Come on Sunderland!!

leewill31 said:
jimharri said:
So; say we end up getting a scrappy 1-0 win tomorrow and move to within 2 points of Spurs. You'll be looking for serious questions to be asked, will you?

i still would considering we should be beating the likes of wigan comfortably at home,happy with the win yes but you would still wonder why we may of struggled?
1. A 1-0 win doesn't necessarily mean we "struggled".
2. You're not going to get free-flowing football under Mancini. He's been in charge since Christmas; we haven't taken the shackles off so far. Why would you expect him to drastically alter his style of play in the crucial run-in? You'd better get used to that. How often have you heard it said that at this stage of the season, it's all about results, not performances? Give me 6 or 7 more, horrible to watch, 1-0 wins now and I'll take them.
Bollocks. Bastard Dipper next to me has joined in the singing with the crowd. Bet he'll find it hard with my foot up his are.
moomba said:
simon23 said:

Please tell me honestly....regardless of you think we are playing well? I dont....even when we were winning we werent playing well in my opinion. I know that winning is all that counts in the end but we arent playing good football at present and havent been for a while.

We're playing as well as I would expect from a side in the 4-8th bracket, and certainly as well as our rivals as evidenced by results (perhaps you only look at some of our rivals results, did you see Liverpool play Wigan the other night?)

I dont look at stats as they can be missleading. I agree we are at times playing as well as our rivals but i expect more....we can and have played better

And its nice to see you back with your blind faith (see everyone can post sarcastic comments though i dont normally like to!)

I don't know what the fuck you are on about, I've posted on here that on my predictor I think we'll finish below Liverpool and Villa.

Ok....Ive said the same thing and been accused of being a doomer...i thought that was by you...apologies

My opinions are based on purely watching how we play....NOTHING the end i dont care who the manager is....i want us to succeed that is the moment my opinion is that playing the way we are we wont. Whehter that is the managers fault or the players is open to arguement

But you consistently ignore evidence that proves that what you think you are seeing is incorrect. You said that Spurs have been much more attacking than us since Mancini took over yet we've outscored them by a mile. You've hinted that Liverpool are playing well and we're not, yet where matching them every step of the way.

Ive said liverpool are improving and we arent...liverpool have in a lot of people's opinions been playing poorly and you say our results match surely then we arent playing well.

Attcking intent isnt always shown by goals scored....they may attack a lot but miss more chances.....maybe our attack is more efficient than theirs, but on te evidence of my own eyes id say spurs attack more (whether they score more or not i dont know so im happy to go with your info_

I was interested to read an old thread not so long ago, we were playing 3 matches (Bolton away, Chelsea home and Spurs). You said that you only expected 1 point from the 3 matches, and any more than that would only convince you that the previous manager was the right man for the job. Fast forward a few months, you're standards seem to have changed. Wonder why that is.

the chelski game was a fluke...nothing more...they battered us

Noticeable that Liverpool have dropped the 2 defensive midfielders approach though at home......Will mancini play two defensive midfielders against my opinion he shouldnt

I personally like 2 defensive midfielders, so long as they are used to give a bit more freedom to the attacking players. But in the long run we can play with 10 defensive midfielders if it gets us the 3 points on Monday.

why be negative in your approach to playing when we are at home to wigan.....a team we are capable of beating. to go out with a two defensive midfielders means that we are always limited in the number of players that we have in attack......look at liverpool today.....every time they attack they regualry have 6-7 players in that attack, do utd when they do do chelski....we have 3-4....the two wingers and whoever is playing as a forward.....or both forwards if mancini is playing 4.4-2.....the other guys are just sat their holding theior position....i dont need stats to tel me this cause ive seen it with my own eyes time and time again....when tevez scored against chelski we only had one man in their half other than tevz.....i think it was dejong and he was only just over the half way line......and there are lots of other examples of this where we will literally only have a centre forward and the two inwgers attacking...everyone else is sat in our happens time and time again.

this over cautious approach has cost us and will continue to cost us games....which is why we wont finish 4th unless he does throw off the shackles
I don't know why anyone is panicking/worrying about Liverpool winning.
Villa away at Chelsea, Spurs at home to Pompey, Liverpool at home to Sunderland, all results were bankers before the game.

We've just got to beat Wigan then Burnley.

As for Torres, i hope he stays at Liverpool. Don't want him here.
TomInce93 said:
simon23 said:
if he doesnt then serious questions should be asked

You got a vendetta against Mancini or are you just one of Hughes`s or Mourinho`s little fanboys

look at the mancini poll no fan of mancini but i dont want him out either....and i dont want jose either

Frazier Campbell is fucking awful
Immaculate Pasta said:
I don't know why anyone is panicking/worrying about Liverpool winning.
Villa away at Chelsea, Spurs at home to Pompey, Liverpool at home to Sunderland, all results were bankers before the game.

We've just got to beat Wigan then Burnley.

As for Torres, i hope he stays at Liverpool. Don't want him here.

you joking?

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