
I don't know if that story is true but it does allude to what I said earlier about unaswered questions. I apologise if anyone finds my thoughts disgusting but I would like to know why the BBC announced that building 7 had collapsed before it happened. It's quite possible that the BBC were told that it would be demolished by the fire department due to it being unstable or something similar but that isn't what we were told.
I am also surprised that there were never more pictures of the plane approaching/hitting the Pentagon released given that it must be one of most camera saturated sites in the USA and all footage from surrounding sites was immediately confiscated.
I won't ramble any more it was a horrible day but not all the non-offical government stuff on the Internet is tripe.
It took decades for the Warren comission report to be properly contradicted and an admission made that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. Governments do have a haibt of making the facts suit their objectives, remember Iraq's 'weapons of mass destriction' ?
Maybe 50 years from now some of the questions around 9/11 may be answered.

There is a lot of things that raise concern for me aswell. The Pentagon crash having no footage is weird. Tower 7 is weird. The entire US Air force being on a training exercise in Alaska on 9/11 is weird. I don't want to believe the American Government would let something like that happen to their own citizens, but the world is a dark and murky place and we will probably never really know. I don't think your thoughts are disgusting at all, wanting to know the full truth of what happened that day isn't disrespectful in my opinion.
I think, regardless of whatever "truth" you believe about how 9/11 came about, it's probably just worth focusing on the 3,000 people who died and the thousands more who've died since from cancers and other infections brought on by being near Ground Zero. In the end, it doesn't matter who brought about their deaths, it is still the single most devastating loss of life in a terrorist attack in human history. Whether it was a conspiracy or a cover-up or neither of those things, the world was forever changed by it, except for the worlds of the people who just went to work that morning like millions of others worldwide and didn't come home.

For what it's worth, I believe 99% of the official version of events. I believe 19 Al Qaeda terrorists conspired together to fly four planes into four buildings and kill as many people as they possibly could. But, as I said before, I don't think the "Who?" of it all matters much when weighed up against the loss of life. Innocent people were slaughtered on a mass scale in a truly incomprehensible event that we'll probably never recover from as a global society, such were its wide-reaching and irreversible impacts. A day that contained every extreme of humanity's potential for great bravery and nobility but also for great treachery and evil.

The people I think of most are the ones trapped in the towers, who were simultaneously waiting to be rescued and waiting for the end. Leaning out of windows hundreds of feet into the air, so desperate were they for air. Some of them staring into the flames and deciding suicide was the only alternative. Listen to the phone call made by Kevin Cosgrove if you can. The people who held hands as they jumped together, the people between the 93rd and 99th floors of the North Tower for whom 9/11 never really happened; they were just killed in a plane crash at work and that was that. A haunting and dark day that I've become obsessed with over the years, in truth, because of all it contains.

Hard to believe we're almost a quarter of a century on. How the hell do you explain it to today's kids? How do you get them to wrap their minds around not only the scale of tragedy but also the symbolic terror of it all. Because not only did it change the world in an instant, it also brought about the true end of the 20th century and gave us the world as we've known it ever since. I don't know if a similar event could have such an impact ever again. Can it be compared to anything previously in history? I think it stands entirely alone as an event. An awful, awful event that can't - and still hasn't - been put into words.
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I think, regardless of whatever "truth" you believe about how 9/11 came about, it's probably just worth focusing on the 3,000 people who died and the thousands more who've died since from cancers and other infections brought on by being near Ground Zero. In the end, it doesn't matter who brought about their deaths, it is still the single most devastating loss of life in a single non-natural event in human history. Whether it was a conspiracy or a cover-up or neither of those things, the world was forever changed by it, except for the worlds of the people who just went to work that morning like millions of others worldwide and didn't come home.

For what it's worth, I believe 99% of the official version of events. I believe 19 Al Qaeda terrorists conspired together to fly four planes into four buildings and kill as many people as they possibly could. But, as I said before, I don't think the "Who?" of it all matters much when weighed up against the loss of life. Innocent people were slaughtered on a mass scale in a truly incomprehensible event that we'll probably never recover from as a global society, such were its wide-reaching and irreversible impacts. A day that contained every extreme of humanity's potential for great bravery and nobility but also for great treachery and evil.

The people I think of most are the ones trapped in the towers, who were simultaneously waiting to be rescued and waiting for the end. Leaning out of windows hundreds of feet into the air, so desperate were they for air. Some of them staring into the flames and deciding suicide was the only alternative. The people who held hands as they jumped together, the people between the 93rd and 99th floors of the North Tower for whom 9/11 never really happened; they were just killed in a plane crash at work and that was that. A haunting and dark day that I've become obsessed with over the years, in truth, because of all it contains.

Hard to believe we're almost a quarter of a century on. How the hell do you explain it to today's kids? How do you get them to wrap their minds around not only the scale of tragedy but also the symbolic terror of it all. Because not only did it change the world in an instant, it also brought about the true end of the 20th century and gave us the world as we've known it ever since. I don't know if a similar event could have such an impact ever again. Can it be compared to anything previously in history? I think it stands entirely alone as an event. An awful, awful event that can't - and still hasn't - been put into words.
My daughter was born in 2002. Step daughter 2004. Last year they saw me watching docs on it and are clearly of age now to have known what went on. They both said they were glad they weren’t of age at that time, because they would have struggled to comprehend it.

Your last paragraph. I’ve often thought what could ‘top’ this event. I don’t think it ever can be topped. To see two iconic buildings like that disappear within 90 minutes, the aftermath and how it literally changed the world, I can’t think of anything that could shock the world as much. It was unimaginable but it happened and we all witnessed it.
My daughter was born in 2002. Step daughter 2004. Last year they saw me watching docs on it and are clearly of age now to have known what went on. They both said they were glad they weren’t of age at that time, because they would have struggled to comprehend it.

Your last paragraph. I’ve often thought what could ‘top’ this event. I don’t think it ever can be topped. To see two iconic buildings like that disappear within 90 minutes, the aftermath and how it literally changed the world, I can’t think of anything that could shock the world as much. It was unimaginable but it happened and we all witnessed it.
I really think it's the second most important event in modern history terms of international geopolitics outside of the World Wars. It's shaped everything it's touched ever since.
I was actually living in Australia when it happened so whenever I get asked the 'where you when....' question, my answer is actually fast asleep in bed! First I knew of it was several hours after it had all happened and I turned the tv on in the lounge after getting up. Took a good couple of minutes for me to work out it wasn't some action film that was on at a really odd time of day.
I think, regardless of whatever "truth" you believe about how 9/11 came about, it's probably just worth focusing on the 3,000 people who died and the thousands more who've died since from cancers and other infections brought on by being near Ground Zero. In the end, it doesn't matter who brought about their deaths, it is still the single most devastating loss of life in a single non-natural event in human history. Whether it was a conspiracy or a cover-up or neither of those things, the world was forever changed by it, except for the worlds of the people who just went to work that morning like millions of others worldwide and didn't come home.

For what it's worth, I believe 99% of the official version of events. I believe 19 Al Qaeda terrorists conspired together to fly four planes into four buildings and kill as many people as they possibly could. But, as I said before, I don't think the "Who?" of it all matters much when weighed up against the loss of life. Innocent people were slaughtered on a mass scale in a truly incomprehensible event that we'll probably never recover from as a global society, such were its wide-reaching and irreversible impacts. A day that contained every extreme of humanity's potential for great bravery and nobility but also for great treachery and evil.

The people I think of most are the ones trapped in the towers, who were simultaneously waiting to be rescued and waiting for the end. Leaning out of windows hundreds of feet into the air, so desperate were they for air. Some of them staring into the flames and deciding suicide was the only alternative. Listen to the phone call made by Kevin Cosgrove if you can. The people who held hands as they jumped together, the people between the 93rd and 99th floors of the North Tower for whom 9/11 never really happened; they were just killed in a plane crash at work and that was that. A haunting and dark day that I've become obsessed with over the years, in truth, because of all it contains.

Hard to believe we're almost a quarter of a century on. How the hell do you explain it to today's kids? How do you get them to wrap their minds around not only the scale of tragedy but also the symbolic terror of it all. Because not only did it change the world in an instant, it also brought about the true end of the 20th century and gave us the world as we've known it ever since. I don't know if a similar event could have such an impact ever again. Can it be compared to anything previously in history? I think it stands entirely alone as an event. An awful, awful event that can't - and still hasn't - been put into words.

Horrific the cancer toll, I read somewhere the big clouds of dust that engulfed Manhattan afterwards were full of asbestos. I don't think the firefighters involved have received any compensation either though I could be wrong about that.
There is a lot of things that raise concern for me aswell. The Pentagon crash having no footage is weird. Tower 7 is weird. The entire US Air force being on a training exercise in Alaska on 9/11 is weird. I don't want to believe the American Government would let something like that happen to their own citizens, but the world is a dark and murky place and we will probably never really know. I don't think your thoughts are disgusting at all, wanting to know the full truth of what happened that day isn't disrespectful in my opinion.
The pentagon crash having only time lapse camera footage was the only odd thing from it all.
You would think the pentagon would be cameraed and securityed up to the hilt but nothing apparently.
The pentagon crash having only time lapse camera footage was the only odd thing from it all.
You would think the pentagon would be cameraed and securityed up to the hilt but nothing apparently.

That footage was from a nearby gas station IIRC and it took until 2006 to release that, there's about 10 pixels in it and you can hardly make anything out.
That footage was from a nearby gas station IIRC and it took until 2006 to release that, there's about 10 pixels in it and you can hardly make anything out.
There is footage of the pentagon that is frame by frame and a plane can be seen.

Just like the BBC announcing the tower 7 collapse though, people like to think they’re onto something. If you read the comments by the then director of the world service, it was nothing more than human error amongst a day of total chaos.

The conspiracy theorists just won’t listen though. You could literally transport them to that event and get them to see it with their own eyes and they would still call bullshit. A very strange ideology.

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