Altercation at Terminal 2

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Appreciate it's difficult to keep ahead of the story in the era of social media but I have to say GMPs handling of it seems really sloppy so far.

Their initial statement was poor as it seemed to say those actions were ok because an officers nose had been broken. Even if that's the case, the action against the two people who had been apprehended was not ok.

They also implied that the officers were behaving like that because there was a danger their firearms could be taken. Again, if that's the case, then we're essentially saying armed officers can do whatever they want.

They then failed to suspend the officer despite having seen the footage, but now it's been shared so much they've changed their mind. It seems an extremely reactive way to behave.

GMP need to make the full story public as soon as is legally possible if they genuinely think they have no case to answer. There's bodycam footage, camera phone footage and it happened in an airport where CCTV is everywhere. It shouldn't be difficult to dispel or corroborate anyone's version of events. The longer they leave it the worst they'll look and it will also create a vacuum which people on social media will be all too quick to fill as per their own preexisting agendas and prejudices. We don't want protests and unrest spilling over into the general population whilst we wait for the truth to emerge.
Most of the footage-certainly BWV will be sub-judice.

Its incumbant on politicians and the media not to inflame tensions esp without the full story-of course that won't stop them..

I don't view GMP's handling as sloppy at all-you have to appreciate typically after 5pm senior officers are at home.

And nobody has said they 'can do whatever they want'. The statement doesn't say that at all.
I watched the video just before going to bed. And I didn’t have a sleepless night worrying about that guy. In the same way he won't give a shit about the WPC's broken nose.

So, again, women that take a job for the sake of equality, that has potential violence involved, should do what, then? Step aside when violence breaks out?

Or should the perp avoid being violent when there's a female trying to arrest him along with other males?

I don't understand the thinking.
Appreciate it's difficult to keep ahead of the story in the era of social media but I have to say GMPs handling of it seems really sloppy so far.

Their initial statement was poor as it seemed to say those actions were ok because an officers nose had been broken. Even if that's the case, the action against the two people who had been apprehended was not ok.

They also implied that the officers were behaving like that because there was a danger their firearms could be taken. Again, if that's the case, then we're essentially saying armed officers can do whatever they want.

They then failed to suspend the officer despite having seen the footage, but now it's been shared so much they've changed their mind. It seems an extremely reactive way to behave.

GMP need to make the full story public as soon as is legally possible if they genuinely think they have no case to answer. There's bodycam footage, camera phone footage and it happened in an airport where CCTV is everywhere. It shouldn't be difficult to dispel or corroborate anyone's version of events. The longer they leave it the worst they'll look and it will also create a vacuum which people on social media will be all too quick to fill as per their own preexisting agendas and prejudices. We don't want protests and unrest spilling over into the general population whilst we wait for the truth to emerge.

Difficult to see how men laying prone on the floor in handcuffs could have taken the officers weapons. The Officer isn't suspended he is taken off front line duties - the furore today will lead to suspension ( as I type I hear on SKY that has now happened - there is no defence ) I assume that the officer had training so such a reaction would indicate he should no longer be a firearms officer IF he remains a Police Officer.

In any event when the lad on the deck consults a learned friend GMP will be on the hook for big damages
You literally don't know what happened. And you're also extremely naive if you think decent/law abiding people don't end up on the receiving end of police violence. Maybe you don't see it happening or know people who it's happened to because because of the demographic you belong to. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen though.

hmmm let me see. A wanted man gets off a plane so the police try to make an arrest and pins him against a wall. His mates then square up to the officers allowing the wanted to to get free and start attacking the police officers breaking the nose of one of them. The wanted dman then gets tasered and twatted in the face for being a dick.

Do I have that right?
And please do fuck off with the decent/law abiding shit, it's a fact that I wouldn't and pretty much most of the UK population wouldn't get into this position
You've missed the bit where I condemn the police officer and disagree with what he did.

He may have been a scumbag who broke the nose of a WPC. So it's hard to feel sorry for him whilst also agreeing you can't dish out your own justice.

Maybe i wasn't clear. I fully disagree with the Police officers rash actions and he should be punished. Probably phrasing it as he deserved what he got was incorrect.

I just don't think breaking someone's nose warrants a life threatening beating.

Also think there are a lot of ways a nose can get broken. If someone swings a punch unprovoked in someone's face then that's extremely scummy behaviour. If the police officer has had her nose broken whilst getting in between two other people fighting (which is entirely possible) then that changes things.

All we know for sure is that it's the police themselves who have the access to the most footage that can be used to get the truth out there. The longer they leave that, the worst they'll start to look.
I wonder - do the group outside Rochdale nick have anything to do with that fucker Galloway?

(said in jest because of course his group will be pushing their own line)
They are opportunists, jumping on something to try and increase tension. Even with a small incident they would have been outside ‘protesting’
While there is no justification for kicking someone in the head when they are prone and the copper will get whats coming to them, it has somewhat been glossed over that the offender had already assaulted 2 people before this point so shouldnt be talked of as some kind of saint.
Difficult to see how men laying prone on the floor in handcuffs could have taken the officers weapons. The Officer isn't suspended he is taken off front line duties - the furore today will lead to suspension ( as I type I hear on SKY that has now happened - there is no defence ) I assume that the officer had training so such a reaction would indicate he should no longer be a firearms officer IF he remains a Police Officer.

In any event when the lad on the deck consults a learned friend GMP will be on the hook for big damages
he wasn't in handcuffs. he was prone with his left arm underneath him.
Difficult to see how men laying prone on the floor in handcuffs could have taken the officers weapons. The Officer isn't suspended he is taken off front line duties - the furore today will lead to suspension ( as I type I hear on SKY that has now happened - there is no defence ) I assume that the officer had training so such a reaction would indicate he should no longer be a firearms officer IF he remains a Police Officer.

In any event when the lad on the deck consults a learned friend GMP will be on the hook for big damages

Totally agree. I think it was a terrible statement that raises more questions than it answers. If they really mean what they say in that statement then it suggests that armed officers shouldn't be allowed anywhere near disputes or altercations like this.
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