Balotelli [MERGED]

Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

we need to try and have eleven men on the pitch for the rest of the season

so sadly yes drop him
Re: Mario Bib-otelli

inbetween said:
Didn't see the foul while i was at the game but about to watch it but christ. I think he can be a fantastic player but it seems he's always going to have this mad streak to him and i'm not sure if he'll ever change. Until he can knuckle down and fight for his place and keep his head together he just has no place at this club.

I'm all for having a character in the dressing room and a player like him can win games single handedly sometimes. I mean Zidane and others were mad as houses but still they applied themselves on the pitch and though being mad they still showed their genius where it mattered. If the lad is going to get sent off every game and contribute nothing but the odd goal he just can't be allowed to be here like it's some kids club, as Bobby Manc said we could of won it tonight with 11 men and no matter what side of the coin you see this he potentially cost us a place in the quarter final and that's just simply unacceptable for what we want to achieve.

I would hope, with those expensive English lessons he would say " we could have won it tonight"
nomorethaksintimes said:
What is annoying me most about the whole Balotelli debate is the underlying assumption that he's got the skill and ability to be one of the best players in the world. I think a lot of this comes from the fact he is so mercurial/uncontrollable that we all want to believe that as soon as this side of his game is tempered the sky is the limit.

He's undoubtedly got a lot of talent and could be in the top 100 but I'm fed up of the ooohhs and aaahs everytime he side foots it in against Aston Villa U19s or whatever. I've been guilty myself of this but when you miss a sitter from a few years out in a game where it REALLY maters it's hard to keep saying it with a straight face - nevermind the sending off.

Yes he's very good technically, but is his touch as good as Silva's - no. Yes he's a decent poacher but Carlos is better. Yes he does hit the odd good long shot but so does Matt Taylor.

When SWP takes a ball beautifully under control and releases the fullback with an inch perfect pass, which sometimes he does (or used to do), do we or cream ourselves? No, we wait till he puts in a shit ball and then pounce on him. Balotelli makes a shit pass or completely miscontrols a simple ball and we put it down to lack of discipline or something.

Maybe we should stop going mental when he takes one of his cheeky penalties or gets a shot on target. I know he's got a very impressive goal/games ratio but he's not Ronaldo ffs and probably never will be. Just saying....yes Damocles I'm talking to you :P

Utter bollocks you obviously have not watched him play. He is the most naturally gifted youngster of his age group. Even Jose admitted that. So try again. When Eto, Zidane, Snieder sing your praises then you are something special.
nomorethaksintimes said:
What is annoying me most about the whole Balotelli debate is the underlying assumption that he's got the skill and ability to be one of the best players in the world. I think a lot of this comes from the fact he is so mercurial/uncontrollable that we all want to believe that as soon as this side of his game is tempered the sky is the limit.

He's undoubtedly got a lot of talent and could be in the top 100 but I'm fed up of the ooohhs and aaahs everytime he side foots it in against Aston Villa U19s or whatever. I've been guilty myself of this but when you miss a sitter from a few years out in a game where it REALLY maters it's hard to keep saying it with a straight face - nevermind the sending off.

Yes he's very good technically, but is his touch as good as Silva's - no. Yes he's a decent poacher but Carlos is better. Yes he does hit the odd good long shot but so does Matt Taylor.

When SWP takes a ball beautifully under control and releases the fullback with an inch perfect pass, which sometimes he does (or used to do), do we or cream ourselves? No, we wait till he puts in a shit ball and then pounce on him. Balotelli makes a shit pass or completely miscontrols a simple ball and we put it down to lack of discipline or something.

Maybe we should stop going mental when he takes one of his cheeky penalties or gets a shot on target. I know he's got a very impressive goal/games ratio but he's not Ronaldo ffs and probably never will be. Just saying....yes Damocles I'm talking to you :P

The reason people are like that is because he is only 20 years old. To finish penalties like he does and the goals he finished against Fulham and Villa as well as his two at West Brom tell anyone who knows anything that the lad has talent and the world at his feet.

But that's the point too, he's only twenty and are we really saying cast this talent aside just because he got a soft sending off at West Brom and Kiev ? because in my view that's what they were.

United fans accept the behaviour of Rooney because they know what he can do as a footballer but us City fans think we should just cast him aside.

Only City fans......<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:12 am --<br /><br />
Marvin said:
No force in it at all. The Kiev player has got him sent off with his ridiculous reaction.

But no need for Mario to make the challenge in the first place.

He needs to have a word with De Jong and learn how he dealt with the witchhunt that's developing here.

Summed it up perfectly. What makes it worse is that its a lot of City fans (Or rags masquerading as City fans) that want him hung drawn and quartered.
Re: Mario Bib-otelli

dyslexic dvae said:
Viva Rivaldo said:
Apologies if already posted.

has anyone noticed that long haired cock end savage trying to be a comedian.
shut up you fucking girl!!!!!

clearly something was on his mind.
Maybe he was allergic to the guy so thought he'd finish him off first!
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

Balti said:
we need to try and have eleven men on the pitch for the rest of the season

so sadly yes drop him
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

Robinho's Subbuteo said:
So what's your view on Mario?

A very petulant 20 yo who's had to put up with a lot of shit in his life. I can't defend what he did tonight but the overreaction on here is as petulant and as embarrassing as Balotelli's actions.

We talk about the club not pulling together and yet look how easy the fans turn on a player. He's a bit mental but he's extremely talented. Mancini is right to take him out of the squad on Sunday and hopefully he will work his magic on him like he did in Italy.

Time will tell but the arseholes on here tonight should wind their necks in. It's no worse than Adebayor stamping on Van Persie's face but I don't remember a reaction like this.
Re: Mancini: Mario Will Not Be In The Squad For Chelsea

mike channon´s windmill said:
Very hard to defend him tonight. Even the miss showed a lack of determination and urgency as he clearly thought it was a tap in without thinking the defender would make a challenge. Had he charged in to finish that chance he would have ripped the net. The red card - well we´ve seen it all before already and he´s only played 20 times or so. Still good to have on the bench but we can´t risk giving him more than 10 or 15 minutes
He was trying to lift the ball over the keeper and defenders legs. He had to do that to have any chance of scoring

He was playing well until that incident. I saw it n the context of the game, and on the video above. It's just a reckless tackle with no malice, and he's been done by the Kiev player who went down every 10 minutes. He spent more time on the stretcher than he did the ball.

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