City charged by the FA following the Villa match (22nd May 2022)

Yeah just stay in the stands and listen to the dull generic victory songs on repeat, see the Sky / PL lackeys spend half an hour erecting the ridiculously over the top stage and advertising paraphernalia, watch the interminable presentation of seemingly every club employee - loads of fun and then about two hrs later finally see the boys lift the trophy

Nah mate, go fucking crazy and get on the pitch and dance and sing and have fun with your friends cos you don’t know if the one we’ve just won is the last one we’ll win
Selfish wanker.
I hung around for about 5 mins after final whistle then went for a sit down smoke outside. Was in a boozer well before the synchronised jumping up and down took place
Sounds spot on pal. Everyone does their own thing and enjoys the day in their own way.

Something that the grumpy old curmudgeons on here are too obtuse to grasp.
So a few older lads too - we all mature at our own pace ;-)

There’s nothing small time about any of it. Small time would be patiently sitting in your seats politely applauding, waving your scarf and singing along with the music played on the tannoy a la scousers celebrations.

A pitch invasion as you rightly say is a spontaneous outpouring of emotion. Some people find it fun to climb on goalposts - fine with me , leave em to it. Nobody gets all precious when people dig up a bit of the turf as a memento so why are pieces of wood so different ? In a game sanitised beyond all recognition since the happy days we spent watching footy in a slightly anarchic environment in our youth I think it’s very very important that today’s kids get to experience some of the excitement that we did and pitch invasions are one of the few remaining ways of doing so.
We have very different opinions so best leave it there :)
Sounds spot on pal. Everyone does their own thing and enjoys the day in their own way.

Something that the grumpy old curmudgeons on here are too obtuse to grasp.

When you run on next time - despite the warnings - & are subsequently banned - don’t come on here moaning. We really don’t care about you
Media is reporting it as a " violent" invasion. I was watching from the stands, and no it wasn't. Villa GK might have been jostled a little, which is not on, but hardly a hanging offence. As for those over-excited little scrotes who managed to damage the goal posts, why the fuck didn't their dads or uncles call them off and give then a backhander?
( meanwhile, Dippers hold a parade on the anniversary of Heysel. Just saying !)
Media is reporting it as a " violent" invasion. I was watching from the stands, and no it wasn't. Villa GK might have been jostled a little, which is not on, but hardly a hanging offence. As for those over-excited little scrotes who managed to damage the goal posts, why the fuck didn't their dads or uncles call them off and give then a backhander?
( meanwhile, Dippers hold a parade on the anniversary of Heysel. Just saying !)
The police were also attacked at the "Dippers title celebrations".
Granted this was outside the stadium because of ahem covid restrictions.
So let's thank God that the mass disorder was on the streets of Liverpool and that they didn't get the chance to outrage the FA by daring to celebrate their title win on the Anfield pitch

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