Brandon Barker for Navas?

As per barker and after seeing his hatrick I have to say I haven't seen such a composed performance from such a young lad in a while and if we don't start giving our academy lads chance then all the criticism we get in the press for our youth policy will be justified ,you Gota give lads motivation that if There good enough they could be with the big boys
chicagoblues said:
Once a scapegoat always a scapegoat .FFS Navas worked his ass off ..tracked back and had shots on target ....gifted perfect cross on plate for Kun and Jove to tap in ...
Who the fuck you want him to cross when we have only one player surrounded by Five of them ? Our style is possession play not fucking swing a cross and hope for the best.

We didn't lose yesterday co'z of Navas.. Why no one moans about untouchable Vinny? He was the one who gave away easy pk .He is the captain and a defender who is responsible for keeping our defense intact .

Couldn't believe the stick navas got in so many ways he was our best player. No one worked harder, no one got the ball more, no one threatened them as much - his delivery was poor but no one else on our team looked like getting close to attempting a cross bar him. It Also frustrates me that out other players didn't offer him more variety as too many times he was left to try and beat three arsenal players with his cross to a marked striker and that at best is a low % shot.

He has been close to our best player on a consistent basis this year ie of the players who haven't been in and out and we should be working on his crossing but even more in having the strikers attacking the near post, peeling off a bit better and positioning better
As for barker what I have seen on the net is incredibly impressive haven't seem a youth player with that talent in a very long time at City. We need to give him a chance as for 20 mins against tired teams he could be a game breaker.

He could easily be the next Paul Moulden he is that good
EalingBlue2 said:
chicagoblues said:
Once a scapegoat always a scapegoat .FFS Navas worked his ass off ..tracked back and had shots on target ....gifted perfect cross on plate for Kun and Jove to tap in ...
Who the fuck you want him to cross when we have only one player surrounded by Five of them ? Our style is possession play not fucking swing a cross and hope for the best.

We didn't lose yesterday co'z of Navas.. Why no one moans about untouchable Vinny? He was the one who gave away easy pk .He is the captain and a defender who is responsible for keeping our defense intact .

Couldn't believe the stick navas got in so many ways he was our best player. No one worked harder, no one got the ball more, no one threatened them as much - his delivery was poor but no one else on our team looked like getting close to attempting a cross bar him. It Also frustrates me that out other players didn't offer him more variety as too many times he was left to try and beat three arsenal players with his cross to a marked striker and that at best is a low % shot.

He has been close to our best player on a consistent basis this year ie of the players who haven't been in and out and we should be working on his crossing but even more in having the strikers attacking the near post, peeling off a bit better and positioning better
it is shocking when you read the comments. It's as if these guys think football starts and end at the point of the cross, and the failure to execute it means you are the Goat.
Can someone tell me how many crosses Milner got in from the other wing? How many was he able to attempt? How about Silva, how easy did he find space in the middle?

It's funny how in a 3 man attacking mid, Navas was by far the best. Milner was permanently absent, Silva couldn't find a hole to breathe out of. But the guy who got own the most, attempted the most crosses, took a gad dam shot at goal, yeah let's try to get that guy out. How come there isn't a similar outrage to find a player on the left to replace the unconscionably absent Milner yesterday. It's no surprise he was the first to get yanked. One was actually a danger to the opposition, the other was pin consequential against a youth starter. Hence why he got pulled at half.

Fans ignored that and focus on the guy that was actually being dangerous.
SkyBlueTX said:
If you weren't frustrated watching cross after cross from Navas carom off the left back's shin pad or knee...well, you're a more patient man than I.
Perhaps! But Its a matter of perspective, I'd rather that, than not even be present or in position to make a play at all. All true the game I was certain, I was certain if we broke through, it would come from Navas. And when we did, it did come from Navas. On the other hand, I'd have Ben shocked if anything came from Milner or the left. He was permanently shackled by the kid Bellrin and Ox. So I wasn't surprised he got pulled at halftime. But if you were on the game thread half of the fans commenting wanted Navas pulled at half. Which seemed strange seeing how helpful he was in trying to containing Sanchez, and how he was the Only attacking player that mustered any modicum of threat, even if it was often of the frustrating variety.
The complete lack of EDS players given a game has annoyed be over the years. When you have a first 11 consisting of the likes of Kompany, Zabaleta, Yaya, Silva, Nasri, Aguero and your playing at home against a team like Norwich there is no reason at all why a player like Barker shouldn't at least be on the bench. Infact, there's no reason why a kid couldn't start the game. Even if he plays poorly he can be subbed at HT, the above players should be able to carry a youngster against a relegation team at home. It'd be good experience for the player and show the other kids that if they keep thheir head down and work hard they will get similar experiences. You never know, an EDS player might just take to the PL and save us 20-30m as Sterling has done for Pool.

I'd love to see Barker being given a go but we barely involve EDS players at home to lower league clubs in the cups. It's not going to happen
Dax777 said:
SkyBlueTX said:
If you weren't frustrated watching cross after cross from Navas carom off the left back's shin pad or knee...well, you're a more patient man than I.
Perhaps! But Its a matter of perspective, I'd rather that, than not even be present or in position to make a play at all. All true the game I was certain, I was certain if we broke through, it would come from Navas. And when we did, it did come from Navas. On the other hand, I'd have Ben shocked if anything came from Milner or the left. He was permanently shackled by the kid Bellrin and Ox. So I wasn't surprised he got pulled at halftime. But if you were on the game thread half of the fans commenting wanted Navas pulled at half. Which seemed strange seeing how helpful he was in trying to containing Sanchez, and how he was the Only attacking player that mustered any modicum of threat, even if it was often of the frustrating variety.
We just need to get everyone back to fitness, plus Yaya and Bony. Then our attack will have teeth, be mulifaceted, and won't involve futile crosses to Aguero and 6 red shirts. Hopefully, we will still be in sight of Chelsea when that happens.
de niro said:
we have never had a winger that works as hard as nevas. defensively too.

Very true. This lad is allowed a rough patch, his assist record is none too shabby,not on his best offensive form at present althogh, as other posters have said when he is running towards the bye line with the full- back back- tracking, if you take a quick look to see who is in the box , against arsenal there was sergio and fuck all else along with 85 arsenal defenders..the law of averages says an arse will block or clear any ball in...

folk on here laugh at utd for being one dimensional and slinging in crosses non stop..Navas on form is a little bit more valuable to City than that; his final ball, back in his heyday was a quite exqusite rolled PASS( not a hit and hope cross) along the six yard line to a waiting forward or attacking midfielder...Clearly now the rest of the prem have caught on to how dangerous this magnificent little wide player really is...look how well marked he was against arsenal..they never let him out of their sight, not once....that in itself told you that wenger and his staff had comprehensively done their home work for an away game, and it was def the most hard working and gritty performance from arse since i can remember...

We as fans should probably remember that we are there to support and Navas could do with a song of his own, some encouragement, not moans and groans the first time he goes through a less effective run of form...

For those of you who doubt his worth to the team, watch him when we lose the ball ..just watch him..tracking back, going in for 50-50 balls( he wouldn,t have been doing that in the spanish league) making cheeky interceptions, this is a lad who has adapted his game for the premier league..

For those of us who have played football, we notice full backs constantlly showing navas inside and not standing off him..when yaya is around no problem, he will take the ball, hold it. probe, look for another opening , wait for players to move off the ball ( basically, if you dont really understand the game......... fuck about for a bit) and work it back wide to navas or zabba in a better position....without yaya, our considerably less talented centre midfielders are not able to comfortably carry out that role....

And as for the op suggesting Barker( who indeed looked the real deal against schalke) a left winger replace Navas a right sided player..........??

The bottom line is, Navas is one of the most dangerous right sided wide players in europe, thats why even arsene wenger, along with the more tatically astute european football coaches are taking great care in preparing to play against him.
Navas is getting unfair flak from some for me, the guy has had a reasonably good season and to slag him for what was the worst perfomance of the season by the team on a whole(bar clichy) is unfair, at least he tried to get behind Arsenal even if it didn't pay off.

As fior Barker surely it would be better to have the lad on the bench as a future prospect rather than Sinclair who has no future here, and if we can then give him the oportunity of a run out then allthe better.

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