Balotelli [MERGED]

Oh my god ! Just watched that it was something and nothing that player has done him ! Yes he leaves his foot in a bit but he bends his leg and their guy goes over like he's been karate kicked.

I have a lot more sympathy for Balo having watched that. He just has to watch himself as clearly he is a target for these things.

That has made me even more mad at our 'fans' reaction to the sending off.
Re: Mario Bib-otelli

He may be a great player, but he acts so rashly, he's 20 years old and I understand he's going to do some silly things, but I'm 15 and wonder where his immaturity sprouts from most of the time.
A few misdemeanors???

There shouldn't be any, and the 'he's young' 'he's talented' and so on can't be used every time he does something he shouldn't which is far too often!

Im all for sticking up for those who play for the club, but i fail to see how someone can defend what he's done, what he did and what he unfortunately most likely do again, he knew what he was doing tonight there was no need to not only raise his foot that high but leave it there as long as he did!

We shouldn't have to keep making excuses for him, because a professional footballer like him shouldn't do the things he does.

If Rooney did that against one of our players, everyone here would be calling for his head. Also, if Balo played for someone else and did everything he has done in a city shirt for someone else, most if not all on here would be blasting him.
Blue Mooner said:
Oh my god ! Just watched that it was something and nothing that player has done him ! Yes he leaves his foot in a bit but he bends his leg and their guy goes over like he's been karate kicked.

I have a lot more sympathy for Balo having watched that. He just has to watch himself as clearly he is a target for these things.

That has made me even more mad at our 'fans' reaction to the sending off.

Do you honestly think the fans opinion of Balotelli was formed after just this incident?
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

Freestyler said:
Thank fuck.

we should hang him out to dry and show him up, he's a letdown, disgrace.
Missed the first half cos I was stuck at work, but having had a chance to finally watch this 'horror challenge'...what the fuck is wrong with some of you?

That was never a red in a million years, he went to block the big hoof, wasnt even looking in the lads direction FFS. Definite yellow, but red? Get to fuck.
McNair9 said:
If Rooney did that against one of our players, everyone here would be calling for his head. Also, if Balo played for someone else and did everything he has done in a city shirt for someone else, most if not all on here would be blasting him.
Yes, but that's because it's Rooney. If his name is De Jong it's for the Netherlands, we laugh about it and make amusing gifs.
wayne71 said:
SteSteez said:

Not a sending off at all...

I know why he has positioned himself in this way - he trains in Muay thai and that kind of kick is regular even in sparring - no power to it whatsoever as he pulls away.... so he shouldn't of been sent off.

Looks worse than it is

Ahh thats ok then, maybe we should train the refs to recognise martial arts moves so they don't mistake them for fouls.

LoL.... Wasn't implying that.... He deserves a red anyway for his attitude.

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