Balotelli [MERGED]

Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
BillyMC said:
To all those who think it was a clumsy challenge. Watch the video carefully. I was sat right in front of the challenge. He hits the guy in the chest first of all, could have left it at that, but then rakes him lower down as his foot drop. It was a disgusting, deliberate and malicious challenge to hurt the opponent. If that was on a City player you would be fuming. He didnt even argue, neither did anyone else. Its not defendable. It cost us the game.

No offence or anything but you wanna go specsavers I watched the replay and he doesn't touch the guy anywhere in the chest, he raises his foot high pulls away but by the time his foot comes down he rakes the guys leg. What's the point in him arguing with the ref? Once your off your off end of. I suppose De Jong is a liability after what he did vs Alonso or when he broke Ben Arfas leg???? No we gave him our support and sing his name.

I love how fickle fans can be sometimes, Joey Barton was exactly the same and fans of this club praised him to fuck and Joey eventually grew out of his nasty habits (mostly)

One word mate...Intent. I think Balotelli intended to hurt the guy.
big blueballs said:
Benarbia said:
Ah so we've moved on from "in a new country, new team mates, new league, new system of play"

Face it, he's a paceless donkey - no shame in that fact
I think you should start a "dezko is shit thread" as this thread is about balo and other posters are getting confused with comments being made

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Re: Mancini and Balotelli

Soulboy said:
SWP's back said:
I disagree.

Damned if he did or didn't mate. You know it, I know it, there are tribes in the Brazilian rain forest that would have been able to guess that however Mancini reacted in the press conference (Balo is stupid, Balo was unlucky), then a poster such as yourself would have started a thread having a go at him for it.


You are nothing if not predictable...

It's harsh me criticising the manager, yet fine that you're having a pop at Balotelli!

No, I have always supported Balotelli but I shall criticise when he fucks up. Like he did last night.

I think it is worth criticising someone when they deserve criticising. Mancini has moddy-coddled Balo since the summer and rightly criticised him last night. Just as many managers have done in the past when a player has rightly been sent off and it has affected the team.

You would have started a thread criticising Mancini either way. That is the difference.

Look at the threads last night, before Mancini said that, 99% of city fans were saying "Mancini better drop him for that and fine him" etc etc etc. If he had not had a go at Balo then all of them, without fail would have been calling him weak and stating Balo was Mancini's golden boy.

There's just no need for this thread and so far I count 1 or 2 out of 20 that agree with you.

*double sign with twist and half tuck*
Re: The Mario Balotelli Appreciation Thread.

say this to you all (twenty year old lad), none of us have done anything wrong at that age have we, sometimes i wonder about our fans, we should be closing ranks not rising to the big four propaganda, the media are hypocrites liars backstabbing bas turds, i for one, want balotelli to succeed just to piss the talkshite sky newspaper shitheads off? if we get rid we will be classed as the ultimate failures especially if he comes good somewhere else, what will that lot say, city failed with a massive capitol F ???
Pigeonho said:
big blueballs said:
That above comment was about dzeko not balo read back I was responding to the fuckwitt who is slagging dzeko and he compared dzeko to hernades not balo so please read back before quoting cheers
The comment I made was about dzeko not balo Bernabia's post was slagging dzeko, his henandez comparison was with dzeko not balo, so it all got a bit confusing and I think you responded to said quote but we were discussing dzeko, sorry for any confusion
Many refs would have given yellow for that challenge last night and i think a yellow is all it deserved..
All these stories today and comments on here as well as press tv and radio are based on a poor refereeing decision..
But thats only my opinion..
The player got up and carried on cheating and falling over at every opportunuty afterwards but Balo got sent off..
Nany was stretchered off against liverpool with a gash half way up his shin yet the instigator got a yellow and no radio call in shows the following day about the incident at all.
Lets remember this is a City player and as such will be under scrutiny.
BillyMC said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
No offence or anything but you wanna go specsavers I watched the replay and he doesn't touch the guy anywhere in the chest, he raises his foot high pulls away but by the time his foot comes down he rakes the guys leg. What's the point in him arguing with the ref? Once your off your off end of. I suppose De Jong is a liability after what he did vs Alonso or when he broke Ben Arfas leg???? No we gave him our support and sing his name.

I love how fickle fans can be sometimes, Joey Barton was exactly the same and fans of this club praised him to fuck and Joey eventually grew out of his nasty habits (mostly)

One word mate...Intent. I think Balotelli intended to hurt the guy.

If he'd wanted to hurt him he'd have gone straight into his chest, watch the replay again, his studs barely brush Popov's shirt and as he lowers his foot it catches Popov on the inside of the thigh, some people are interpreting that as a raking but it could just as easily be him pulling out of the challenge.
Re: The Mario Balotelli Appreciation Thread.

Well, bluemoon has diagnosed him as a sociopath. Seen it all now.
Re: Mancini and Balotelli

I aslo believe that publically criticising players is not good management, and Mancini has a real history of it in his time at City.

Balatelli was a complete dick last night, no doubt, but I say keep it in house.

He has a real management problem on his hands now, it's going to be interesting to see how this one pans out. I've heard a few stories of Balotelli's behaviour displeasing the other players behind the scenes. As Pidge says, you could see the anger in Kompany's eyes in his interview after the game.
bluemoonmatt said:
Berkovic_blue said:
100 pages. This thread is an embarassment and every other club and journo will be laughing at City once again.

Do you think United fans would have a 100 page thread slagging off one of their own players? Would they fuck. Until our fans develop more of a siege mentality and actually back the players and manager we'll always be a joke and never win fuck all

This thread makes me ashamed to be a City fan
This is precisely what seperates us from them rats. We are FOOTBALL fans, they are sheep. They frequently defend the indefensible. I once remember a while ago we had a player (Danny Tiatto?) correctly sent off in a game (Blackburn) and Keegan rightfully rounded on the lad, in the same weekend I recall the filth had a guy sent off for a similar bad challenge and baconface tried to defend him. It left me thinking "you know I'm glad I support a good honest football team". You simply can't defend the indefensible. Ballotelli made a horrendous challenge and deserved his red. It cost us the game and may have an effect on us for Chelsea as the lads will be more tired through having to play for a missing man, well child. You continue to blindly support whatever ridiculous acts our players commit, I will continue to say what I see, and what I saw last night from Balotelli made me incandescent. HE brought shame on the club, not the fans.

For what I know Football fans support the squad and whoever wearing the shirt. For my concerns he is not missing of respect to anybody and yesterday before been booked he was one of the best player in my opinion.
And he didnt do any horrendous challenge, was a clumsy one as many you can see in any match .. but he is Balo and he got the straight red card.
Then if you dont like him you can say whatever you want but please be fair and honest in your comments.

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