Barry being lined up for MLS role?

On paper seems a good deal for us and for him. Still got at least another year in the prem in him. The main issue is what the other half as to say about it. Either being separated from his family for a while or moving them over to the states isn't an easy decision.
NipHolmes said:
Good move for all concerned, after that stint in USA then bring him back here for coaching role. IMO he will become a manager in years to come, I'm near enough certain of that.

No chance imo.

No charisma at all.

Will never make a manager, im certain of that.
If I was Barry, knowing as we all do what is happening to our club, and given the chance to go to New York in a few years time, I'd bite Sheikh Mansour's hand off. It's been said many times on here, and I've seen it myself too, Barry makes us tick. He knows football, it is a great move for all of us if/when it happens.
The deal, which will depend on the agreement of the new manager, would see Barry,32, play for the next season or two at the Ethiad before finishing his career in the MLS, possibly as captain of the new team.

If you read the second paragraph - Etihad is spelt incorrectly, which suggests to me that this article is complete rubbish! Although the article maybe a lie, it could also be true in years to come but I believe it hasn't even been mentioned as of yet!
Cheshire Today is behind Tribal Football is terms of credibility, so I'd treat the story with a pinch of salt.
"However, former City manager Mark Hughes, now leading Stoke City, will be willing to step in should the club fail to make an offer."

Now I bet that's got Barry wetting himself in excitement.
If he agrees to go to NYC that would be a great deal for everyone. Its an england international that will draw some crowd interest for NY, and its a nice little retirement plan for him.
Maybe Kiddo will have a role with NYCFC as well if he's up to it? Think Reyna mentioned having an American coach/manager but with Kiddo's experience in the US he might end up assistant over there if Pellegrini doesn't have him on his coaching staff.

Hope he holds down a good role at our City for at least another year or so first though.

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