Basic People Management Skills

Just another non story to beat Mancini over the head with. Usual suspects out in force.

We have enough trouble with the media slagging us off.

We have made a very creditable start to the season. Sailed through the European games. A couple of less than impressive halves against Spurs and Sunderland. But overall very good defensively and so many chances that we are just not converting atm.

As someone pointed out earlier, some notable managers don't feel the need to cosy up to players and be their best buddies. Mancini will be judged by trophies not on whether he develops strong friendships with players.
simon23 said:
Noone is bigger than the club and that includes the manager

Thre have been too many reports of this lack of communication for it not to be true .....It may be RM's style but he therefore needs to change it as to some players it is almost offensive (if i was them i can accept being left out if Im told why....but not to be told is wrong)......

The thing with Ade is more worrying. Rm has previous for this sort of behaviour (the Ireland incident about his head not being right).....If you accuse someone of feigning and injury and are proved wrong he owes Ade a huge apoplogy.

RM clearly has a lot to learn about man management

I take it your taking his past management history into account
Gelsons Dad said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Nonsense, Gelson.

All successful businesses realise that their staff are their biggest asset.

If you look after them and motivate them they deliver for you.

There's not a single business leader in the world would argue that point.

And neither did I. What I said is that the way you manage an individual depends on that individual and your management style must change to suite each one. So I don't manage my senior guys the same way I manage to young kids as to do so would get the worst out of each. To assume that the arm round the shoulder (this would classically be described as the "selling" phase) is always the correct way to manage an individual is the same as saying 442 is always the best tactic. It's plain and simply wrong.

I don't want to say much more but I have personal experience of running business of various sizes.

And you are right, every individual needs managing differently.

What you don't do is keep them all in the dark. And ignore them. You get to know them and therefore get the best out of them.

I don't think that is happening at City and it worries me.
why believe any of it?
it may be a quote, but it may have been rewritten out of context
and if there is a chance of portraying city in a bad light - and Given as the innocent saint against big bad moneybags uncaring city/mancini - that's the way it's going to be written.
best to ignore it. players are too soft, have too much power, and think the club/manager owes them, when they owe US everything and they should just knucle down, shut up and get on with it.
it's tough when you ain't the biggest fish in the pond anymore. probably another 3 months of this with given and adebayor. thank god we haven't got bellamy at it as well.
simon23 said:
Noone is bigger than the club and that includes the manager

Thre have been too many reports of this lack of communication for it not to be true .....It may be RM's style but he therefore needs to change it as to some players it is almost offensive (if i was them i can accept being left out if Im told why....but not to be told is wrong)......

The thing with Ade is more worrying. Rm has previous for this sort of behaviour (the Ireland incident about his head not being right).....If you accuse someone of feigning and injury and are proved wrong he owes Ade a huge apoplogy.

RM clearly has a lot to learn about man management

His man management at Inter was terrible aswell wasn't it? Lets face it you don't know what goes on behind the scenes, only negative aspects of his management are reported in the media which will always be the case, it's up to you how you interpret those reports. Do you think every manager explains the reasons why he's left them out to every player he doesn't start?
It's worth noting that Mancini has many of the same characteristics which people who are incredibly successful at a young age have. He is imbued with unending self belief, a healthy disdain for anyone who challenges his authority, and a pathological belief that his way is the only way.

There are reports that at Sampdoria, at a the tender age of 26, he was not only playing, but telling the chairman which players to buy, the manager which formation to play, and probably the tea lady how to make the tea. The guy has more in common with players like Ibrahimovic and Ronaldo, than he does with managers like Ferguson and Wenger...

Whether that proves to be successful in the long term for him we will have to wait and see...Mancini, contrary to popular belief, was disliked intensely by many of the players at Inter by the time he was sacked...
grim up north said:
simon23 said:
Noone is bigger than the club and that includes the manager

Thre have been too many reports of this lack of communication for it not to be true .....It may be RM's style but he therefore needs to change it as to some players it is almost offensive (if i was them i can accept being left out if Im told why....but not to be told is wrong)......

The thing with Ade is more worrying. Rm has previous for this sort of behaviour (the Ireland incident about his head not being right).....If you accuse someone of feigning and injury and are proved wrong he owes Ade a huge apoplogy.

RM clearly has a lot to learn about man management

I take it your taking his past management history into account


I meant the SI incident which was unprofessional at the very least
BillyShears said:
Soulboy said:
The most successful manager ever in English football is Surly Alex.

Do we not think he's had fucking hundreds of "bust ups" with his players? That his man-management skills are seriously lacking on occasions?

Anyone he doesn't like is out on their arses quick style.

Is it right and fair? Maybe not. But is it successful? And that's the ONLY criteria a manager is ever really judged on.

Let's see how Mancini's approach pans out before we question his methods too closely.

That's a poor effort by your normally high standards Soulboy. I'd expect those kinds of cliches to be trotted out by the likes of Rob'eh and his pals...;- )

Slur Alex has over the years been smart enough to adapt his style to the changing times. His knack of getting problem players to fight for his cause rather than against it is testament to his man management skills. He rarely if EVER criticizes his players publicly. He has earned the respect he has from his playing staff, and most importantly, he's a one off. Using him as an example is a bad example...

In your opinion.

Do you want me to list all the players he's allegedly fallen out with?

Doesn't matter if they're superstars or apprentices. They cross him then they are gone.

Has he changed over the years? Obviously. He's a LOT older and so with that comes a certain degree of patience and reflection... but the same principle applies if they cross him. And I challenge you to state a player who has crossed him and survived?

Beckham, Keane, Sharpe, Stam, McGrath, Whiteside... all stars of their time and all who left at the whim of the manager.

I agree with you that he's fiercely loyal to those who show him the same loyalty, but doesn't that also apply to Mancini? He's taking on "problem players" like Balotelli, took quite a few of them on at Inter... and surprisinglyu enough, they are all quoted as loving him as their manager!

All I'm saying is that we just bide our time and find out whether or not his approach is successful. It might be, it might not. But it's early days, we're 4th., we still have half a dozen top players to return... times are good!
BillyShears said:
It's worth noting that Mancini has many of the same characteristics which people who are incredibly successful at a young age have. He is imbued with unending self belief, a healthy disdain for anyone who challenges his authority, and a pathological belief that his way is the only way.

There are reports that at Sampdoria, at a the tender age of 26, he was not only playing, but telling the chairman which players to buy, the manager which formation to play, and probably the tea lady how to make the tea. The guy has more in common with players like Ibrahimovic and Ronaldo, than he does with managers like Ferguson and Wenger...

Whether that proves to be successful in the long term for him we will have to wait and see...Mancini, contrary to popular belief, was disliked intensely by many of the players at Inter by the time he was sacked...

Why not compare Mancini's attitude to stuff to managers who also have that kind of self belief rather than comparing him to two extremely arrogant players?

Who were the many players that disliked him intensely by the end of his time at Inter?
simon23 said:
Noone is bigger than the club and that includes the manager

Thre have been too many reports of this lack of communication for it not to be true .....It may be RM's style but he therefore needs to change it as to some players it is almost offensive (if i was them i can accept being left out if Im told why....but not to be told is wrong)......

The thing with Ade is more worrying. Rm has previous for this sort of behaviour (the Ireland incident about his head not being right).....If you accuse someone of feigning and injury and are proved wrong he owes Ade a huge apoplogy.

RM clearly has a lot to learn about man management
I find it quite amusing, that you believe the papers whenever it suits you.

Seriously how can you rate Mancinis man mangement skills on a couple of articles in NOTW?

IF his man management skills were bad! more ppl than Shay would have been out bashing about it! strange its only those not in favour who are in the papers,
I shay or Ade have a problem, they are more than welcome to talk to Mancini, But

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