Annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...apology {merged}

Re: Im actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

I dont mind Dzeko's reaction. Throwing a track suit to the floor didnt hurt anyone, it just showed how passionate he is.

Are we going to slag off Hart for lashing out at the post too?
Re: Im actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

To compare Dzeko's reaction to Tevez's is just plain silly.

Mancini was furious after the game, due to the teams performance and the Tevez thing, and I'm sure he wouldn't have been so angry with Dzeko if it weren't for those other things.
Milner did the same thing last season remember?
Re: Im actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

I honestly have no fucking clue about some of the people on here sometimes.

We buy a bunch of players for gargantuan amounts.
We need the players to gel.
We need players who step up and take the rudder when things are going haywire.
We need players who are passionate about our club.

What Dzeko did was show his passion to win. I'd take 20 Dzeko hissy fits over one Incredible Sulk.

Grow a clue.

I am not the one to say crap thread, but fucking crap thread, really.
Re: Im actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

Comrade Buka said:
I honestly have no fucking clue about some of the people on here sometimes.

We buy a bunch of players for gargantuan amounts.
We need the players to gel.
We need players who step up and take the rudder when things are going haywire.
We need players who are passionate about our club.

What Dzeko did was show his passion to win. I'd take 20 Dzeko hissy fits over one Incredible Sulk.

Grow a clue.

I am not the one to say crap thread, but fucking crap thread, really.

Just this really, no player likes to be taken off part way through a game. I think his reaction was more along the lines of I could have and would have done better if you had left me on but I did not get the he's angry and will do better next time, I can live with that.
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

He was shit

How the hell can he complain about going off?

The guy hasn't really impressed me despite his 4 goals against Spurs. Really slow and not very mobile.
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

tbf, i do recall some bosnian fan of Dzeko come on BM and warn us to watch out for his temper. Its probably a result of his passion for the game, and in a match where we were losing, tempers were running really high.
now that everyone has had a chance to cool down, I hope Mancini, Dzeko and others will figure out a way to not affect the team morale and move forward without anymore controversies. We still need to aim for the quadruple.. Go blues!! :)
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

It would be handy and would defuse situations somewhat if Dzeko came out and held up his hands and admitted he was wrong but it was just passion taking over. I think that would reassure alot on here who worry he's heading down the Carlos route. I don't but understand why a few might.

I'm sure once Mancini points out he was gash and had to come off then he'll accept the managers explanation lol.
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

villavine said:
He was shit

How the hell can he complain about going off?

The guy hasn't really impressed me despite his 4 goals against Spurs. Really slow and not very mobile.

Did he complain about going off? How the hell do you know why he got his tantrum?

If I had been as poor as Dzeko was, with his apparent desire to win, I'd be fucking pissed too.

To his defense our midfield got molested. And without a midfield there is not much strikers can do.

Doesn't require a lot of imagination to see alternate reasons to his tantrum other then the obvious one of him getting subbed.
Re: Im actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

pudge said:
I understand Dzeko's reaction because in my opinion it was a bad substitution that didn't make much sense. I would have preferred him to be a bit more professional about it but i think it was more frustration than anything else.

Hahaha is your name really "pudge"? Do you know what that means?.
Re: I'm actually more annoyed with Dzeko to be honest...

Well, look, I kind of agree, Tevez was worse but I had no feeling for him, little hope. This guy on the other hand is no lost cause, but he is very much taking the piss.

Just because Tevez is worse doesn't mean we should accept this crap. I seem to remember this is how he started off.

A couple of good games, a stupid song because people felt sorry for him, and he thinks it's all about him. I think the word is 'Deluded'.

Good finisher (at times), nice smile, acts like a bit of a dickhead. Hasn't paid his dues. Doesn't bust a gut to do the little things. That's 'passion'. This is a hissy fit.

Looks to have made the leap, then goes straight back to being a lemon. Has no respect for the team, otherwise he'd never pull a stunt like that, or turn in a performance like Everton 1st half. Wasn't it miraculous how his touch improved after the half time break? Still didn't do the business, is hauled off, and his replacement wins the game. Couple of days later, he's laughing and grinning again. He thinks the Van Persie stuff is funny? He could be in for very a big shock.

I've got it in my head that Mancini is watching this guy like a hawk. If he thinks it's necessary, there is no question that the embarrassment of shipping out one of his own signings would stop him from making the change. It would be more embarrassing to have him around the place larking and being mediocre, more embarrassing still not to have got this team to the top level.

Edin needs to read a little history, or, preferably, just grow up, realise the situation he's in and make the sacrifices he's being asked to.

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