Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

Had a few pains in abdomen the last few mths, had some scans and I've got liver scarring. I drink quite a lot and regularly. Although I do have break. But I am now considering giving up the booze completely, I'm a regular down our local, I enjoy that so will have to go No Alcohol beer. Any advice tips welcome.
You'll would still go to your local, but only drink alcohol-free beer? Hmmm...that could be like going to the Etihad but getting United instead of City.
You'll would still go to your local, but only drink alcohol-free beer? Hmmm...that could be like going to the Etihad but getting United instead of City.
I know, it's going to be hard, but I enjoy my nights out with the lads.

PS surely it can't be that bad!!??
I know, it's going to be hard, but I enjoy my nights out with the lads.

PS surely it can't be that bad!!??
You'll have to change the way you think about it all. Like what you'll want and get out of it...the socializing is still good and you can go home and have a cup of tea without knowing you'll pay for it in the morning. The next days are fantastic without the previous days alcohol intake. It'll be different for sure but it's time to change if your liver's showing signs. A new way. It might not be easy, but if you really want it, it will be.
You'll have to change the way you think about it all. Like what you'll want and get out of it...the socializing is still good and you can go home and have a cup of tea without knowing you'll pay for it in the morning. The next days are fantastic without the previous days alcohol intake. It'll be different for sure but it's time to change if your liver's showing signs. A new way. It might not be easy, but if you really want it, it will be.
Cheers, that's my thoughts. I don't consider myself an alcoholic, although I definitely have a dependency. I just need to look at the bigger picture and change things.
Had a few pains in abdomen the last few mths, had some scans and I've got liver scarring. I drink quite a lot and regularly. Although I do have break. But I am now considering giving up the booze completely, I'm a regular down our local, I enjoy that so will have to go No Alcohol beer. Any advice tips welcome.
So first things first, going off your username you either visit pubs in alsager, rode heath or scholar green :) . I quit drinking probably 3 years ago now and found the transition very easy (probably because the only time I went the pub was for food). There are absolutely loads of decent low alcohol (0.5%) & zero alcohol beers out there now. I used to drink real ale especially stouts so I buy mainly craft brewed alcohol free beer and there are some amazing companies out there that do amazing alcohol free beers. Days Brewing, Ilkley Brewery, Nirvana, Lucky Saint, Drop Bear Brewery and Big Drop Brewery are just a few of the many that are out there. Of the more commercial brands Leffe, Guinness, San Miguel, Heineken, Becks and Budweiser are all excellent. If I do nip into a pub then I’ll gladly sit there with either a coffee or one of the commercial brands that are sold and if you hit the jackpot you can find alcohol free beers on draught in certain pubs. My only gripe is that the cost of these beers are not far off the cost of the alcohol versions which I think is a piss take. Going alcohol free seems to be gaining popularity and this to me is being reflected with the amount of brilliant alcohol free beers that are available. If you need any help or advice mate just send a DM and I’m more than happy to help you. It’s easier than you think to go in a pub and not have a pint, trust me I know.
Cheers, that's my thoughts. I don't consider myself an alcoholic, although I definitely have a dependency. I just need to look at the bigger picture and change things.
I always tell myself If ever think I'm missing out; "been there, done that and have the liver to prove it".
Time to move on.
So first things first, going off your username you either visit pubs in alsager, rode heath or scholar green :) . I quit drinking probably 3 years ago now and found the transition very easy (probably because the only time I went the pub was for food). There are absolutely loads of decent low alcohol (0.5%) & zero alcohol beers out there now. I used to drink real ale especially stouts so I buy mainly craft brewed alcohol free beer and there are some amazing companies out there that do amazing alcohol free beers. Days Brewing, Ilkley Brewery, Nirvana, Lucky Saint, Drop Bear Brewery and Big Drop Brewery are just a few of the many that are out there. Of the more commercial brands Leffe, Guinness, San Miguel, Heineken, Becks and Budweiser are all excellent. If I do nip into a pub then I’ll gladly sit there with either a coffee or one of the commercial brands that are sold and if you hit the jackpot you can find alcohol free beers on draught in certain pubs. My only gripe is that the cost of these beers are not far off the cost of the alcohol versions which I think is a piss take. Going alcohol free seems to be gaining popularity and this to me is being reflected with the amount of brilliant alcohol free beers that are available. If you need any help or advice mate just send a DM and I’m more than happy to help you. It’s easier than you think to go in a pub and not have a pint, trust me I know.
Guinness 0.0 is a godsend. No more diet coke for me.
It’s seriously good isn’t it! They need to get it on draught here in England like they do in Ireland.
I thought they did have it on draught. Yeah...they need to hurry up with that. I've only had the cans a home. What a treat! A game changer. By the 2nd can, my brain sussed out there was no alcohol in it! Still nice though...proper flavour.
So first things first, going off your username you either visit pubs in alsager, rode heath or scholar green :) . I quit drinking probably 3 years ago now and found the transition very easy (probably because the only time I went the pub was for food). There are absolutely loads of decent low alcohol (0.5%) & zero alcohol beers out there now. I used to drink real ale especially stouts so I buy mainly craft brewed alcohol free beer and there are some amazing companies out there that do amazing alcohol free beers. Days Brewing, Ilkley Brewery, Nirvana, Lucky Saint, Drop Bear Brewery and Big Drop Brewery are just a few of the many that are out there. Of the more commercial brands Leffe, Guinness, San Miguel, Heineken, Becks and Budweiser are all excellent. If I do nip into a pub then I’ll gladly sit there with either a coffee or one of the commercial brands that are sold and if you hit the jackpot you can find alcohol free beers on draught in certain pubs. My only gripe is that the cost of these beers are not far off the cost of the alcohol versions which I think is a piss take. Going alcohol free seems to be gaining popularity and this to me is being reflected with the amount of brilliant alcohol free beers that are available. If you need any help or advice mate just send a DM and I’m more than happy to help you. It’s easier than you think to go in a pub and not have a pint, trust me I know.
Thanks, its appreciated.

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