A level results

Eldest daughter got 2 Distinction Stars in BTEC Health and Social Care and a B in her Psychology A-Level but the College has just called her and asked if she wants to put that in for a remark as she was apparently a couple of marks away from an A. Not sure it's worth the effort as she's got her first choice Uni off those grades anyway but she's going to do it.
I wouldn't risk it as grades can be marked down as well as up. I know it seems a downgrade is unlikely as she's only a couple of marks from an A but there's nothing really to gain by doing so if she has got into her first choice.
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Just a reminder for any young uns worrying.

Nobody, not one employer, has ever asked to see my A level or degree certificates.

Could’ve just made the whole thing up if I wanted.
They don't generally ask but most large companies do check using a third party such a Veremark. If you are chartered then its pretty easy for anyone to check online if they have your full name and DOB or your registration number.
They don't generally ask but most large companies do check using a third party such a Veremark. If you are chartered then its pretty easy for anyone to check online if they have your full name and DOB or your registration number.

Never knew that, but I’ve never had a big corporate job. I’ve always worked for smaller companies and now run my own business.

(Nor do I have any reason to lie on my CV, was just making a flippant point)
Congrats to all the kids and the proud parents.

I think we put a lot of emphasis on getting the grade on a slip of paper (understandably given that is what universities are looking at). But don’t underestimate the value these two years of study will have had - regardless of the end result. The journey is worth something.

Take it from somebody who is insane enough to have done four degrees in completely different subjects purely out of love of the process. Not everybody is academic but that doesn’t matter, if you can find a way to love learning in whatever environment suits you best then the value that will bring to your life will outweigh anything a qualification can do monetarily or professionally.

Many will have discovered their love for learning over these last two years and that’s something to be celebrated no matter the grade.
They don't generally ask but most large companies do check using a third party such a Veremark. If you are chartered then its pretty easy for anyone to check online if they have your full name and DOB or your registration number.
I have 2 degrees.
Job in finance
Blue eyes
6 ish
No trust fund, my pensions ok.

Never been asked about a degree certificate but I assume they check digitally.

I do know someone who lied about her qualifications and got found out wile going for an internal promotion some years into a Corp job. She got sacked.
I didn’t get the A-level results I wanted (Mel Machin’s fault), decided to give clearing a miss, took a year out to work and get my head straight, then went BSc, MSc and PhD one after the other and loved it. Congratulations to everyone who got what they needed, but if you didn’t it really isn’t the end of the world, even if it might feel like it now.
Teacher training and didn't get a BA (Hons) degree until I was 60 so don't ever give up on your dreams.
Crikey thought I was old not completing my PhD until I was 42, which I did whilst working. I even found at that age it was harder to learn than when I was in my 20s, so hats off to you completing to your BA at 60 !
I am always so pleased to hear about the results because as a retired teacher and an ex-Chair of Governors of a High School I know how much work they all put in and I think their efforts need acknowledgement.

Don't think I have forgotten those who don't get the results they hope for and feel they should have got. They have worked for them as well and to them I say education doesn't stop when you leave the classroom. Life is education.
If you want to try again, go for it. I didn't get what were then '0' levels until I was 29 years old and had 4 children I went on to Teacher training and didn't get a BA (Hons) degree until I was 60 so don't ever give up on your dreams. Just keep trying. Good luck to everyone looking at A level and next week GCSE's. :-)
You are an amazing person Eccles, and I mean that
Crikey thought I was old not completing my PhD until I was 42, which I did whilst working. I even found at that age it was harder to learn than when I was in my 20s, so hats off to you completing to your BA at 60 !
I had the BEd but never felt that I had earned that as I had the Trained Teacher Certificate and just added some modules to it plus it wasn’t an Hons!
I started the BA(Hons) whilst I was still working and did intend to do a Masters but got tied up with my voluntary work and decided I’d wait and do it when I fully retired.
It was harder to learn but I did my best essays at 2.00AM! :-)
There’s time to do my Masters yet if my health improves. :-)
The OU is still around and is brilliant. One of the charities I give a monthly donation to because they part funded part of my degree as I couldn’t afford it at the time.

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