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  1. J

    Villa at home!

    RAISE THE FUCKING ROOF ! Simple<br /><br />-- Sat May 03, 2014 7:49 pm --<br /><br />RAISE THE FUCKING ROOF ! Simple
  2. J

    Great MEN Article to Shut up all the Rags

    Brilliant ! this is now on the notice board in work as a little reminder to all the gob shite rags when they say we are buying the league.
  3. J

    Liverpool away tickets are now on sale

    I got a confirmation to say it had gone through and the page went blank. Phoned the ticket office for them to tell me it hadnt gone through and theres nothing they can do because its sold out. Shiiter !
  4. J

    Half City / Half Celtic Hat?

    I've got some half mast pants that i would swap for that.
  5. J

    Trains Back After Wembley Will Be ''Dry''

    They will take it off you when you go to get on the train but you will be able to buy it on the train. Thats what they have done to us the last 3 times. They check all bottles that have been opened as well !
  6. J

    What time & where from are you setting off to Wembley?

    8.20am from Piccadilly. Get to the Greyhound for quite a few ales at 11.30am ish
  7. J

    Spot the mistake...

    Lee Dixon is a bell end ! Keane is a first class bell end. If those two are on the tv, I turn the sound off until their mouths stop moving.
  8. J

    Ticket info for the Capital One Cup Final

    I'm in block 540. i know its high up but what is the view like. I'm usually down in the first tier but i pissed about and ended up up there. Hopefully the atmosphere is good up there as well !
  9. J

    Come on City fans - sort the atmosphere out

    Why dont we do the poznan on saturday when the clock hits 10 mins ? And before people start on ' why should i ? ' and ' i dont want to ' and ' i'll do what i want ! '...... Simple ! if you dont want to do it DONT. Its worth a try. get whole ground doing it from 10 mins to 11mins instead of...
  10. J

    Your Best Memories of Maine Road

    28p for a Chip Barm from City Chippy Walkin in the City social club with my Dad, Uncle and Brother into a wall of smoke ( like the bogs in the south stand now) Buying cans from the offie across the road from the beehive and drinking them outside. No matter what the weather was like. David...
  11. J

    Wembley Weekend Live Updates!

    almost at euston drinking kronenbourg. Cant wait to get there now. Come on you blues !
  12. J

    Wembley Pubs - even if its raining (merged)

    Dont worry blues ! the Blue god will make the sun shine for OUR day !
  13. J

    train tickets for final

    Is there anyone on the 11.35am from picadilly with 2 kids who would lend me on to get pass the guards at the doors (£5 in form em) and I promise i'll give them back........... only joking before the rozzers knock on my door ! My tickets are off peak, so if i get clocked it wont be as bad...
  14. J

    train tickets for final

    I only got asked at the gate at picadilly on the way out at the semi, so if i can get next to a family and point at a child to say he's with me i might do. If i get caught, do you only pay the difference in the price of the ticket ?
  15. J

    train tickets for final

    I've got a family rail card and booked a child ticket with it to make it cheaper but there's no child travelling. Has anyone ever been pulled for doing this and whats the outcome if you do get caught ?
  16. J

    What's everyone's plan for Saturday

    Train 11.30am Greyhound 14.30ish Beers, Beers, Beers ! Win Beers, Beers, Beers Train home 20.45 Home Sick Sleep Does anyone know if the trains from Picadilly are dry trains again ?
  17. J

    Are you up for it?

    Count me in ! Cooler than a Balotelli penalty !
  18. J

    Pointless defenders..

    Alan Harper ! The only person to clear the north stand with a penalty...... I think it still going that.
  19. J

    Pointless defenders..

    Brian Gayle
  20. J

    Pointless - Manchester City strikers

    Gary Mason......... and no, not the boxer !

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