Be honest were you there?

Bombo said:
how many of you were at the 10-1 win against Huddersfield. There used to be about 8 of us who went together in them days but we had been playing shit just before this game and all my mates backed out for one reason or another.
A rag mate of mine came with me to the game to test out a fancy new camera he had just bought, I found the photos in a box the other day he gave them me after they were developed. Not seen them for years and it got me thinking about it. Even my rag mate was shouting for a tenth goal at the end, weren't you reggie.
I was.

Re-mem-mem when City scored 10
I went

I was with my older brother but we had to leave at 8-0 as ourkid had to start his shift on the buses at 4.45.
missed the game due to not being born yet, but most of my family were at the game , dad , uncles etc.
Yep I was also at this game alomg with mada-mcfc-adam (or whatever he calls himself on here) the weirdo!

He's my brother by the way ;)

I was there
and at the other 4 games against em that season. Seem to remember in the cup game on th saturday Neil McNab gettin sent off and a bloke throwing one of his crutches at the ref................

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