Zabaleta confirms he will stay at City

Well if someone like him can't get the benefit of the doubt when he has played reasonably well then the rest of them have no chance of getting a fair appraisal.
I'm not sure if Bluemoon is the right place to come for fair appraisal! Haha!
IMO any emotional attachment to any player or manager is totally misplaced. These people are career professionals who have ended up at City by pure fluke of circumstances. They have been useful to the club and team while they have been here and they have been paid handsomely for it. For fans to conclude that certain players are beyond letting go regardless of age or levels of usefulness to the team, sounds to me to be totally ridiculous. They come, they go, they kiss the badge while they are here to get the fans onside and stay as long as it suits them and they leave as and when it suits them. Mr Milner is a good case in point. Personally I have no attachment to any player, which doesn't mean to say that i don't admire them or cheer them, but i do keep in mind the reality of why they are here and why they do what they do on the pitch. The only emotional attachment I personally have is to MCFC. The players and managers can come and go for me, as long as the ones coming are better than the ones going.
IMO any emotional attachment to any player or manager is totally misplaced. These people are career professionals who have ended up at City by pure fluke of circumstances. They have been useful to the club and team while they have been here and they have been paid handsomely for it. For fans to conclude that certain players are beyond letting go regardless of age or levels of usefulness to the team, sounds to me to be totally ridiculous. They come, they go, they kiss the badge while they are here to get the fans onside and stay as long as it suits them and they leave as and when it suits them. Mr Milner is a good case in point. Personally I have no attachment to any player, which doesn't mean to say that i don't admire them or cheer them, but i do keep in mind the reality of why they are here and why they do what they do on the pitch. The only emotional attachment I personally have is to MCFC. The players and managers can come and go for me, as long as the ones coming are better than the ones going.
I think you over simplify things there, mate. As ever, there are shades of grey in some instances. It isn't an enormous leap of imagination for someone to spend ten years working somewhere they hugely enjoy and then forming a genuine attachment to the place.
IMO any emotional attachment to any player or manager is totally misplaced. These people are career professionals who have ended up at City by pure fluke of circumstances. They have been useful to the club and team while they have been here and they have been paid handsomely for it. For fans to conclude that certain players are beyond letting go regardless of age or levels of usefulness to the team, sounds to me to be totally ridiculous. They come, they go, they kiss the badge while they are here to get the fans onside and stay as long as it suits them and they leave as and when it suits them. Mr Milner is a good case in point. Personally I have no attachment to any player, which doesn't mean to say that i don't admire them or cheer them, but i do keep in mind the reality of why they are here and why they do what they do on the pitch. The only emotional attachment I personally have is to MCFC. The players and managers can come and go for me, as long as the ones coming are better than the ones going.
Are you suggesting none of our ex players form an affection,to varying depths.....for our club?
It's generally fair to say most players will not form the level of attachment to a club that the fans do. It's a lifetime bond for us, and typically a few years for them.
However, it would be unfair to think no players ever become attached. A player who manages to last at a club for longer than say 4 years has typically done very well at the club (otherwise he'd be moved on). He's also likely to have had extended his contract and had the opportunity to move. Given that, the chances are they are enjoying the experience, and if you spend a number of years at a place where you're enjoying life, you'll likely have a fondness for the place for life. There are always exceptions of course, but players are still human, and still recognise a 'good time' or a 'bad time' at a club. Barring an acrimonious split from a club at the end of a long stint, most players are going to leave with some affection for the place.

Their love for City will never be as ours is, but they can still love it, or at least reminisce fondly.
What normal human doesn't like 'being liked' ? if a player put in as much effort as Zab has, and had his name chanted affectionately week in week out, won trophies and taken part in one of footballs greatest ever moments, then he's never going to forget City, and he's always going to be remembered fondly. Often such players are subject to revisionism and are remembered as better players than they actually were!

If things don't turn sour for Zab, if there is no acrimony towards the end, I am 100% certain he'll be attached for life.
Are you suggesting none of our ex players form an affection,to varying depths.....for our club?
No, I'm not saying that. I totally understand that they may form some kind of affection for the club while they are here. What I am saying is that we shouldn't be too emotional or clingy when it becomes necessary to move them on for the betterment of the team.
He probably should be, can't see him having lot of future at City. Zaba is legend but it's not few weeks that he is not the old one anymore. Last year was a hint and this one confirmation that he can't do it anymore. legs are gone, attacking threat from his game done, defensively he was never world class, warrior yes but world class no, and with his leg gone defensive part went down too - he is just not the quality required anymore, even Sagna, few years older is much better option.

I'm not sure when his contract is due so that might save him for a year or so but otherwise it doesn't look good for him. Will be said to see him go, it's bit said to see him not being the old him, but all good things come to end at some time. Zaba is playing position that is most affected by years and too much playing minutes, it's all up and down for them fullbacks for whole life.
The game has past him now and we need better if we are to progress.

He knows it and will go with our best wishes.

I saw Leighton Baines last night and he reminded me of a player who is past it now a lot like Zabba.

Our left and right back positions need a complete overhaul and it will be addressed in the summer.
No, I'm not saying that. I totally understand that they may form some kind of affection for the club while they are here. What I am saying is that we shouldn't be too emotional or clingy when it becomes necessary to move them on for the betterment of the team.
And that's why Peps arrival is also perfect in regards to timing.......he will look at a number of players from the business end of things,sentiment or emotion wont influence his decision to keep or replace them,and what we feel as fans wont be a factor either.....the only consideration will be building the best team possible with the resources available.
Regarding your comment about players 'forming an affection for a club only while they are here'.....what about those that leave yet still return as ambassadors/supporters themselves because of the bond that was developed while employed? some even name their kids after past idols don't you know;-)
No, I'm not saying that. I totally understand that they may form some kind of affection for the club while they are here. What I am saying is that we shouldn't be too emotional or clingy when it becomes necessary to move them on for the betterment of the team.
And that's why Peps arrival is also perfect in regards to timing.......he will look at a number of players from the business end of things,sentiment or emotion wont influence his decision to keep or replace them,and what we feel as fans wont be a factor either.....the only consideration will be building the best team possible with the resources available.
Regarding your comment about players 'forming an affection for a club only while they are here'.....what about those that leave yet still return as ambassadors/supporters themselves because of the bond that was developed while employed? some even name their kids after past idols don't you know;-)
Read my post again. You've misquoted me. I didn't say that. What I said was that it is understandable that they should form some kind of bond while they are here. What I didn't say was that they only have an affection for the club while they are here and that they discard that affection as soon as they walk out of the door.
That being said, I would agree with your opening remark that the only consideration when hiring and firing players should be their value to the team and the club. Personally I would have no qualms in that direction if it was down to me. Sergio, Komps, Zabba, Silva, you name them would be moved on without hesitation if I thought they weren't good enough anymore

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