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  1. P

    City fan complaining - MEN

    Just the best hybrid word I've ever read. Luvvit!!!
  2. P

    Tears of Joy Video

    What a stirring video. Nice to see Garry Cook being showered with compliments instead of being in the firing line. Also thought Sarah Lynch - new CITC boss - came across very well.
  3. P

    independent on sunday

    So refreshing to read such a well-researched, well-reasoned and well-written article. Any more of this quality journalism and I'll be contemplating a defection from my Daily Sport
  4. P

    Worst decision by Peter Swales?

    Not sending Paul Lake to the States to get the best possible surgery.
  5. P

    Paul Lake rejoins MCFC

    Think he's quit the physio lark now, and is at City full time. Great appointment - Lakey knows more than most what it means to be Blue :)
  6. P

    Oh Fickle Forum

    Each Sunday morning I slash a players' name on my arm with a compass. If it scabs over, he's alright in my book. If it exudes pus for a week he's an arsehole, not fit to wear the City shirt
  7. P

    Blue Tuesday: Questions for Noel Gallagher...

    Are you bringing up your children as City fans?
  8. P

    "Best Job in the World" - Ian Cheeseman's book

    I think Ian Cheeseman is a really good broadcaster, but he ain't a writer. Wasn't very impressed with the book, I'm afraid; the writing was average, the editing (if any) was poor and I got infuriated with all the errors (especially "words" that "didn't" need to be in "inverted" commas). A...
  9. P

    Interesting piece on Mr B. Trautmann

    Howard Davies isn't a 'hack' as such; he's a long-time City supporter who is very high up in the world of finance (I think he may once have been Governor of the Bank of England, or similar).
  10. P

    Nigel Gleghorn

    That has to be my biggest bugbear with football commentators; assuming the end result with about ten minutes to go. Alan Green the Drama Queen is the worst culprit, surprise surprise. I've lost count of the times he's said, "and there's the winner in the 79th minute... xxxxx have sealed the...
  11. P

    Angela Epstein(MUEN) And Her Pathetic Attack On Wayne Bridge

    F*** the new drama starting right now on BBC1. This thread is far more compelling. I await the next missive...
  12. P

    Terry further problems ahead ?

    Pleez can I has cheesburger and PM pleeez
  13. P

    Terry further problems ahead ?

    A lickle PM for me too, please...:-)
  14. P

    What is Bridges' Problem??

    I can only assume that some of the naysayers on this thread are not parents. I think I'm right in saying that the NOTW had images of Terry being shown into La Strumpet's house while her child was merrily playing outside in the snow. Just the mere thought of that would have probably sent a...
  15. P

    Joe Mercer Biography By Gary James

    Gary, how can this happen? How can publishers pay you jack s**t for your books? Can you not get legal?
  16. P

    John Terry's Wife

    Is she local? We'll have no trouble here...
  17. P

    F.A.O Garry Cook

    I blame GC for not putting rock salt on my icy road a fortnight ago. Marooned for days I was, staring out of my bedroom window watching toddlers and OAPs go arse over tit. Don't rely on Garry's Gritters.
  18. P

    noel gallagher

    Re: noel gallagher - little shit I was at one of Lakey's testimonial dinners in Manchester when Roger de Courcey was the main act. Absolutely awful. Got booed off the stage and did a proper star walkout. Think he told us all to f*** off. Nookie stayed up dancin' till the wee hours...
  19. P

    cooks job on the line

    Georgi Kinkladze? Ged Keegan? Gerry Kreaney?
  20. P

    cooks job on the line

    Do not be hoodwinked by the media. This Guardian nugget has been out to get a) City and b) Garry Cook for some time now, and some hastily-cobbled piece of conjecture must not be taken as gospel. This bed-wetting little hack must be revelling in the fact that Sky Sports have filled their...

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