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  1. D

    City Ownership

    Do we really think with how badly the media want a slice of us, that journalists, who are a lot more capable and have a lot better resourses to hand than people on here, haven't already digged a lot deeper into the ownership of City? They would have been checking these things out from the first...
  2. D

    Whats the point of BM now ???

    At first I thought this was a thread slating Barry Manilow. I was well up for that. I'm a bit disappointed it ended up being a snore-post, attempting to be cynical about how posts might be becoming repetitive - Over the course of a season the same topics will pop up time and time again. They are...
  3. D

    David Platt

    End of Total Recall. Blown out onto Mars surface. Head exploding through complete lack of oxygen - thats Platts face that is.
  4. D

    I Want de Jong Out of The Team Part II

    Give him his due, he played better than normal last night but he did play a very sluggish Liverpool team - Stephen Hawking could have kept up the pace. Two swallows don't make a summer and other cliches. He's still a silly bearded crab who gives away far too many needless free-kicks on the edge...
  5. D

    I hate Manchester City....

    By Zeus' beard, it's like it's been written by a 7 year old for his homework - "i hate manchester city because they have more money than me and they smell and they have more friends and they are going out with Michelle and i really really like her. I hate man city" *asthma inhaler* The little...
  6. D

    Your Local Team...

    Macc Town FC and they don't get a look in. Born into City. Didn't get a choice and wouldn't have it any other way. Not one single regret. Infact I think they have shaped my personality in a way and for that I love them. I definitely laugh more than most and I put that down to being a blue and...
  7. D


    I dunno, so many things put me off throwing my back into supporting them. I just don't get the vibe, the 90 mins of mind-lock-down, the butterflies and the 'fear' that I get when i watch City. I do want them to win and would be tripping the light fandango if they did but it's just not the same...
  8. D

    Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

    Perhaps if you stop reds from posting their drivell then it might not boil to a culling of posts. It is a CITY website afterall. Just a thought.
  9. D

    Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

    Not a question of "owning you". I just feel sorry for you. My friend used to have this hamster that had had a stroke. It only had movement down one side of it's body so it used to just drag itself round in circle. It had no fur on oneside of it's body. I felt sorry for it. I have that same...
  10. D

    Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

    This is becoming cringeworthy now. I'm reading this through my fingers. I tell you what Bumbles, I'll do you a favour here, I'll make some kind of diversion and you just quietly sneak off while no-one is looking. You can thank me another time. Let me know when you have got your parker on and bag...
  11. D

    Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

    The library have probably kicked him off their computer for crying alll over the keyboard.
  12. D

    Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

    I don't believe I actually read that snore-fest. Any one got any brain-tippex to erase the last two minutes? Didn't you accuse someone of being dull yesterday. Jeez, monkey see, monkey do, or what! Oh, I'm now getting an official warning from my brain - any more reading of Bumbles pointless...
  13. D

    Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

    Haha. I love it that you associate this downturn in season tickets to spineless, green scarf waving, rags fans, making a stand against the Glazers. Really? That's how you justify it with yourself? I can almost hear your voice cracking with emotion, "bloody heroes every single one of those guys...
  14. D

    Lowering ourselves to their standards, I say Fu@k um

  15. D

    Lowering ourselves to their standards, I say Fu@k um

    It's hard not to lower ourselves to their standards when friggin rags relentlessly prance around this website, belching out their twaddle. What is it with them? Does the Rainbow Bus pick up directly outside this forum and they are just sat around getting fuelled up on Sunny Delight, waiting to...
  16. D

    Heskey =

    It's like putting a footie boot on a one legged wardrobe. It ain't gonna get you any goals but it might fall over a lot.
  17. D

    "I have been to Old Trafford"

    Can I keep him in a jam jar like frog spawn? Or would that be advancing the evolutionary development of most rags? I don't want to be upsetting the whole balance of nature. Actually, I don't want him. I bet he has teary eyes that just stare. He'd put me on edge.
  18. D

    "I have been to Old Trafford"

    Who the feck is this daft twonk? A playground rag trying to put out yet another miserable, ill-informed, diatribe on a City forum? What's your point? Is this your mamby-pamby way of trying to self-harm? You're ten-a-penny mate. You lot have got nothing worth saying and you say it to loud. It's...
  19. D

    Nigel de Jong

    I don't know what game people were watching yesterday but he hardly did anything. He chased shadows. Arsenal players were waltzing past him. He occassionally jockeyed players until they passed it on and then it wasn't his responsiblity. He doesn't mark up. He doesn't press the ball. Yet, people...
  20. D

    Shrek. Will he or won't he play?

    That Christ bloke must be sobbing. Pull your head out of your pompous arse and let City fans have a year or so of being happy and optimistic, then you can bring your sad, mild mannered and boo-hoo opinions back on here and bring our high down. Most of us understand what's going on and what it...

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