Craig Bellamy £10m

Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

de niro said:
he would improve our squad and thats all that matters.

At this present time yes.

Just wondering Bill...there was a post on here that cited the fact that Bellamy preferred to go to Spurs. Bearing in mind that he probably WOULD be a stop gap here I found that an interesting viewpoint.
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

Numptyed said:
he's just gone off injured against the barcoads lets hope its serious.

Apparently it was a hamstring and the opinion on Youre on Sky Sports was that bellend won't be going anywhere in a hurry with a hamstring. Mind you, we don't know yet how serious it is. What with wanting to sign B'burn's Father Christmas with his calf fever, and Bellend with his hamstring, Ailsa seems to have a thing for injured players.
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

His injury may be a blessing in disguise get onto the next targets.......quick!
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Ten million+ for a stop gap. Crazy. Whatever the problem we have with forwards, strikers, midfielders, Bellamy is not the solution. Some poster suggested he had no neck - he has. It's a brass one.

As there are no ITKs to occupy us, how about this speculation: Ailsa wants to buy Bellend but doesn't see him as a stop gap - after all, there are 10 million reasons why he couldn't be a stopgap, and afurther 90,000 new reasons every single week. Rather, Ailsa sees him as replacement skipper....he is Wales skipper remember.
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

Emile Zola has spoken, and it's only bad news folks: Bellend's hamstring isn't fucked, he was withdrawn as a precaution because it was feeling a little tight.
Is god toying with us?
Re: Craig Bellamy £10m

i hope this scum bag never pulls on a city shirt.....he doesnt deserve the honour of doing it.

he is average at best and a complete and utter piece of s**t......he would be very very bad for dressing room moral...and there are plenty of people wanting rid of elano for that very same reason yet bellamyu isnt fit to lace elano's boots.

this would be a huge ste in the wrong direction signing this guy......i will never ever support him and i hope this slight injury to his hamstring either gets worse or at least puts us off buying him

yes he is better than vass (not particulary hard ) but there are plenty of others that are better than vass and and buying bellamy is scrapping the bottom of the barell.

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