Clattenberg Bottled It

Apologies if someone linked this earlier, but even these idiots could see how obviously bent Twattentwat was:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... it.388615/</a>

Obviously no fans of the verminous dippers here, but still.
Len Rum said:
supercity88 said:
We defended poorly and gave Liverpool the upper hand but Clattenburg definitely got the big calls wrong. He should have given Suarez a second yellow, the incident with Kompany is therefore irrelevant. He also should have penalised Skrtel numerous times, how he gets away with full on assaulting players in the box is absurd. He plays 30secs over the allotted added time despite there being 2mins lost with subs and sendings off. Very much played to the crowd and tried to avoid making any calls at all.
That last bit you mentioned about the lack of time added on was scandalous. The subbing in extra time took at least forty seconds but with time wasting either side of the subbing by Mignolet who was spending ages taking a free kick an extra forty seconds was wasted. So under the laws he should have added on a minimum of forty seconds and had discretionary power to add on a further forty seconds for time wasting.
He added on 28 seconds to the five minutes signalled by the fourth official, not even the minimum required.
He added on nothing for the forty seconds taken up by the sending off of Henderson , in other words Liverpool actually benefited from that appalling potential leg breaker. He also had discretionary power to add time on for this incident but again he chose not to.

Added to which when he blew for full time, DeMichelis was just launching the ball into the Liverpool half. Of course, if the ball got anywhere near the box, the rules of Rugby, Volleyball, Hollywood and goodness knows what else would have been invoked, but we never even got the chance.

I'm utterly sick to the stomach. My poor son was deathly silent throughout yesterday evening. Completely shell-shocked he was.
lasereyes said:
Len Rum said:
supercity88 said:
We defended poorly and gave Liverpool the upper hand but Clattenburg definitely got the big calls wrong. He should have given Suarez a second yellow, the incident with Kompany is therefore irrelevant. He also should have penalised Skrtel numerous times, how he gets away with full on assaulting players in the box is absurd. He plays 30secs over the allotted added time despite there being 2mins lost with subs and sendings off. Very much played to the crowd and tried to avoid making any calls at all.
That last bit you mentioned about the lack of time added on was scandalous. The subbing in extra time took at least forty seconds but with time wasting either side of the subbing by Mignolet who was spending ages taking a free kick an extra forty seconds was wasted. So under the laws he should have added on a minimum of forty seconds and had discretionary power to add on a further forty seconds for time wasting.
He added on 28 seconds to the five minutes signalled by the fourth official, not even the minimum required.
He added on nothing for the forty seconds taken up by the sending off of Henderson , in other words Liverpool actually benefited from that appalling potential leg breaker. He also had discretionary power to add time on for this incident but again he chose not to.

Added to which when he blew for full time, DeMichelis was just launching the ball into the Liverpool half. Of course, if the ball got anywhere near the box, the rules of Rugby, Volleyball, Hollywood and goodness knows what else would have been invoked, but we never even got the chance.

I'm utterly sick to the stomach. My poor son was deathly silent throughout yesterday evening. Completely shell-shocked he was.

This. Can't recall the last time a match upset me this much.
I know, Jake. It's 24 hours on and the feeling won't go away. I'm trying desperately to focus on my work, but the "what ifs" keep polluting my mind. It's the sense of injustice I think. Last year, we were plain not good enough to win. Got over that fairly quickly. This is different. We outplayed our nearest rivals for 2/3 of the game in their backyard despite all the crowd hysteria, only to have it burgled from us.
I've changed my mind on the Suarez dive.

My initial thoughts were that Clattenberg had simply bottled it, but that he was within the rules to do so. He wasn't sure enough that Suarez had not been tripped, for him to send him off, so he bottles it and goes for the "safe" option of doing nothing rather than risk all the media scrutiny and public outcry if he wrongly sent Suarez off in such a big game.

But I was wrong. Someone reminded me the whistle has been blown for an infringement. So it is either against MDM (which it wasn't) or against Suarez (which it was). So the "do nothing" option is no longer available. Either Suarez dived, or MDM fouled him, or play should have continued. You cannot blow and stop play simply because one of the players stumbles. MDM wasn't at fault (in Clattenberg's view) and he blew for an infringement, which MUST therefore mean a Suarez dive.

Conclusion: Clattenberg cheated. He cannot claim he didn't know the rules FFS. He knew the rules and deliberately chose not to apply them. This is called cheating. There's no other words for it.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:21 pm --<br /><br />
jake28 said:
lasereyes said:
Len Rum said:
That last bit you mentioned about the lack of time added on was scandalous. The subbing in extra time took at least forty seconds but with time wasting either side of the subbing by Mignolet who was spending ages taking a free kick an extra forty seconds was wasted. So under the laws he should have added on a minimum of forty seconds and had discretionary power to add on a further forty seconds for time wasting.
He added on 28 seconds to the five minutes signalled by the fourth official, not even the minimum required.
He added on nothing for the forty seconds taken up by the sending off of Henderson , in other words Liverpool actually benefited from that appalling potential leg breaker. He also had discretionary power to add time on for this incident but again he chose not to.

Added to which when he blew for full time, DeMichelis was just launching the ball into the Liverpool half. Of course, if the ball got anywhere near the box, the rules of Rugby, Volleyball, Hollywood and goodness knows what else would have been invoked, but we never even got the chance.

I'm utterly sick to the stomach. My poor son was deathly silent throughout yesterday evening. Completely shell-shocked he was.

This. Can't recall the last time a match upset me this much.

I can. 4-3 rags at the swamp with the Michael Owen 107th minute winner. That was the only time I have thrown things in this house.
Chippy_boy said:
I've changed my mind on the Suarez dive.

My initial thoughts were that Clattenberg had simply bottled it, but that he was within the rules to do so. He wasn't sure enough that Suarez had not been tripped, for him to send him off, so he bottles it and goes for the "safe" option of doing nothing rather than risk all the media scrutiny and public outcry if he wrongly sent Suarez off in such a big game.

But I was wrong. Someone reminded me the whistle has been blown for an infringement. So it is either against MDM (which it wasn't) or against Suarez (which it was). So the "do nothing" option is no longer available. Either Suarez dived, or MDM fouled him, or play should have continued. You cannot blow and stop play simply because one of the players stumbles. MDM wasn't at fault (in Clattenberg's view) and he blew for an infringement, which MUST therefore mean a Suarez dive.

Conclusion: Clattenberg cheated. He cannot claim he didn't know the rules FFS. He knew the rules and deliberately chose not to apply them. This is called cheating. There's no other words for it.
I was like you . Suarez should have been sent off .
TrueBlue1705 said:
Clattenburg bottled it today - Didn't want to make a big decision in a big game .... If he's the best the FA can offer as a ref then I dunno where we're going with referees in the PL.

Yes he did...

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