are we getting arrogant

As a "tourist" and a "glory hunter" that is not welcome by some of the City fans (even though I was spending shitloads going to Maine Road when he was getting his nappy changed), there have been quite a few comments on here that have made me cringe, comments like "we will buy whatever of club x's players when we want if we want" or we will buy your club and burn it down type chants more in keeping with the unwashed from the swamp.
The Future is bright, there will be more "tourist" fans, there will also be more Manchester based Blues that for one reason or another fell by the wayside during the baren spell, and quite a few of those cockneys and Irish, Scottish welsh or southern fans that you could be sitting beside in 10 years time might well have been regulars in the Beehive, the Parkside, St C's or the many other watering holes in Moss side during the drought.
But PLEASE leave the arrogance to the filth in red.
jayfx said:
But is it the City fans that have been through all the shit that are the problem or is it that our recent performances and success is bringing arrogant fans jumping on the band wagon?

Just a question.

I don't think there is a problem.

We're enjoying our current performances, celebrating our successes and looking forward to our future. Thats not arrogance, and it's what football supporters should do.
Im certainly not, i feel bad sometimes, and this success kills me mentally :)

i even miss the good old day when we were shit, at times, life were easier back then!
When it all boils down to it, we want our team to do well when they are doing well we are happy (well most of us)

It's sport it's competitive and with that breeds a certain amount of so called arrogance, it's one part of human nature not a nice part but there it is.

Can we just enjoy these times instead of the constant hand wringing, about what we are becoming, we will become what we become of course as a club and a set of fans we will change it's inevitable just enjoy it
Too aware of where we have come from and too grounded to forget. I drove up the M1 and M6 whilst the match was playing and wouldn't listen to it on the radio. My lad texted me that we had taken the lead but I knew from past experience that there was time for it to go belly up. At 3.20 my wife said it was over by now but I said give it ten minutes for the ground to clear and then we'll have a listen. Before the ten minutes were up my lad phoned and asked if I knew the score. "They've done us again, haven't they?" "Yer don't know the score?" "No!" "Well, I'll tell yer the score - Manchester United 1 . . . . ." "Well, we've got a draw out of it . . . . .!" And the rest is history as they say, but when I got in I put on the Match Day Centre and at 80 mins with us 3-1 to the good, the 'typist' suggested that he would feel a lot happier with a fourth, and a fifth, and a sixth. We know where we came from! They'll never be able to call us BAGs!
Ultimately, all I have ever wanted as a City supporter is to be able to 'compete' with teams in the top half of the table. I never really put much thought into thinking about winning the league as it felt just like a futile waste of emotional energy; a pipe dream - like thinking about what you're going to spend your Euro Lotto winnings on when deep down you know you'll be lucky to get a single number.

I think, in a lot of cases, giddyitis and the exquisite, incredulous outpouring of joy now being shamelessly (and why not shamelessly?) expressed by Blues can sometimes be mistaken for arrogance though. It's also quite difficult to keep your feet on the ground given the football we are playing.

Being a Blue I have the utmost respect for the clubs and supporters of clubs, in any division, that will not be challanging for honours anytime soon but who, nonetheless, follow their teams up and down the country, home and away, soley because they love their team and want to support them.

What does my head though are the 'fans' of certain clubs who have been giving us dogs' abuse ever since we were taken over, proclaiming that City is the devil incarnate and the Grim Reaper rolled into one, systematically put together by those 'nasty' Arabs whose sole intent is to decimate and destroy the game we all love - just because they didn't choose them.

Fuck em!

Every Spud, Rag, Everscum and Arsenal fan who have derided us over the last couple of years can get to fuck and I personally will take great pleasure in rubbing their fucking noses in any (and I know it's not guaranteed) success that our club achieves. Not because I'm arrogant but because their lack of humility and class deserves my utter contempt.
Well of course we are getting arrogant. And why not?

You know that saying - pride comes before a fall?

It's bollocks. Just something losers shout at the winners.

I hope we stomp all over the premiership and Europe with a complete and utter arrogant, fuck you losers, attitude.

I hope we beat Wolves 12 -0 tomorrow and leave them totally demoralised. Arrogance is great if you can walk the walk. And I think City can.

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