Arsenal post match thread

Fuckin gutted, just fuckin gutted!

We showed a lot more heart and desire than we have for a long while and up to 1-0 we were still in the match and largely in control and just needed to get through to half time, but then Mangala played the most stupid aimless ball which left us exposed therefore giving us a mountain to climb against Arsenal away when they scored a late second.

As the second half wore on we just became more and more ragged trying to chase the game putting us in danger of conceding a goal on the counter. We finally did get the goal our ragged efforts deserved and what a move and goal it was in the end by Toure. Arsenal retreated into their defensive shell, but we just seemed to go from brilliant to shit back to brilliant then back to shit again in the space of a few passes.

I know there are bound to be recriminations but underneath the defeat I saw glimpses of hope. Sterling & Navas looked up for it when they came on but the we just looked short on that touch of quality needed to unlock Arsenal in and around the box which sounds silly when you have Aguero, Silva, KDB, Toure and Sterling to call on. As for Manuel, he looked like a man under severe pressure and after Pep confirming his exit from Bayern, who could blame him.

Blame Delph as it was his stupid Fucking needless ball back when he had Fern in acres of space 5 yards away from him but felt he need to play a CB into trouble with 2 attackers round him.
The sad thing is that after we spent +120 Million Pound, we are just 3 points ahead of Crystal Palace and 6 points behind Leicester.

You need to go fuck off back to whoever you supported before. What has what we've spent got to do with supporting your team?.. I know the red press love the gazillions quotes but for a supposed City fan to quote shit like this is indefensible. The team played well, 69 percent possession and got beat by a wonder strike. Get real. I hate this forum as its literally turned into ragsville with posters thinking that we're entitled to win everything at a cantor. Football isn't like that and City certainly aren't either.
Just got back to Euston. Thougly we started well andone had a good shape and kept the ball well.
You could almost see the confidence drain after that goal but we were still very much in the game until a total lack of discipline cost us seconds to go till half time get in 1 down and regroup but no we play a sloppy ball then they walk through our defence and through harts legs to virtually kill the game.
Thought Delph was one of our better players so surprised he came off but second half we were all over the place, no drive, no passion, no idea and far too pedestrian.
We got back into it with a goal out of nothing and then finally started to look threatning. Got to ask questions why we waited till 5 minutes to go to have a go.
So our horrendous away record goes on. Certainly not out of the league but we need a massive change in our workrate/gameplan to have a chance.
We complain we were tired too many games but that's our first in 9 days and we were way off the pace at times
5 defeats already, Leicester have just 1.
This is despite 100m plus summer uplift.
It's looking like just trying to make top4 never mind winning the league.

Simply disgusted, Van Gaal is shite but were not much better.
LOL another one...
They were shite.

Mariner the corrupt prick and brain dead mongo cost us.

If that was all we have to worry about then bring it on.

I actually felt pride in tonight for our drive and fight.

Systematic of this league this year, best team doesn't always win.

It ain't over yet.

Come on C
Manager takes the fault. Playing Yaya in a 2 man midfield away at one of the top teams again is unforgivable. We actually played OK, and were "unlucky" to get nothing, but that "bad luck" comes from Yaya in a 2 man not bothering to mark Ozil, their best player, their form player, their only creative player.. Totally ludicrous. Yaya has to take some blame, but we know for a fact he won't do that job even if asked to, so why put him in that position?

They were crap, we could have won this if we were set up correctly, that's what was painful today, not the performance.
Yaya, Fernandinho and delph, interchangeable

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