Arsenal fans. Adebayor versus Fabregas.

kiiiki said:
suddenly you have the nerve to have a dig at a club double your size and 10 times more history?
Arsenal were formed in 850 AD?

Every day's a school day.
kiiiki said:
Big difference.

Cesc have always been honest with Arsenal fans and said as long as 3 years ago he would like to go back one day to Arsenal as he's a proud catalan. Cesc has always giving 100%. Cesc never openly flirted with other teams to get a new contract. Cesc has always been greatful what Arsenal has done for him and his career, he even describes Wenger as a second dad and one of the most important peple in his life. Also he could have pushed for the deal when barca made their move, remember its the town he is born in, the club his dad and grandpa was members of and his familiy has always lived in barcelone, he came to England as 16 on his own, and throughtout this time they never moved here. His best mates plays there. Yet he kept quite, made it clear he was interested in moving tp the board, but would never publically disrespect the club by pushing for the deal. And he made it very clear in his last statement, barca wanted me, but Arsenal wanted me to stay and I will respect that.

Adebayor came to Arsenal from Monacos bench, was believed in by Wenger and got his support despite being frusturating in the begining. He already had bad relationship with alot of players when he scored 30 goals in that season. Now everything really started that summer when he wanted a new contract and made statements on daily bases saying things like Milan is like Beyonce, no player would turn them down, saying openly he wouldnt mind moving to Milan or Barca, but neither club was willing to pay real money for him, he got critism for those statements and made one of the most arrogant statements where he spoke about himself in third person saying its not Adebayors fault Milan and Barcelona is interested in Adebayor, why are people getting mad, you have players like Cesc and other clubs want him, but no one is mad. Eventually he signed an 80pwk contract, and fans will always forgive you as long as you work hard, they will forget and will fall in love again, but throughout that season he just wasnt interested, he didnt chase anything, he didnt show anything he used to do. He still got few goals. Then come the reports that the dressing room was really divided and Toure and Adebayor was not getting along with many players, then he came in against Spurs when we were losing 4-1 and said to bendtner I came in because you are sh!t, a 19 year old striker who was struggling and when Bendtner got near him to confront him he spat at him. After all that sh!t, it was the first CL game against Man U away when his Arsenal career died. I have never in my life seen a player just walk for 90 mins, a champion league semi final and he just wasnt interested at all. After that nigh...everyone knew he was done and even though Wenger publically backed him, he contacted other clubs and askedif they were interested. Now reading this forum I see a large number of fans already frusturated by his displays and feels he doesnt give his all all the time. Well you have had him for 1 year...we had him for 3 and half years. Now if you can watch him stroll around for three season and still be allright with him, you are better fans than we are

First of all credit to you for being an open Gunner fan on this forum. Its gutless BM posters, who pretend they are whereas they are anti-City, here stirring up s&&& or Agent Provacateurs that I detests.

Where were the gunners & your post injury support when Ade was injured by Ryan Shawcross sideline tackle?

Frankly my take is this you gunner fans have been sold a bill of goods.
Won't it be politically expedient of Management or owners (and rolling out their propaganda machine) to blame the players that they want to sell at a profit.

Arsenal fans have been duped before by management & it won't be the last time. You guys have been wrong (what we call priors) not only with Eboue & to a certain extent Abou Diaby. The overriding them is that its easy to scapegoat black players (especially when you are losing 4-1 to Spurs) or want to sell players at a profit or being chintzy about paying players for what they are worth.
In your view Bendtner did no wrong eh? Flouting a dressing room policy set by Arsenal veterans of not wearing shoes in certain areas.

Ade is our 2nd highest goal scorer last season. His languid style of play is what sets him apart from other strikers. As long as he is efficient in his strike rate thats what counts with me (including every City's football cognoscenti) and his manager!

Just imagine if you were a rich man and do not shower your wife with gifts that you can afford, and instead of love dissing her instead. You think she will perform?

Your choice of words like strolling etc. suggests that you are a disingenous merchant of words and innuendos.
My advice to you is get over Ade (& even Cole for that matter) instead of coming over here IMHO stirring s$it. Get over the bitters. Or you will be forever labelled as "hell has no fury like a gooner scorned'.

-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:58 pm --
kiiiki said:
SWP's back said:
I like Ade and he is better than any CFs you have.
Good for you then…I guess both sides or happy with the transfer….we are delighted with the 39 million we have received for Ade and Toure, and you are happy with the players….whats the problem then?

-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:21 pm --

bindipper said:
How about playing for one of the worlds 2 biggest clubs with the chance to win trophys rather than a selling club?
Lol at City fans taking shots at us, tell me when was the last time you won anything? You were known as a joke club before your sugar daddy came along and suddenly you have the nerve to have a dig at a club double your size and 10 times more history? Remind me again when was the last time you finished ahead of us again, you are small club with rich owner…nothing more so don’t get carried away son

well for a start i'm a Liverpool fan so in answer to your two questions the last time we won anything (proper) was in 2006 more recent than your last trophy and last time we came ahead of you was a mere 15months ago, we've just been a wee bit shite since then!
Arshavin23 said:
The Adebayor I knew was one of the hardest working strikers I had ever seen. He was all heart, and would fight for every inch. Ferdinand called him the toughest striker he had dealt with, and the following season it payed off with 30 goals. We didn't boo Ade because of the way he flirted with Barca/Milan, but with his actions after.

I guess you'd have to see it to believe it. The hardworking striker that was one of my favorite players suddenly stopped tracking back, jogging about like he didn't care and pretty much sulked his way through the 08/09 season. The difference between Ade and Cesc is that Cesc leaves his lungs on the pitch. He scored a penalty for us when he knew his leg was broken, and ran Villa so ragged that he tore a hamstring. Cesc will not do what Ade did.

This is interesting actually. The way Adebayor changed at Arsenal somewhat resembles Robinho's 2 seasons with us.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

This is the Ade I remember. Chasing every lost cause, throwing himself at every cross and timing his runs to perfection. Like I said before, it wasn't the open flirtation with other clubs that killed his relationship with the fans, but what he did (or didn't do) on the pitch.
bindipper said:
kiiiki said:
Good for you then…I guess both sides or happy with the transfer….we are delighted with the 39 million we have received for Ade and Toure, and you are happy with the players….whats the problem then?

-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:21 pm --

Lol at City fans taking shots at us, tell me when was the last time you won anything? You were known as a joke club before your sugar daddy came along and suddenly you have the nerve to have a dig at a club double your size and 10 times more history? Remind me again when was the last time you finished ahead of us again, you are small club with rich owner…nothing more so don’t get carried away son

well for a start i'm a Liverpool fan so in answer to your two questions the last time we won anything (proper) was in 2006 more recent than your last trophy and last time we came ahead of you was a mere 15months ago, we've just been a wee bit shite since then!

well if thats the case, you shouldnt say anything about arsenal, we dont burgle our players or threat their lifes when they wanna leave. Also i find it funny how you lot thought you won the lottery when the yanks took over and now is just hoping for a rich guy to come in and make you another Man City.
kiiiki said:
bindipper said:
well for a start i'm a Liverpool fan so in answer to your two questions the last time we won anything (proper) was in 2006 more recent than your last trophy and last time we came ahead of you was a mere 15months ago, we've just been a wee bit shite since then!

well if thats the case, you shouldnt say anything about arsenal, we dont burgle our players or threat their lifes when they wanna leave. Also i find it funny how you lot thought you won the lottery when the yanks took over and now is just hoping for a rich guy to come in and make you another Man City.
It's sad really that we're probably going to win something before you do... actually it isn't because you seem like a tit.
Blue Smarties said:
kiiiki said:
well if thats the case, you shouldnt say anything about arsenal, we dont burgle our players or threat their lifes when they wanna leave. Also i find it funny how you lot thought you won the lottery when the yanks took over and now is just hoping for a rich guy to come in and make you another Man City.
It's sad really that we're probably going to win something before you do... actually it isn't because you seem like a tit.

It's funny that all it takes is 1 WUM from a particular club to get you to slag off that entire club and all its fans. And that goes for all 3 of you (the Gooner, City fan, and Liverpudlian). Let's not degenerate this thread into childish pot-shots and insults at rival fans.
bindipper said:
kiiiki said:
Lol at City fans taking shots at us, tell me when was the last time you won anything? You were known as a joke club before your sugar daddy came along and suddenly you have the nerve to have a dig at a club double your size and 10 times more history? Remind me again when was the last time you finished ahead of us again, you are small club with rich owner…nothing more so don’t get carried away son

well for a start i'm a Liverpool fan so in answer to your two questions the last time we won anything (proper) was in 2006 more recent than your last trophy and last time we came ahead of you was a mere 15months ago, we've just been a wee bit shite since then!
kiiiki said:
well if thats the case, you shouldnt say anything about arsenal, we dont burgle our players or threat their lifes when they wanna leave. Also i find it funny how you lot thought you won the lottery when the yanks took over and now is just hoping for a rich guy to come in and make you another Man City.

pretty funny this ...dipper fan vs gooner fan arguement..on a manc forum.. weird.
Blue Smarties said:
kiiiki said:
well if thats the case, you shouldnt say anything about arsenal, we dont burgle our players or threat their lifes when they wanna leave. Also i find it funny how you lot thought you won the lottery when the yanks took over and now is just hoping for a rich guy to come in and make you another Man City.
It's sad really that we're probably going to win something before you do... actually it isn't because you seem like a tit.

Its sad that without a rich arab a club over 100 years will collapes, your whole existence depends on a guy from better pray to him, cause he's your god now

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