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  1. M

    There hasn't been a thread on this. Any trouble after game??

    They closed the Tollgate and the Bishops Blaize cos they knew we'd take it over. Me and four others fronted about 15 rags outside the Pomona but they didn't want to know. Ended up pumelling a couple in the New Union. Good night off the pitch as usual. CTID.
  2. M

    Its Started

    I've got a couple of inflatable sausages left from our trips to Germany, plus some handcuffs. The rags won't know what hit them, its not often they get to witness a proper cup atmosphere. CTID.
  3. M

    What did you do when the fourth went in? [merged]

    Me and a couple of the Top Boys gave some rags a pummeling in Rembrandt's. CTID.
  4. M

    champions league tattoo

    Re: The Ultimate Optimist ?? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... __for_2011</a> Brummies for you.
  5. M

    Hamburg at home : scarves, bananas, flags, banners etc..

    Its going to be a seriously intimidating atmosphere tonight. Hamburg won't know whats hit em - they'll probably think it'll something contrived and plastic like Chelski or the Rags, but this will be the COMS finest hour.
  6. M

    message for Hamburg fans

    My message to Hamburg fans: Don't take the piss or we'll fuck you up.
  7. M

    SSN NOW!!!!!!!!!!

    You can smell the fear in the rags. They've seen the future. And its Blue Moon shaped.
  8. M


    Thats a hellava sexy team.
  9. M

    Next Manager

    Didier Deschamps or Otmar Hitzfeld. This club demands proven winners not more maybe's like the one we have at the moment.
  10. M

    Four Four Two magazine this month

    I reckon if you count the amount of times that we have been on the back pages compared to the amount of times the Rags have been on the back pages this season, we'll be better. I don't think its been like that since the glory days of Quinn-Lake-White. Slowly but surely the tide is turning.

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