A Stat Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero (Update pg 10)

Re: A Statistical Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero

AntiUnited said:
CaliforniaBlue said:
MCFC1993 said:
If only it was just the goals per min/game that mattered.

Fact is that its not.

Fair play to you for putting the stats together but as Prestwich Blue alluded to early on in this thread, Tevez and Aguero graft their bollocks and score and contribute to goals/team performance. Dzeko just gives you the goals and even they are usually in batches, before he goes on a barren spell.

I'm also not buying for a second that our team thinks "Shit, Dzeko's up front today, we better graft extra hard".

What I show in the OP is that Dzeko actually has the lowest goals per min/game, when he starts, so that isn't the main thrust at all. I can't say I blame anyone for not carefully reading the entire OP, but for those who are critical of Dzeko because they think the most important thing is a player's contribution to the team performance (in terms of team goals), the truth is not at all what they think. In fact Dzeko comes out much better in terms of team goals than he does in terms of goals he scores himself.

So the numbers show (over the entire 45 game season - not cherry picked to prove any preconception) that Dzeko's presence causes the rest of the team to score more goals than either Aguero or Tevez. That looks like a greater contribution to the team performance in my book, which is exactly the opposite of the Bluemoon conventional wisdom.

You can make your own guesses about how this has happened, but you can't argue that it isn't true, because it is (btw, the "lazy Dzeko makes everyone else work harder" theory was offered facetiously as the only way out for those who refuse to acknowledge anything good about Dzeko).

They dont give a shit. running around is more important then putting the ball in the back of the net.
Your ignorance and arrogance hold no bounds. Two fundamentals of Barcelona's game is movement off the ball when in possession and pressing when not in possession; guess what that involves running. Movement creates space and options, it disrupts the opposition's defence.
I genuinely think you've never kicked a ball in your life.
Re: A Statistical Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero

pudge said:
Why not just bump the main Dzeko thread and post this in there?

I mean, you're not exactly being subtle.

I tried a comparison of Aguero and Dzeko on that thread some time ago and your opinion was that it was a Dzeko thread, and as such I wasn't allowed to discuss anyone else. You were probably bored and looking for an argument at the time (as you no doubt are now), or perhaps you realised you were fighting a losing battle on the actual point of the discussion, so you had to try winning a different argument on a technicality.

As for being subtle - no I'm not. I say right there in the OP that I rate Dzeko. Consequently I'm happy that the data supports my opinion that he's been a valuable member of the team this year, but I haven't cherry-picked data to support my beliefs, so my opinions are irrelevant to the facts.
Re: A Statistical Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero

CaliforniaBlue said:
pudge said:
Why not just bump the main Dzeko thread and post this in there?

I mean, you're not exactly being subtle.

I tried a comparison of Aguero and Dzeko on that thread some time ago and your opinion was that it was a Dzeko thread, and as such I wasn't allowed to discuss anyone else. You were probably bored and looking for an argument at the time (as you no doubt are now), or perhaps you realised you were fighting a losing battle on the actual point of the discussion, so you had to try winning a different argument on a technicality.

As for being subtle - no I'm not. I say right there in the OP that I rate Dzeko. Consequently I'm happy that the data supports my opinion that he's been a valuable member of the team this year, but I haven't cherry-picked data to support my beliefs, so my opinions are irrelevant to the facts.
I have never discouraged comparisons. But when posters feel the need to say "what has Aguero done?" Or "the two golden midgets can do no wrong" in a thread discussing another player, I feel that's wrong. Its just a blatant attempt to divert attention and criticism.

This is thread number #13565 on the subject, so yes its getting boring. Stats don't tell the whole picture, not by a long shot. If you invest so heavily in statistics (which YOU obviously do) then football as a game is lost on you.

I hope I've met your standard level on condescension in the above so that you are able to comprehend it, hopefully its "at your level" as they say.

As for me apparantly looking for an arguement? No, I'm just highlighting how tiresome these threads are.
Re: A Statistical Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero

it hasn't worked out for Dzeko, we don't play with wingers and cross the ball enough for a player of his type. time to cash in and get someone else in
Re: A Statistical Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero

EricBrooksGhost said:
AntiUnited said:
CaliforniaBlue said:
What I show in the OP is that Dzeko actually has the lowest goals per min/game, when he starts, so that isn't the main thrust at all. I can't say I blame anyone for not carefully reading the entire OP, but for those who are critical of Dzeko because they think the most important thing is a player's contribution to the team performance (in terms of team goals), the truth is not at all what they think. In fact Dzeko comes out much better in terms of team goals than he does in terms of goals he scores himself.

So the numbers show (over the entire 45 game season - not cherry picked to prove any preconception) that Dzeko's presence causes the rest of the team to score more goals than either Aguero or Tevez. That looks like a greater contribution to the team performance in my book, which is exactly the opposite of the Bluemoon conventional wisdom.

You can make your own guesses about how this has happened, but you can't argue that it isn't true, because it is (btw, the "lazy Dzeko makes everyone else work harder" theory was offered facetiously as the only way out for those who refuse to acknowledge anything good about Dzeko).

They dont give a shit. running around is more important then putting the ball in the back of the net.
Your ignorance and arrogance hold no bounds. Two fundamentals of Barcelona's game is movement off the ball when in possession and pressing when not in possession; guess what that involves running. Movement creates space and options, it disrupts the opposition's defence.
I genuinely think you've never kicked a ball in your life.

Thats one way of playing football... the other way is playing with a striker in the box and feeding him balls from the wings and proper through balls. if i remember correctly barca had the ball more but still got dicked 4-0. so much for that theory ehh ?
Re: A Statistical Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero

AntiUnited said:
EricBrooksGhost said:
AntiUnited said:
They dont give a shit. running around is more important then putting the ball in the back of the net.
Your ignorance and arrogance hold no bounds. Two fundamentals of Barcelona's game is movement off the ball when in possession and pressing when not in possession; guess what that involves running. Movement creates space and options, it disrupts the opposition's defence.
I genuinely think you've never kicked a ball in your life.

Thats one way of playing football... the other way is playing with a striker in the box and feeding him balls from the wings and proper through balls. if i remember correctly barca had the ball more but still got dicked 4-0. so much for that theory ehh ?
Yet when United do that you call them shit...
AntiUnited said:
united dont know how to play football they smash the ball from the wings like. no skills just pure luck.
AntiUnited said:
ok its more like a lob then a hoof still route one football when they have spent all that money on a attacking midfielder they still rather play it on the wing or pass on top. still shit football.
AntiUnited said:
I find it hilarious Swansea are the ones that are playing composed proper football and united look like a stoke hoof it by pass there midfield and get it to there wingers.
AntiUnited said:
no there fukin not quality they take the ball and only play on the fukin wings. they hoof the ball to the wings they start everything on the fuking wings. the only time the ball goes mid is to switch the ball to the other fukin wing. they are shit.

And finally...
AntiUnited said:
what i mean to say is that they play with wingers and pump the ball into the box constantly 24/7 which is how dzeko likes playing. if dzeko was in uniteds setup he would score just as many goals.
Make your mind up
Re: A Statistical Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero

pudge said:
AntiUnited said:
EricBrooksGhost said:
Your ignorance and arrogance hold no bounds. Two fundamentals of Barcelona's game is movement off the ball when in possession and pressing when not in possession; guess what that involves running. Movement creates space and options, it disrupts the opposition's defence.
I genuinely think you've never kicked a ball in your life.

Thats one way of playing football... the other way is playing with a striker in the box and feeding him balls from the wings and proper through balls. if i remember correctly barca had the ball more but still got dicked 4-0. so much for that theory ehh ?
Yet when United do that you call them shit...
AntiUnited said:
united dont know how to play football they smash the ball from the wings like. no skills just pure luck.
AntiUnited said:
ok its more like a lob then a hoof still route one football when they have spent all that money on a attacking midfielder they still rather play it on the wing or pass on top. still shit football.
AntiUnited said:
I find it hilarious Swansea are the ones that are playing composed proper football and united look like a stoke hoof it by pass there midfield and get it to there wingers.
AntiUnited said:
no there fukin not quality they take the ball and only play on the fukin wings. they hoof the ball to the wings they start everything on the fuking wings. the only time the ball goes mid is to switch the ball to the other fukin wing. they are shit.

And finally...
AntiUnited said:
what i mean to say is that they play with wingers and pump the ball into the box constantly 24/7 which is how dzeko likes playing. if dzeko was in uniteds setup he would score just as many goals.
Make your mind up

its called variation u know that Munich play wing and mid its called variation they have gomez(dzeko like) and he scores fuk loads of goals.
Re: A Statistical Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero

AntiUnited said:
pudge said:
AntiUnited said:
Thats one way of playing football... the other way is playing with a striker in the box and feeding him balls from the wings and proper through balls. if i remember correctly barca had the ball more but still got dicked 4-0. so much for that theory ehh ?
Yet when United do that you call them shit...
AntiUnited said:
united dont know how to play football they smash the ball from the wings like. no skills just pure luck.
AntiUnited said:
ok its more like a lob then a hoof still route one football when they have spent all that money on a attacking midfielder they still rather play it on the wing or pass on top. still shit football.
AntiUnited said:
I find it hilarious Swansea are the ones that are playing composed proper football and united look like a stoke hoof it by pass there midfield and get it to there wingers.
AntiUnited said:
no there fukin not quality they take the ball and only play on the fukin wings. they hoof the ball to the wings they start everything on the fuking wings. the only time the ball goes mid is to switch the ball to the other fukin wing. they are shit.

And finally...
AntiUnited said:
what i mean to say is that they play with wingers and pump the ball into the box constantly 24/7 which is how dzeko likes playing. if dzeko was in uniteds setup he would score just as many goals.
Make your mind up

its called variation u know that Munich play wing and mid its called variation they have gomez(dzeko like) and he scores fuk loads of goals.
What's called variation? Just because you don't like United doesn't mean you have to be ignorant towards them. With Rooney dropping deeper he's been pulling the strings for them in the centre of midfield and Carrick has been one of their best players.

First you say they are shit for using wingers, you then want us to play with wingers and then you say Dzeko would scored as many as RVP if he played for United.

That's variation.

I think EricBrooksGhost is right when he says you have never kicked a ball...
Re: A Statistical Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero

pudge said:
AntiUnited said:
pudge said:
Yet when United do that you call them shit...

And finally...

Make your mind up

its called variation u know that Munich play wing and mid its called variation they have gomez(dzeko like) and he scores fuk loads of goals.
What's called variation? Just because you don't like United doesn't mean you have to be ignorant towards them. With Rooney dropping deeper he's been pulling the strings for them in the centre of midfield and Carrick has been one of their best players.

First you say they are shit for using wingers, you then want us to play with wingers and then you say Dzeko would scored as many as RVP if he played for United.

That's variation.

I think EricBrooksGhost is right when he says you have never kicked a ball...

it is ok using wingers but not to rely on it 24/7 like united do. play more like munich its not that hard.... obviously dzeko would score as many cuz thats the type of striker he is. it makes u think what mancini was thinking when buying him in the first place tbh..
Re: A Statistical Comparison of Tevez, Dzeko, and Aguero

Whatever you say kid

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