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  1. F

    Liverpool are right, we can never equal their history.

    Actually the world series has never been sponsored by The World newspaper, that is a myth. The yanks believe it really is the world series.
  2. F

    Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

    You're not displaying much knowledge about business. Pumping money into a business in order to increase revenues and profits is standard practice. Just google venture Capitalists for example. Such investors do not expect an immediate return on that investment (see this years loss). They normally...
  3. F

    Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

    Karma blue, Karma! -- Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:38 pm -- Has the penny dropped yet? It sounds like it might be starting to. Not comparing like with like M27, those companies you quoted are public limited companies with a an exchangeable share ownership. Their market is perfectly global while...
  4. F

    Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

    You haven't been paying attention have you? Owners, generally, run their clubs in a manner that at least attempts to break even. City's owners, bucking this trend, run the club as if money is no object, which apparently it is. This was the whole point of my first reply to to the OP, where he...
  5. F

    Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

    Why would suggesting that premier league clubs may change ownership be unrealistic?
  6. F

    Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

    Where did I argue that the owners will walk away? I suggested a scenario that if they did you would no longer be a going concern in your present form. That is why I suggested you are hostage to fortune. There are many reasons why they could walk away, and these would fall into categories of...
  7. F

    Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

    You sir, are an extremely ignorant person. Being held 'hostage to fortune' is the very opposite of being fortunate. And that bile you spew is disgusting. I know that the vast majority of City fans do not hold such views. They would be as disgusted at such comments as I am. Get yourself an...
  8. F

    Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

    And you have the audaCITY to call me stupid!! The whole point is that even if somebody did buy you for £1, even with your shiny new stadium and your debt free state, a new owner would have to sell most of your first team squad just to get back to break even. Thereby ending your 'incredible journey'.
  9. F

    Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

    -- Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:04 pm -- Their investment was in the form of equity, not loans. Look that up, then come back with your next argument, as you'll find that one to be invalid. And so they own all the equity. If they walked away tomorrow and put the club up for sale for £1 there would be...
  10. F

    Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

    Fucking hell, are you pre-Shinawatra City in disguise? I'm sure quite a few City fans will wince at that remark!
  11. F

    Everton hypocrisy - the ’Mersey Millionaires’

    But the comparison is bogus. When John Moores was chairman of Everton, we were indeed known as the Millionnaires Club, but John Moores backed the managers in the form of loans, all of which were paid back to him in full. John Moores did not invest one penny into Everton. Everything he invested...
  12. F

    Wayne Rooney (Merged)

    Re: Wayne Rooney Don't forget, this couple make fortunes portraying themselves as the happy family. The story just exposes the hypocracy of celebrity. What gets me is the professional side of things. Young Jack Wilshire gets dumped out the under 21 squad cos 'he has taken his eye off the ball'...
  13. F


    Lescott needs a strong organiser as partner to marshall him. Jags was the perfect partner for him. His confidence is wafer thin, but he is a very good CB and a competent LB. I can't believe he's not scoring set piece goals for you either. Mind you, the times I've watched him since he left us, he...
  14. F

    Balotelli Official

    That's a great tax, 17%, does he get family tax credits too? I want his accountant.
  15. F

    Something interesting on the odious windbag...

    Re: Something interesting on the odious Welsh windbag... Elementary dear Watson..... I wasn't accusing Peter Doherty of rascism, I was highlighting his hypocrisy in accusing CS of covert rascism for merely mentioning the the nationality of current and former owners of the club.
  16. F

    Something interesting on the odious windbag...

    Re: Something interesting on the odious Welsh windbag... You don't really get it, do you?
  17. F

    'The heart has been ripped from the club I have loved'

    D'ya know what lads, I'd love glory for my team, absolutely love it. If a sheikh came gushing with oily lucre, I'd slither up close to him and try convince him he had discovered a once beautiful but dry oasis and that a mere slick from his bottomless well of black gold could grease the wheels...
  18. F

    Something interesting on the odious windbag...

    Re: Something interesting on the odious Welsh windbag... Did anybody else spot the rank hypocrisy of the OP? This is his comment regarding Colin Shindler on another thread... "I thought his comments were racially motivated, to be honest. And his book showed him to be an utter bore..." Compare...
  19. F

    The GAYs don't like it up 'em

    How did they get Torres to agree to mount that horse??

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