Seasoncard - 2021/22

They've made it pretty much a non-option to defer in those circumstances. You can defer but you'll lose your place in the ticket points list and you'll lose your seat. Two major no goes for the majority considering it.

Would have been happy to defer and allow others the chance to attend whilst it's reduced capacity if those two issues were unaffected, not anymore. Will renew and have an empty seat

The decision to stick with the platinum scheme is piss poor. Did City matters not bring this issue up or do the club just not give a fuck? Very Spursy move and that's happened a few times recently.
On the BBC website they are saying there are loads of websites down (incl due to Fastly being down. If you click on you get a Guru Mediation error - so this might suggest there's a bigger issue here if Fastly underpins the payment or seat planner systems.
Yeah this one's not on City.

Tweets on here were showing error/ghru but my personal Twitter was working fine.

Re renewals just drop back for a day or so, there's no extra points for being in the first 3,000.
Good of them to knock the prices down. After such a difficult year, during which thousands of fans have either been furloughed or lost their jobs completely (or lost family members they may well have once gone to games with), it's good to know the club have their fans at the forefront of their thinking.

Ah, wait, hang on.
@Prestwich_Blue Colin this was posted on FB by one of your City Matters colleagues.

The Club have just posted details of season card renewals… Myself and colleagues on the City Matters committee pushed very hard for a scheme where fans could defer their season ticket for one season. This was to help anybody who might have lost their job or income during the pandemic and needed a breather. A key element of what we agreed was that that a fan could get their old season ticket back in the same seat next August.
City have reneged on this and are now saying your old seat cannot be guaranteed, I am incandescent! Our committee are urgently trying to contact the club to change this. I will keep you all posted.
I'm not great at Twitter but if you could all bombard City with your opinion on this matter I would be really grateful. Is it best that we all do it at the same time for maximum impact? Advice please

Is this the case and do you think it is likely they may change their mind? My friend was all for deferring but even though he doesn't want to go right now feels like he will have to renew to retain his seat.

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