in i think 85 or 86 the full members cup, 5-1 down v chealsea with summat like 4 mins to go i was 12-13 at the time i turned to me old fella and said come on cant take anymore,as we were walking back we start to hear the cheers,,1,2,3,4 loud cheers,,i turned to me dad "come on quick it must be 5-5" alas one cheer was for a penalty kick but still what an ending i missed,should have been a lesson but it was one i never learnt
So many hero's, thing about this is that you never ever hear anyone say a word to those leave early at the time it happens, why? because you would look a right dickhead end of, so you think it looks any different on here, well no your still a dickhead.
moan for moaning sake? taking out your frustration on other city fans? and those piping on about i was one of the famous 14'000 i'm more interested in why were there long periods of silence? why is it all i can hear is arsenal fans singing? do i dare include the 14'000 which were also silent.
point is you could pick things out all day, but to come on bluemoon and cry about it makes me wonder if god took your voice box but rewarded you with fast fingers, and to those that did go early, thanks for coming brothers i appreciate you came out on a cold sunday spending your hard earned cash and there is no reason to explain why you left your seat heartbroken because it is no one else's fucking business.
Never understand the problem. Personally, I stayed till the end but I don't give a shit what other people do. As has been said, everyone has paid to go and can come and go when they like. Not sure why so many people are obsessed with it. Just the usual case of people thinking that everyone should think and do exactly what they do.
ultimateharold said:
It only takes a second to score a goal. Unfortunately the majority around me miss the first 10 mins because they need a pint, miss the last 10 mins of the first half and first 10 mins of the second cos they need a pint, then leave before its over.

No need, If you need to be pissed, get it done beforehand. If you're fit enough to get pissed, you're fit enough to walk into town after the game and not complain about the traffic.

It appears its beer first and footy second.

I agree. I think people come to the football as an excuse to get away from the wife and get pished.

Would be a lot cheaper to stay at home and get pished and see more of the match.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
BlueIsh said:
I'm talking about SUPPORTERS, something you clearly aren't.

well you're clearly not or you wouldn't have a go at others, I was merely defending them, you're no better than me if you have a go at fellow supporters for their decisions, you know fuck all about them and you make sweeping judgements, if you want to stay, stay, if you want to spend half the game drinking, or smoke on the spirals, or moan at refs and other players or other fans for not being exactly like you, then fine, but I'm sick of these so-called fans who belittle other supporters for no reason, it's pathetic, and shows them up for how narrow-minded and elitist they want everything to be.

Nobody is a better fan than anyone else, or a better "supporter", we're all blues and that's the end of it, and you should respect them as you would anyone in your work place or daily life.

Well said!

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