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  1. H


    You can't compare Ibra to Eto. When Eto came to Barca he had already played 5 years in la liga, He didn't had to change to a new country, new language and a new league wich Ibra has had to do. and Ibra has had the 4th best debut season ever in Barcas history, how can that be a failure? No, wait...
  2. H

    Anyone think the "superstars" won't come?

    I think it's more important to take care of our academic players, Like Barca. Sure they buy some superstars, but they take care of their youth players too. Messi, Xavi, Bojan, Pedro, pique, Valdes and so on, are all from the Barca youth academic. what I know, for eample we have Swedens next...
  3. H


    Zlatan got subbed in the 60 minutes in the fist leg against Inter, so those stats are misunderstood. How about that Zlatan ran more than messi in the second leg agaisnt Inter? Messi must be lazy too then?
  4. H


    ohh they have been over paying for Ibra? well then I think you should call Ajax, Juve, Inter and Barca and enlighten them about that. How can some of the biggest clubs in the world have done such a misstake...and you knew about this for all these years? Shame on you for not telling them.
  5. H


    only someone who haven't watched Ibra regularly whould compare him to players as adebayor and berbatov. Capello rate him, mourinho rate him, Guardiola rate him, and these are not coaches that tolerate slackers. more importantly mancini rate him and as we've seen with our affable italian he...
  6. H


    Of course Ibra is top 10 in the world. But I agree that he doesn't work well in Barca. Pep just don't know how to use him right. Mancini on the other hand knows Ibra well.
  7. H

    to the Ibra haters

    No Zlatan do not play only for cash... if it was the case he would still be in Inter. He wants to win trophies. So I don't know if he would like to come to city since we do not play in the CL. But in a swedish newspaper some days ago, They said that Ibra might consider a move to City due to...
  8. H


    Welcome to Bluemoon! While his attitude may not be a problem under Mancini, his lack of effort to track back may just be a cause for concern. You also say he is fast, i was always under the impression he was fairly slow. He can't be that quick, it's never stood out to me when i've seen him play...
  9. H


    Mancini, Mourinho, Guardiola, Capello, crujff, Maradonna and many others have said that Ibra is a worldclass player. He came 7th in the ballon do'r and was the best player in Italy the three last years. He have won the league 6 times in a row in two different leagues. On sunday he might win...

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