Clattenberg Bottled It

impressed with MP he didnt blame the ref and he hasnt said he is from liverpool and has a season ticket on the kop , unlike the irish cnut who accused the ref at the etihad being from manchester and dragged it out for around 2 months , MP the players and supporters acted with class throughout the day despite being blatantly robbed and to cap it all , our supporters attacked after the game . Liverpool used to be a club i respected , not anymore , you reap what you sow.
Cityisland said:
Remember him expressing great glee in sending off bellamy for a dive vs bolton a few years back. Trouble was, bellamy was tripped. Grinning like a cheshire cat he was. Tit.

Yep, same game Mark Bowen overheard Twattenburg bad mouthing Belllamy to his fellow officials at half time.

City made an official complaint but it was brushed under the carpet.
Chippy_boy said:
I've changed my mind on the Suarez dive.

My initial thoughts were that Clattenberg had simply bottled it, but that he was within the rules to do so. He wasn't sure enough that Suarez had not been tripped, for him to send him off, so he bottles it and goes for the "safe" option of doing nothing rather than risk all the media scrutiny and public outcry if he wrongly sent Suarez off in such a big game.

But I was wrong. Someone reminded me the whistle has been blown for an infringement. So it is either against MDM (which it wasn't) or against Suarez (which it was). So the "do nothing" option is no longer available. Either Suarez dived, or MDM fouled him, or play should have continued. You cannot blow and stop play simply because one of the players stumbles. MDM wasn't at fault (in Clattenberg's view) and he blew for an infringement, which MUST therefore mean a Suarez dive.

Conclusion: Clattenberg cheated. He cannot claim he didn't know the rules FFS. He knew the rules and deliberately chose not to apply them. This is called cheating. There's no other words for it.

-- Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:21 pm --

jake28 said:
lasereyes said:
Added to which when he blew for full time, DeMichelis was just launching the ball into the Liverpool half. Of course, if the ball got anywhere near the box, the rules of Rugby, Volleyball, Hollywood and goodness knows what else would have been invoked, but we never even got the chance.

I'm utterly sick to the stomach. My poor son was deathly silent throughout yesterday evening. Completely shell-shocked he was.

This. Can't recall the last time a match upset me this much.

I can. 4-3 rags at the swamp with the Michael Owen 107th minute winner. That was the only time I have thrown things in this house.

This about sums up my view on it. Without watching the incident again did Clattenburg actually blow for an infringement or did he give a goal kick ?

As for the added on time a minimum of 5 minutes was given, for each substitute in that time you are directed to add on 30 seconds, for a red card you are directed to add on 30 seconds, at least 6 and a half minutes should have been played. So all in all apart from us starting the game poorly we had 3 excellent penalty shouts turned down, Suarez should have walked and we were fucked over with the added on time. He should be stood down but not a fucking thing will be done.
If Suarez had been sent off yesterday, Liverpool would probably have to play Aspas (0 goals in 13 league games) up front in their next game with Sturridge injured (rumoured to be out for rest of the season). Think about that.

Nothing is going to stop Liverpool winning the league. The narrative has been written and referees have been and will continue to bottle it so as to not upset the great sob story.
Der Bomber said:
Apologies if someone linked this earlier, but even these idiots could see how obviously bent Twattentwat was:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... it.388615/</a>

Obviously no fans of the verminous dippers here, but still.
Fuck me; I feel dirty for saying so, but that was a bloody good read. They seem to have a lot of sympathy for us on there; most odd. Then again, maybe they wouldn't have if we weren't playing the candle wielders.
Chippy_boy said:
I've changed my mind on the Suarez dive.

My initial thoughts were that Clattenberg had simply bottled it, but that he was within the rules to do so. He wasn't sure enough that Suarez had not been tripped, for him to send him off, so he bottles it and goes for the "safe" option of doing nothing rather than risk all the media scrutiny and public outcry if he wrongly sent Suarez off in such a big game.

But I was wrong. Someone reminded me the whistle has been blown for an infringement. So it is either against MDM (which it wasn't) or against Suarez (which it was). So the "do nothing" option is no longer available. Either Suarez dived, or MDM fouled him, or play should have continued. You cannot blow and stop play simply because one of the players stumbles. MDM wasn't at fault (in Clattenberg's view) and he blew for an infringement, which MUST therefore mean a Suarez dive.

Conclusion: Clattenberg cheated. He cannot claim he didn't know the rules FFS. He knew the rules and deliberately chose not to apply them. This is called cheating. There's no other words for it.

-- Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:21 pm --

jake28 said:
lasereyes said:
Added to which when he blew for full time, DeMichelis was just launching the ball into the Liverpool half. Of course, if the ball got anywhere near the box, the rules of Rugby, Volleyball, Hollywood and goodness knows what else would have been invoked, but we never even got the chance.

I'm utterly sick to the stomach. My poor son was deathly silent throughout yesterday evening. Completely shell-shocked he was.

This. Can't recall the last time a match upset me this much.

I can. 4-3 rags at the swamp with the Michael Owen 107th minute winner. That was the only time I have thrown things in this house.

Yup that was a killer also, but that wasn't a title-decider. It was more personal pride and trying to escape from years of derision.
LoveCity said:
If Suarez had been sent off yesterday, Liverpool would probably have to play Aspas (0 goals in 13 league games) up front in their next game with Sturridge injured (rumoured to be out for rest of the season). Think about that.

Nothing is going to stop Liverpool winning the league. The narrative has been written and referees have been and will continue to bottle it so as to not upset the great sob story.

Yes when you think about it, Clattenberg could effectively have ended Liverpool's title challenge right there and then (irrespective of the result of the game) had he sent jaws off.
Chippy_boy said:
LoveCity said:
If Suarez had been sent off yesterday, Liverpool would probably have to play Aspas (0 goals in 13 league games) up front in their next game with Sturridge injured (rumoured to be out for rest of the season). Think about that.

Nothing is going to stop Liverpool winning the league. The narrative has been written and referees have been and will continue to bottle it so as to not upset the great sob story.

Yes when you think about it, Clattenberg could effectively have ended Liverpool's title challenge right there and then (irrespective of the result of the game) had he sent jaws off.

It's an SOB story all right. 11 SOBs and an SOB manager.
jimharri said:
Der Bomber said:
Apologies if someone linked this earlier, but even these idiots could see how obviously bent Twattentwat was:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... it.388615/</a>

Obviously no fans of the verminous dippers here, but still.
Fuck me; I feel dirty for saying so, but that was a bloody good read. They seem to have a lot of sympathy for us on there; most odd. Then again, maybe they wouldn't have if we weren't playing the candle wielders.

What strikes me is that, although there is some requisite amount of hostility for the dippers, most of that discussion is pretty philosophical in nature. Why have the laws of football if they are conditional or are not going to be enforced? What is up with this concept of "managing the game," etc.

Even a dipper fan on there admits that Skeletor's handball was a penno and that Bitey should have been off for diving.

And then of course there is this from my new favourite rag, "Plugsy:"

Liverpool players could have raped every single one of the City players and thrown shit into the away end at Anfield and Martin Tyler would have still lauded it as one of the greatest displays of sportsmanship he'd ever seen.
Chippy_boy said:
Someone reminded me the whistle has been blown for an infringement. So it is either against MDM (which it wasn't) or against Suarez (which it was). So the "do nothing" option is no longer available.

Except he didn't whistle for an infringement. He gave a goal kick.

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