Dangerous Dogs

14 people killed by XL bully's in last two years and they are responsible for 351 attacks this year alone by this breed. Why would you want to own such a dog?? Ban the breed as we can't properly vet owners. Just like gun control, guns don't kill people irresponsible owners do. Breed has to go I'm affraid.
out of interest how many people are killed by Alsatians? Or Labradors Or etc.
out of interest how many people are killed by Alsatians? Or Labradors Or etc.
Minimal in comparison. Think @Psychedelic Casual posted the numbers earlier.

The issue is these scrotes will cross-breed whatever is the most dangerous dog that is legal, and at some point that will become the Alsatian or Labrador.
Sick of this shit now.


The truth is that any dog can attack.
Some dogs can do far more damage than others, but any dog can be dangerous.
Why are some breeds in the news more than others? Draw a venn diagram of irresponsible people who are neglectful or abusive and people who like pit bulls, akitas and other breeds that are tough looking and have a reputation for being aggressive and right there in the middle is the reason some breeds kill more people than others
Id never thought of it that way. But tbh maybe those same types of people would own and use guns more readily and guns are banned.
Rottweilers are from the same group of dogs as XL bullies.

Molossers. Dogs originally bred for war.
It was a pair of Rottweilers that attacked and led to the death of my friends wife who passed last week. It’s interesting as all the XL bully headlines have pushed this to one side. It’s had local media and he now has national media hassling him and crackpots trying to get him involved in groups to campaign against all sorts. The poor fella is totally lost. Her fucking funeral isn’t until the 29th. They need to leave him alone. We are out walking with him tomorrow morning with one of my dogs that he loves and hopefully it will give him some respite for a few hours.
That’s it.
Dog owners whose dogs have been attacked have been left with thousand £+ vet bills while these wasters just carry on regardless!
Make the cunts get licences and public liability insurance if they want to bowl about with these types of dogs.
One solution but a bit rough on some molosser breeds such as the Great Dane and Bulldog.
And The Boxer
It was a pair of Rottweilers that attacked and led to the death of my friends wife who passed last week. It’s interesting as all the XL bully headlines have pushed this to one side. It’s had local media and he now has national media hassling him and crackpots trying to get him involved in groups to campaign against all sorts. The poor fella is totally lost. Her fucking funeral isn’t until the 29th. They need to leave him alone. We are out walking with him tomorrow morning with one of my dogs that he loves and hopefully it will give him some respite for a few hours.

So sorry to hear that. I can see from the reports your mate's wife was a lovely lady and loved dogs.Too many Knuckle-dragging morons with big dogs and no thought for other people.

Absolutely senseless that people think huge working dogs bred to herd cattle and guard properties make good family pets. These dogs should never be owned by lazy or inexperienced owners and are not known to be friendly to strangers.
So sorry to hear that. I can see from the reports your mate's wife was a lovely lady and loved dogs.Too many Knuckle-dragging morons with big dogs and no thought for other people.

Absolutely senseless that people think huge working dogs bred to herd cattle and guard properties make good family pets. These dogs should never be owned by lazy or inexperienced owners and are not known to be friendly to strangers.
Some dogs are bred purposefully to be not friendly to strangers and for good reason. The problem is when they are used for purposes other than originally intended.

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