Ade Durham on Talksport

How do you know it's affecting our recruitment of young fans.?
Wasn't aware we had a recruitment policy...

It will have some affect, we have some excellent interaction with the community. Its a bit off a hearts and minds and the vast majority of kids are decent and kind natured when given the chance.
It might be different in West Yorkshire Dave, where Leeds are still on a popularity and high and the bin dippers have convinced Asian communities that Liverpool is some sort of anti racism utopia. That said, our fitness in the West Yorks OSC Branch are seeing strong membership growth.

In North Yorkshire, City support is booming:
Haha I’m on one of the pictures in that article
There’s been a table printed where Spurs are in the top for shirt sales and merchandising and Coty aren’t. Knowledgable people have questioned whether the information is out there to
Produce such a table and what time period is it for. I don’t know enough about the availability of merchandising sales to say whether comparable info between clubs is available.

IIRC, City shirt sales doubled in Haaland’s first season. Match day membership sales have doubled in the last 18 months. OSC membership has risen by about 70% in the last 18 months and we now have 398 Branches. We are going in the right direction.

I’ve said it a few times but I went to Jakarta, Bali, Lombok last year just after the World Cup & it was Haaland shirts everywhere but it was these 3.

Messi - Argentina
Mbappe - PSG
Haaland - City

The counterfeiters have their finger on the pulse.
Haha I’m on one of the pictures in that article
Great stuff mate.

I went to the Coop on the corner to get the driver and security sandwiches etc. The guy behind the counter said are you anything to do with these trophies at the Starbeck Club. He said he was absolutely knackered from the increased custom and he looked it lol
It will have some affect, we have some excellent interaction with the community. Its a bit off a hearts and minds and the vast majority of kids are decent and kind natured when given the chance.
Pretty sure kids are more arsed about Haaland banging in 50 goals a season than they are of what Simon Jordan et al say.
Sort of how I feel. Not listened to TS for years.

‘Suckholing’ made me laugh, not heard it in years!
I listen to TS regularly because i enjoy it in a love-hate kind of way.

Thing is they like to be controversial and argue a lot and they do it to boost listening figures and callers ringing in to agree or disagree, plus it keeps their advertisers happy.

I find Simon Jordon a pompous patronising prick who will argue the toss with anyone and he's fond of his own voice. When these alleged charges came about he was almost adamant we were guilty as sin, nowadays he's kinda relaxed his stance a little. If we get exonotated I'll phone up and try and get on to give it the lippy ****.

Jordan even tries to shoot voice of reason Graham Souness down but rarely does because Souness knows his stuff and keeps his calm. Had he met Jordan on the pitch in his playing days Then Jordan would have suffered the rough treatment that 'Hong Kong Soui' dished out.

As for Durham, yes he says some complimentary things about City and he probably means most of it but it's for a reason, and that reason is to infuriate those who hate us to ring in and argue what he's said...
There’s been a table printed where Spurs are in the top for shirt sales and merchandising and Coty aren’t. Knowledgable people have questioned whether the information is out there to
Produce such a table and what time period is it for. I don’t know enough about the availability of merchandising sales to say whether comparable info between clubs is available.

IIRC, City shirt sales doubled in Haaland’s first season. Match day membership sales have doubled in the last 18 months. OSC membership has risen by about 70% in the last 18 months and we now have 398 Branches. We are going in the right direction.
I would say that stat is attributed to the nfl games held there and yanks just buy on their annual tour over to watch the games. Plus the nation of South Korea buying Son shirts.
How do you know it’s not?
City started its recruitment policy over 50 years ago with the Junior Blues concept.
I was in The Junior Blues soon after it was formed and i remember when we went on a JB coach to Leeds which was my first away game. Frightening stuff for a kid to see in the 70s but my dad saw we avoided any trouble.
I was in The Junior Blues soon after it was formed and i remember when we went on a JB coach to Leeds. Frightening stuff for a kid to see in the 70s, but my dad saw we avoided any trouble.
I think the original idea for the Junior Blues came from Malcolm Allison. Way ahead of his time once again.

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