Clattenberg Bottled It

crazyg said:
bert's broken neck said:
Remember Clattenburg sending Bellamy off at Bolton, when he was tripped in the area?

Also not calling a foul on Dzeko at Fulham, when they went on to score?

Has quite a lot of previous where City are concerned and why was he reffing Liverpool again, so soon after his cameo at the Swamp?

No agenda - my arse!
Don't forget the non-penalty at Chelsea when we were 1-0 up when Silva was fouled. It was either a penalty or a dive, so he waved play on! Then, in the same match, Meireles(sp) committed 3 yellow card offences (2, imo, should have been red) BEFORE he scored their equaliser - no action taken. He was eventually booked, but the damage had been done. In the second half, Clichy was sent off for 2 "soft" fouls - he couldn't wait to get his cards out, and then gave them a penalty to win it.

As bent as a 9 bob note.

He even fucked us over in the sick swan game. Micah blatantly tripped in the area which would have give us a new derby record of 1-7. He referees politically. Where there is no prospect of any controversy re the result or league table positions, he will referee the game
according to the written laws. When there is potential after-match repercussions he will referee them out of the equation. He did that yesterday. Several times. And little in our favour!
Poor all round performance by Clattenberg yesterday. I'm sure the owners want us to be a club that is respectful and Pelle has that manner about him BUT unless you are prepared to give 'em both barrels every now and again there is no pressure on them to get it right. Suarez should have gone but Clattenberg didn't have the bottle and knew the shit storm he would get if he sent him off and the "oh well that's football" attitude he would get if he didn't.
I've said it on previous posts about Clatternburg being inept and possibly corrupt in some shape or form, people have laughed at me or claimed he's one of the best, he has always been abysmal and dodgy. He should never be officiating in my book.

Some games he will play a great advantage and pundits will get their kleenex out and say wonderful reffing but then you will see another 7-8 games of howlers go under the radar
Gary Owen's Sloping Shoulders said:
Poor all round performance by Clattenberg yesterday. I'm sure the owners want us to be a club that is respectful and Pelle has that manner about him BUT unless you are prepared to give 'em both barrels every now and again there is no pressure on them to get it right. Suarez should have gone but Clattenberg didn't have the bottle and knew the shit storm he would get if he sent him off and the "oh well that's football" attitude he would get if he didn't.

You get the oft uttered epithet "He can only give what he sees"! Well he ought to start opening his fuckin' eyes and see what takes place. The coterie of officials at PiGMol would no doubt grade that an 8 or 9 out of ten performance, highlighting what he got right and ignoring the complete bollocks he made of too many instances.
Clattenberg is just the latest in a recent history of weak refereeing performances we've had to face at Anfield.

2012-13: Rodwell bizarrely penalized for deliberate handball, resulting in Suarez scoring.
2011-12: Reyna handles the ball outside the box in opening minutes (no card)
Balotelli sent off for two nothing fouls

Could go back further (Richards' deliberate handball anyone?), but it just becomes rather depressing.
I don't think the normal rules of football were ever going to be applied yesterday .
As someone else has said - he refereed the occasion rather than the game.
In today's Mail Graham Pol (the f******* ar*****) starts of his article by saying " Referee Mark Clattenburg had a very good game overall" He then goes on to say "Mamadou Shako slides in missies the ball, his follow through trips Dezko in the penalty area Clattenburg waves play on WRONG should have been a penalty" " 53 Minutes Suarez commits a blatant dive Clattenburg waves play on WRONG, should have been a yellow card and a sending off." 94 mins Skirtel handles the ball , City should have had a penalty and the equaliser Not obvious Wrong" Three major decisions all wrong and Clattenburg had a very good game. What do you have to do Graham to have a bad one?
gocity said:
In today's Mail Graham Pol (the f******* ar*****) starts of his article by saying " Referee Mark Clattenburg had a very good game overall" He then goes on to say "Mamadou Shako slides in missies the ball, his follow through trips Dezko in the penalty area Clattenburg waves play on WRONG should have been a penalty" " 53 Minutes Suarez commits a blatant dive Clattenburg waves play on WRONG, should have been a yellow card and a sending off." 94 mins Skirtel handles the ball , City should have had a penalty and the equaliser Not obvious Wrong" Three major decisions all wrong and Clattenburg had a very good game. What do you have to do Graham to have a bad one?[/quote]

Book someone three times.
when the irish cnut said he was going to unleash his crowd , i didnt think he meant to unleash his crowd on the ref , but it worked , clattentoomanyburgers bottled it big time , pity brendas unleashing didnt effect our team because we murdered them 2nd half.

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