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  1. C

    Were doing the Poznan at Wemberlee

    Everyone is doin the poznan at wembley whether they like it or not its gota be done it will look amazing on the tele wen the camera pans round lets make this a day to remember Liverpool first on monday tho is just as big come on cityyyyyy
  2. C

    Wembley Thread (merged)

    Re: Banner For Wembley I think we should get a banner urging the players on as there coming out so they can see it to show them how much we want it forget bout the utd fans get behind the lads people that are goin lets go fukin mad mcfc
  3. C

    Sir Matt Busby Speaks To God.....(songsters)

    Had this sent 2 me but dont no the theme it goes 2 can anyway put a video on to help??? im at liverpool monday so wil be learning it then
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    For Those Who Travelled From Manchester To Palace Last Night

    I was 1 of the unfortunate ones that was stuck in the delay on the m25 i was on the official coach that went from moston then on 2 the coms leavin mcr about 12pm we totally missed the match after being stuck in the traffic on the m25 from 5pm for around 4hrs n had 2 listen 2 it on the fukin...
  5. C

    We all love Adebayor !

    i think with alot of people on here that adebayor needs a propper song that is simple n easy 2 sing i quite like the Darts 1 ooo adebayor wen he shoots he scores n the city sing oi oi oi!!although i did like the song wat arsenal sang but we could play around with it abit so were not copyin...
  6. C

    united...4000 loyalty points?

    alright josh i went last season so hopin to go again this year i have 4140 so like you ill b hopin 2 get 1 on the wednesday i think it wil b a tight 1 but hopin there wil be sum still available!!!
  7. C

    loyalty points!

    alright pal you can find out how many you have by goin on mcfc then tickets then you wil see a headline login/registration which is what u click on then you can register using your 6 digits off ur ST card
  8. C

    Greening - The Non Joke Thread

    Come on m8 ow ya can ya not joke bout city goin in for jonathon greening weva he is back up or not we wouldnt of even b interested if we dint have the arabs so y the fuk would we want him now we might aswel go n get ray parlour out of retirement were goin for the top 4 not the bottom pal...
  9. C

    John Terry [Merged]

    Re: Is anyone that arsed if John Terry doesn't sign? I think terry would b a great buy ye he is 28 but think he would be a great leader and a mint organiser of our back four next season which is wat we have been cryin out for.Our defence at the moment is our weakest position n buyin terry if we...
  10. C

    who you fancy out there for city

    I think the players were linked wit now terry lescott maybe toure tevez n eto if he comes wil b good enough that wil make our team very strong for next season!!!
  11. C

    attack v defence......

    I think if we can get eto and tevez that shud b enough 2 get us into the top four with the other players we already have rsc n robinho etc but i do think we need to tightin up our defence which i think hughes knows this n wil b tryin 2 get defenders in behind the scenes because like oddfellows...
  12. C

    John Terry [Merged]

    Re: Chelsea reject Terry offer i fink this would b a great aquisation like some1 said further up no harm in trying well done 2 city its hard 2 believe that were goin in for 1 of the best defenders in the PL but its excitin times n i cant wait for the season just wonder what wil happen now...
  13. C

    is there any good boozers near goodison

    nice1 m8 ill mention that fink we just goin 2 see were best when we get there just hope we can fukin win ha come on city
  14. C

    is there any good boozers near goodison

    alrite boys just thought if anyone nows of any pubs that you wil be goin in near everton as ive been b4 but never had a drink there n wil b getin there quite early on sat so would want sumwere 2 have a beer before the game your replies wil be helpful thanks cu all there saturday!!!
  15. C

    Points 4 the utd game

    im sorry for you not being able 2 understand my riting but i thought most people have fones these days n use txt language but anyway just sak it n i wil rite proppa from now on n nice1 conner 4 knowing wat im on about ha cheers 4 ur replies blues
  16. C

    Points 4 the utd game

    i av just been lookin at our site n noticed that i can get my ticket 4 the derby on monday 20th n just want 2 no if i shud get a ticket wit 3900 points cz obv there is goin 2 b alot more ppl wantin 2 go and not sure how many were getin probly 3000 or sutin so just fort id c if any1 has n idea...
  17. C

    any1 know if thomas cook are stil doin flights 2 hamburg

    I am just wondering if thomas cook r stil doing there flights 2 hamburg as im now interested in going i have enough points so has any1 booked on thomas cook n no if its booked up otherewise i wil b ringin up 2moro if not i wil just have 2 miss out n go 2 the semis!!!i wud b grateful if sum1 cud...
  18. C

    minibus to spurs

    alrite m8 i dnt have my ticket yet but i wil b getin one so i wud b interested in travel 2 get down there were wud ya b settin off from write back fanks craig
  19. C


    I was hopin to go 2 hamburg til the other night when i fell out wit my mum then she turned round n sed ya can forget about hamburg because she was going 2 pay for me until i have the money which was very good of her so wen she sed that i was pretty gutted as i have enuf points etc now here's...

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