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  1. S


    dont understand why i can hear you whining, even your posts make me teeth itch!! Hey genius, here's a novel idea, if you dont like a post dont read it, just a thought. might stop you scratchin your dentures constently!
  2. S


    Oh well said brainiac, and here I was counting down the days until I could get my hands on it. state the fuckin obvious why dont you!
  3. S


    Wow good comeback, clearly a comedy genius!
  4. S


    Hey no shit Sherlock, maybe some people dont want to be happyclappers and spend £45 on something just because it has a city badge on it without liking it! Are you telling me there are city fans out there who have bought a kit in the past even though they didnt like it!
  5. S


    you dont need to tell me how to shop mate, I have been doing it for a long time. The initial post was about the marketing and PR bullshit that is surrounding this shirt launch. At the end of the day, it is a football shirt launch like we have done many times before. Why the bullshit this time around
  6. S


    If I like it when I see it properly then I will, didnt know there was a big prize for the person to own the new city strip 1st. Must have missed that one!
  7. S


    so just because you have seen it everybody else should have. How long have we been using leaked grainey pictures as a marketing tool! This is just the sort of bullshit the red shit would come up with
  8. S


    No bullshit, its exactly what I said it was PR shit, if the kits that good it would sell just as good the day release it and if it dosnt then the fans decide. You dont go and buy a car you have never seen. Why should this be any different
  9. S


    I actually think its a pisstake that they are taking orders for a kit that nobody has seen properly. What is with all the secresy shit! When they have the new designs they should fucking put then on the website and stop fucking around with all the PR shit!
  10. S


    What about the Imre Veradi table, just covered in Bananas. He was a legend for me
  11. S

    Which players will say goodbye at the Bolton game

    was he ever there???????
  12. S

    Which players will say goodbye at the Bolton game

    Which of the city squad will be saying there goodbyes to the COMS at the Bolton game(not literally, they dont have to be there to be on the list). Lets have your guess's I think :- M Ball Garrido Dunne Jo Benjani Mills...
  13. S

    Hughes capable of taking us to 5th - Fact!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah ok pal, dont hold your breathe for that will you?
  14. S

    Plea to all city fans!

    This^MVF..Where the fuck they get "Highes is a winner" from i dont know! He has a overall win percentage of just over 40%!!! Wow fucking wee, a real big winner! But hey lets not let the facts get in the way shall we boys! what has he ever won as a manager ? winner must be a typo do your a...
  15. S

    Join me Hughes outers?

    Ive supported the club for 35 years and Im not gonna stop now, it dosnt mean that I will just follow any old manager that they put in place, especially as Ive seen with my own eye's how inept this guy is. If I am wrong and he does turn it around and make us winners I will be the first person on...
  16. S

    Plea to all city fans!

    In which sense is Hughes a winner, he is a mediocre manager!
  17. S

    Lets really get behind the team against Bolton

    Well said, good post! we are just what Hughe's teams were in the past, a mediocre team. And no amount of cheering and singing is gonna change that!
  18. S

    Join me Hughes outers?

    Dont agree, get rid the clown now. He has f**ked this season up where supposidly lesser managers and teams have done better than us. That should be considered as a bench mark. The longer this guy stays the longer we go without the success that this club and supporters deserve.
  19. S

    Anybody got Garry Cooke's email address

    you didnt answer the question, are you seriously telling me we are playing better football now, than we did against pompey, stoke, liverpool etc...........

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