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  1. B

    Are we the only tired ones?

    What I don't understand is how we are supposedly so tired when we play at such a lackadaisical pace.
  2. B

    Am I the only one who can see............

    Dzeko will never be prolific in the current system. FFS, why play a lone striker like Dzeko when we're not crossing balls into the box. He doesn't fit into a counter-attack style of play.
  3. B

    Why after today has Mancini lost the fans?

    I understand Dzeko needs time, but he seriously has the touch of a rapist. Counter-attack football just won't work with this guy in the team. We should be throwing cross after cross into the box if we ever wanna see the best of him.
  4. B

    Should we keep our players from going on international duty?

    I don't think you're allowed to not release players....unless they're injured, and sometimes the national sides doctor will have to assess them first.
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    Why after today has Mancini lost the fans?

    I've got no confidence in the team at the moment. Every game is lethargic and void of ideas...certainly since the start of the year. Even with all the talent at our disposal I sometimes wonder where a goal is gonna come from.
  6. B

    ticket news!

    Luckily, I have a good friend who works at Umbro and gets corporate / hospitality tickets. Won't quite be the same as being in the City end, but it'll do :)
  7. B

    Balotelli [MERGED]

    Maybe some fans yeah, but for me, even if we'd gone on to win the game he'd still be a f*cking idiot.
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    Balotelli [MERGED]

    There's one big difference though. They weren't like that in EVERY game. Their skill and potential far outweighed anything else. With Mario it seems to be the opposite. The occasional misdemeanour we could handle, but come on.... Since he's been here there have been many more negatives than...
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    Balotelli [MERGED]

    Every now and then we could handle....but almost every game ?
  10. B

    Balotelli [MERGED]

    What are you on about ? So by slagging one player we aren't backing the team ? Don't talk nonsense. Would you rather we vented our anger on here or at the game ? I'll back every City player apart from this least until he can show me a reason to back him. So far I've seen none. Like...
  11. B

    Balotelli [MERGED]

    Vendetta ? Haha, give me a fucking break. The guy brings it on himself. All this talk of getting cards based on reputation is bollocks. 90% of his cards could have been avoidable if he wasn't such an idiot.
  12. B

    Balotelli [MERGED]

    So you're honestly saying that all of his 9 yellows and both his reds were because of his 'bad boy' image ? Of course, he certainly had no part to play in any of them.... Even if that really was the case, anyone with half a brain would have learnt by now not to give the refs an opportunity...
  13. B

    Balotelli [MERGED]

    Watch it again without the blue specs...he didn't get the ball, and he left his foot in which he then brought down on the players thigh. Sure it wasn't forceful or meant to injure the player, but it was certainly intentional. No excuse.
  14. B

    De Jong

    His job is to break up the oppositions play which is usually what he does very effectively. I don't expect anything fancy from him but I certainly think we look better with him than without him.
  15. B

    Torres to score on Sunday?

    It usually works that way. If a player hasn't scored for months he'll get a hatrick against City. Not kept a clean sheet in weeks ? Come and play City. I hope for once it doesn't happen....
  16. B

    Naming rights step nearer

    UEFA's FFPR would never hold up in a European Court of Law so I don't really think it matters how much money we get on Stadium naming rights. I can guarantee that the first club to be excluded from Europe (if UEFA actually have the balls to try and enforce it) will take UEFA to court. Most big...
  17. B

    Adam Johnson - ace in the hole?

    Currently I think he's best coming off the bench...which wouldn't be a bad thing in a semi-final or final. Still think he's got alot of improving to do when he starts a game but I'm sure he'll get there :)
  18. B

    Talksport discussing Balo and how City fans want rid of him

    My thoughts exactly. Definitely a case of blue-tinted glasses there...
  19. B

    !?!?!? did we get knocked out of europe lastnight?

    I think the problem is that we've seen nothing to suggest we'll turn it around. If we'd been playing well all season, or even recently then I think we'd be alot more positive. However, the reality is that we've been fairly indifferent in the first half of the season, and looked pretty poor since...
  20. B

    !?!?!? did we get knocked out of europe lastnight?

    This just about sums it up.

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