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  1. 1

    Who do you think should replace Gray and Keys

    I really hope that tosser rednapp doesn't get the job. he hates City and talks shite. What price someone from match of the day gets poached?
  2. 1

    Fat Sam wants Jo

    I can see what your saying, but i think the reason others try to do the hard thing instead of playing in jo speaks volumes. He has never performed for City. He seems to be one of those players who fails to fit in and live up to the hype. Sooner he goes the better for me.
  3. 1

    Worst Oasis song

    I don't like to focus on the negative of Oasis...such a great band imo. However, 'Roll it over' & 'I can see a liar' are not the greatest offerings.
  4. 1

    Notts County Away

    Looking forward to sunday's match. Not been to an away match for a while. Shouldn't be a problem...but we will need to be switched on. Blue Army
  5. 1

    Women referees for the future?

    I'm all for lady refs. If there good enough, let them do it. However, as someone else said, the only worry is wether they could keep up with some of the players, who are super fast. Worth a go tho. As for Keys & Gray...what a pair of dicks. Everyone is laughing at them
  6. 1

    Next 3 seasons finishing postions - your estimate

    this: 3 next: 1 after that: 2
  7. 1

    Chris Waddle

    glad it wasn't just me who thought his commentary was ill informed biased drivel. Talk about anti City... What a twat.
  8. 1

    Anyone else still think we can win the league?

    I don't believe we'll win the league. We are still building the squad. Top 4 was the target at start of season and is still so. I think we will make top 4 possibly third.
  9. 1

    Should we shoot more?

    I agree, Kolarov was City's best player on the night, he took on some shots too. It was always going to be difficult breaking villa down, but we did'nt play well enough first half. More shooting would be nice but villa never gave us the time second half.
  10. 1

    Man V Food

    Only in America... Seriously, i've not seen food like that prog has (quantity wise) in England. Man v Food is a great watch tho. The bloke is a legend, but all that food, man....yeesh!
  11. 1

    If Ade DOESN'T leave in this month ...

    Ade is a skillful player, but he is very lazy and sulks. there's nothing worse (in my opinion) for a fan to see when a player seems not to give toss and is not giving it all for the team. that said i'd rather see him playing than jo...
  12. 1

    Balotelli on the WUM again [BBC]

    There's no doubt he's a skillful player, i can't wait to see him, tevez & dzeko all on the pitch. i just wish he'd concentrate on playng instead of going to ground too easily and arguing with officials. we don't need him getting needlessly booked, it could lead to suspensions when we really want...

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