Balotelli [MERGED]

The UN have just announced a no flyzone around Balotelli. Anyone movement in that zone will be destroyed. Thank you!
Stillsy said:
gio's side step said:
No, it is an extremely poor point. The self deception brigade are out AGAIN. Now finding a way of constructing some hyperreal argument that it wasn't even a red card.

it wasnt a red you fucking rag now piss off

Ah, the rag comeback is now coming out. Oh dear. It was a red card. Sorry.
P*ssed off with our holier than thou fans.

Anybody can see there is a witchhunt on Blotelli (probably because he is so talented) and a proportion of our fans see fit to slag him off. It was a 'silly' thing to do rather than a malicious or vicious action. He presented the ref with the perfect opportunity to send him off. Lets face it if he had really meant to hurt him he would have done a far better 'job' on him than that.

There is always something common with a lot of the best players in the world they seem to have a maverick streak.

Look at Beckham with his petulant 'kick' in the World Cup
Rooney consistently undertakes acts of violence on the football pitch (but because its Roomey he gets away with it of course) Who can forget the infamous 'winker' incident in the World Cup ?
Ronaldo with all the antics that he peformed, Cantona with his Karate kick.

The rags put up with it because they want to see the best players in the world in their team irrespective of their imperfections and they've been rewarded with trophy after trophy.

Its time we became winners and put talent over our view of a players personality. He's young and he will learn of that I'm sure and I would rather see him in the Blue shirt of City than letting him go at a cut price to allow another team to reap the benefits of his talents.

If you don't support him as a City player then you're quite simply foolish and you're letting the media and enemies of City win.
Re: Mancini and Balotelli

Stillsy said:
mancini's handling of the media is fucking dreadful!

he also said in his interview that it wouldnt be right for adam johnson to play any part at chelsea........ yet he played last night.

fucking plank.

and as for pato..... the most overated player iv ever seen

Manager in not telling media the truth shock.
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

We have a striker who could be a truely world class player, however there is something not right in his makeup. I personally think he is a immature little boy who has had too much, too soon.
Our problem is that if we were to sell him it would have to be at a drastically reduced price or as we are already doing paying his wages whilst he plays for another clubon loan.
I seem to remember a certain Ronaldo behaving like a small child for his first season, so in reality the magaement team and the players need to sit him down tell him what's what in a productive way then as a collective protect him. Maybe time in the resrves or more time on the bench with limited appearances I don't know. I know he has done stupid things and I can understand why so many want rid of him but I also think that with the reputation he came with some people and I mean officials and players by that, have targetted him.
gio's side step said:
SWP's back said:
You make a good point

No, it is an extremely poor point. The self deception brigade are out AGAIN. Now finding a way of constructing some hyperreal argument that it wasn't even a red card.

Spot on. Not even Mancini is defending him. Kompany was trying his best to be diplomatic but you could tell he was pissed off. De Jong the same.

Some of these retards defending him are doing so because they are WUMs. They like to defend arseholes for the sake of it. It's politically motivated in some cases.
Re: The Mario Balotelli Appreciation Thread.

Soz "Project". Maybe Sociopath is a bit harsh?
Was trying to put a less dramatic spin on what might be Mario's issues

(you probably prefer a selection of quotes from fellow Bluemooners)...

He's got serious attitude problems which turn him into a liability
He's pissed off for no reason
attitude stinks and mentally he is fookin barking
Balo is a fucking nutcase and I love him to bits!
he comes across as a complete tool
a fookin waster of space
if it wasn't for his football talent he would currently be serving life for murder
Just behaved like an utter **** walking down the tunnel
the guy is a complete nutcase
a fucking snidey horrible challenge that was completely unecessary
this clown
the guy is a disaster waiting to happen
Johnsonontheleft said:
gio's side step said:
No, it is an extremely poor point. The self deception brigade are out AGAIN. Now finding a way of constructing some hyperreal argument that it wasn't even a red card.

Spot on. Not even Mancini is defending him. Kompany was trying his best to be diplomatic but you could tell he was pissed off. De Jong the same.

Some of these retards defending him are doing so because they are WUMs. They like to defend arseholes for the sake of it. It's politically motivated in some cases.

Bluemer said:
OrigamiNinja said:
Need to get this clown out of the club sharpish! I am not just saying this because of what happened last night, the guy is a disaster waiting to happen! Those saying last night wasnt intentional clearly dont have eyes, he should have gone for the elbow the other week and he certainly deserved to see red last night!

So we know he has an awful attitude, what about his ability? Ive yet to see any!!! This is a guy who rates himself as the 2nd best player in the World, only just behind Messi, let me tell you now......he is absolutely deluded. This guy belongs in Middle Earth or at Hogwarts because he has a head full of magic, if he made such outlandish, ridiculous statements in other walks of life they would cart him off to the funny farm!

£25 million down the drain, when Mourinho said what he said about him that should have been enough for the club to tell Mancini that we would not be pursuing Balotellis signature.

Balo is nothing short of a idiot and I really do worry about the intelligence levels of some City fans when they are on here defending him. What is more worrying is the City fans on
here who actually believe the hype that Balotelli is any good! 2nd best player in the World yet cant control a football and cant pass to another City player. Ive seen nothing from him which suggests he is any better than Vassell, then again people were also on here defending Vassell as a good player so I guess I shouldnt be surprised!

Comparing him to Vassell, I can't take you seriously.


Both had/have pace.
Both had/have trouble passing to another City player.
Both had/have trouble controlling a football.
Both like to score against Villa.

Only differences I see is that not once did Vassell ever come out with ridiculous statements suggesting he was the 2nd best player in the World and that Vassell was actually a decent bloke!

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